Hi again,

> it seems that my client (running Debian 2.1) can not mount anything over NFS
> yet. :-(

This problem is solved now! It was a small typo in /etc/fstab ... colon 
instead of a point. :-/
However, the error messages still appear, although the system comes up
(after a long amount of time...)

> I 've got the following in /var/log/messages:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Jun 16 06:17:22 myclient kernel: RPC: sendmsg returned error 51 

Any hints??

And ... Does anybody know how to create a "fifo" device file over NFS?
>From the newsgroups I read, several people still have problems with this-
but there doesn't seem to be a solution. Or am I only bad at searching? :-)

The server is a Sun running Solaris 2.6, the client is also a Sun, running
Debian linux 2.1. All client's filesystems are imported via NFS (no local

Oh, and can anybody provide me with hints on how to create a swapfile which
will be (also) mounted via NFS?
Can you give me a sample entry for /etc/fstab? 

Thanks! :-)

                HiWi bei der Systemadministration am IMS,
                Universitaet Stuttgart

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