Ok, so here is my todo list as of today. I'm mostly writing this out to help myself later, but if anyone has anything to add to these points let me know.

1. The installer is not respecting the debian-ports gpg key, this needs fixed or else the installer will always fail on the "Select and Install Software" step.

One particular issue with this is that the standard debian utilities never get installed. Any easy way to get around that is to do...

apt-get install $(tasksel --task-packages standard | tr '\n' ' ')

when you've booted into the system after installation (and setup sources.list appropriately).

2. When choosing "Guided (Use Entire Disk)" in the partitioner, we either need to create a ext2 boot partition by default or remove the warning about not being able to boot from ext4. SILO will boot from ext4 for me, and others have verified this as well. Even though the SILO utilities and documentation say otherwise.

3. When creating software RAID arrays the installer creates them as /dev/md0, /dev/md1, etc... This propogates to silo.conf as well in the line "root=/dev/md0". However, after installation they are recorded in mdadm.conf as /dev/md/0, /dev/md/1, etc... While the system will still boot, the fsck will fail as it expects to find /dev/md0 which doesn't exist as mdadm is naming the array /dev/md/0. I'm not sure whether we should change the behaviour of mdadm or the installer? Which is considered right? /dev/md0 or /dev/md/0?

4. If /boot is on a software raid array, it needs to be metadata 0.90, not 1.2. SILO cannot install on metadata 1.2 as the metadata sits where SILO needs to be. The partitioner needs to be able to detect where /boot is and plan accordingly. SILO also cannot directly install to a software raid array. silo needs to install to the array's member disks directly. /boot also has to be on RAID 1. no other RAID mode will work with SILO.

In all honestly the right thing to do here is to teach SILO about raid arrays.

Anyways, that's all i've got for the installer as of now. If anyone has anything to add let me know. Hopefully i have them ironed out in the next week or so.

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