Good afternoon,

I'm currently completely reworking a Local Security Check scanner for OpenVAS as my bachelor thesis.

Since Debian is so widely used and appreciated, especially by us over at Greenbone, it is obvious that we will want to continue supporting your advisories such as DSA and DLA in the future. To do that, I have come across your useful way of presenting information from your security tracker in JSON ( This is really really useful and almost what I need.

However, this is how our scripts currently look like for checking packages that are stated in your DLAs or DSAs:

As you can see, it's a bit of a problem that all of your information in JSON is listed by packages and their CVEs without any reference to a DSA/DLA advisory. In order to use your information in JSON in the future, it would be fantastic to have the information be listed by advisories (such as a DSA or DLA with their ID, for example). Then, it would branch into e.g. a list of all related CVEs, OS-versions (you'd probably call it "releases"), all affected package names, their fixed versions, the status and the description.

Since this information should all be present in your database, I could definitely see this working and it would be of huge value! Let me know what you think about this. If we could get this implemented as soon as possible, it would be fantastic! Having to parse HTML is not contemporary anymore. This would be a great step forward in the right direction.

Best wishes,

Thorsten Paßfeld

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