
On Mon, 22 Feb 1999 23:39:10 +0100 (CET),
Eric Delaunay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

Eric>     I almost finished my work on bootdisks.  I just uploaded a
Eric>     new set which should fix the problem when booting on serial
Eric>     console [...]

i can confirm, that this seems to be true.

Eric>   Reports of un-/successful installations will be highly
Eric>   appreciated (send your reports to the debian-sparc mailing
Eric>   list).

so here i go:

on two serial-console only ultra 1 clones (no keyboard, no graphic
card, no internal scsi-devices) booting older tftpboot images only
lead to the missing console after mounting the ramdisk and therefore
no further success.

with the new tftpboot image i were able to go through the first steps
of the setup-dialog, but sooner or later a

>  Kernel panic: Wheee. Kernel does fpu/atomic unaligned load/store.

stopped this.

more about:

using the tftpboot-2.2.1.img.2.1.8-sparc image on a

>  screen not found.
>  Can't open input device.
>  Keyboard not present.  Using ttya for input and output.
>  COMPstation U Series UPA/SBus (UltraSPARC 200MHz), No Keyboard
>  OpenBoot 3.3, 128 MB memory installed, Serial #16004028.
>  Ethernet address 0:80:3f:f4:33:bc, Host ID: 80f433bc.

and a 
>  Ultra 1 UPA/SBus (UltraSPARC 200MHz), No Keyboard
>  OpenBoot 3.3, 128 MB memory installed, Serial #3871686.
>  Ethernet address 0:40:dc:3b:13:c6, Host ID: 803b13c6.

(both ultra sparc clones). i tried both with the same external disk.

while initializing a swap partition (with scanning about bad-blocks) i

>  Initializing swap partition...
>  114Kernel panic: Wheee. Kernel does fpu/atomic unaligned load/store.
>  1859
>  [frozen]

next try checked and mounted the swap, but stuck creating the filesystem:

>  Creating filesystem...
>  [...]
>  Checking for bad blocks (read-only test): Kernel panic: Wheee. Kernel does 
> fpu/atomic unaligned load/store.
>  [frozen]

i got both errors repeated on both ultra's while creating/mounting the
swap partition or creating the filesystem.  (and got the same error
without checking about bad blocks too...)

sorry, i cannot support additional test-platform output (especially
with another disk), but the same hardware configuration installs and
runs sol26 fine (well, the installation was fine, not the solaris ;-)

maybe someone else of you out there got this ``Kernel does fpu/atomic
unaligned load/store'' error too ?

but anyway, thank you very much for working on the ultra-penguin


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