AWE Kernel Patch Troubles

1998-07-03 Thread Eric
I have an AWE64 and I've been using the kernel patch for it ever since I've had Linux. However, with my upgrade to hamm and the 2.0.34 kernel, I had to repatch and recompile my kernel. Along with that upgrade, I got the newest version of the AWE patch, 0.4.2d. I followed the directions in

Re: PGP compiliation problems

1998-07-03 Thread Shaleh
Why are you compiling it?? There is a package of it in hamm already. You just have to go to a non-us server to get it. Try going to (I think). -- Unsubscribe? mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] /dev/null

Re: Can't Copy 161 MB

1998-07-03 Thread Eric
On Fri, 03 Jul 1998, Dennis Dixon wrote: I figured the thing to do is copy all the files on hda6 into hda5(my D: drive), repartition hda6 into hda6 + hda7 (I should use the rescue disk for this?), and then copy back my files from 'D:' on to 'hda6', leaving hda7 empty for future use. (I thought I

Diald connect script for chap

1998-07-03 Thread Randy Edwards
I recently switched ISPs to one that uses NT and its chap. Using the pppconfig package I have my system working so that it works fine with pon. However, I want to get diald working. Unfortunately, I can't for the life of me create a diald connect script that works properly in this setup. Would

Mirrored Drives?

1998-07-03 Thread Chris Brown
Hi, I'm looking to increase the reliability (fault tolerance) of a system that's using IDE drives. Is there a way to add a second identical drive and have the the OS mirror the data on the partitions? such that if one drive actually crashed, the OS would keep running or at least be restarted

X11 fonts not installed??

1998-07-03 Thread Evan Van Dyke
After installing all of the X11 packages(through dselect) on Debian 2.0, I've run into problems. when I try to run XF86Setup, It says that it can't find /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/6x13.pc* So I ran xf86config... then when I ran startx, it can't find /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/fixed when I

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