Clusters, Beowulf y PVM en Debian

2000-02-28 Thread Andres Seco Hernandez
Hola Me gustaria montar un cluster linux con algun servidor de base de datos sql que aprovechase la disponibilidad de un cluster, y despues de remirar en y en solo he visto referencias a RedHat en el primero y nada sobre aplicaciones en el segundo, si no tan

Re: Clusters, Beowulf y PVM en Debian

2000-02-28 Thread Jordi
On Mon, Feb 28, 2000 at 01:06:23AM +0100, Andres Seco Hernandez wrote: Hola Me gustaria montar un cluster linux con algun servidor de base de datos sql que aprovechase la disponibilidad de un cluster, y despues de remirar en y en solo he visto referencias a

Re: Problemas con conexión a internet (solucionado)

2000-02-28 Thread Hue-Bond
El lunes 28 de febrero de 2000 a la(s) 00:14:04 +0100, Barbie Dominatrix contaba: Resultado de ifconfig y route con la PCMCIA insertada: Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse Iface * UH0 00 ppp0

Re: Linux por satelit

2000-02-28 Thread Andres Seco Hernandez
Hola Algo más sobre satelites: El 26 Feb 2000 a las 09:28AM +0100, Cosme P. Cuevas escribio: El Fri, Feb 25, 2000, Nestor A. Diaz wrote: Yo estoy en Colombia, me consigo los equipos para conectarme a un satelite, no cierto? y me Yo, que vivo en Chile, estaba pensando

Re: Problemas con conexión a internet (solucionado)

2000-02-28 Thread Andres Herrera
Guenas On Mon, Feb 28, 2000 at 12:14:04AM +0100, Barbie Dominatrix wrote: Resultado de ifconfig y route con la PCMCIA insertada: Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse Iface * UH0 00 ppp0 localnet

Re: Una de unix

2000-02-28 Thread Fernando
Xose Manoel Ramos wrote: El Fri, Feb 25, 2000 at 08:49:01AM +0100, Fernando contaba: Pero yo busco algo al estilo xconsole pero sin x, quiero decir que sin interferir con el funcionamiento normal me permita capturar los mensajes dirigidos a la consola. ( Si xconsole puede hacerlo, es que

Re: StarOffice

2000-02-28 Thread Diego Bote
On Sat, 26 Feb 2000, Alvarez Ricardo Marcelo wrote: Alguien sabe donde se consiguen los drivers para impresoras HP del Staroffice (deskjet 660C y deskjet 810C) Yo uso Staroffice y no he necesitado drivers de nada pues por defecto usa la impresora que ya tienes definida y tal y como la tienes

Re: Para cuando la Potato

2000-02-28 Thread Antonio Castro
On Sat, 26 Feb 2000, Jordi wrote: On Sat, Feb 26, 2000 at 10:37:07AM +0100, Antonio Castro wrote: Hay gente que me pregunta que cuando puede estar la=20 Debian Potato. =20 Si no he entendido mal parece que hay problemas.=20 Se comenta de eliminar 100 paquetes que presentan problemas y

Configuracion Samba

2000-02-28 Thread Ximo Nadal
Hola: Estoy intentando configurar un Samba (v 1.9.18p8) como logon server. Siguiendo los pasos del documento DOMAIN.txt de /usr/doc/samba en Debian, pero cuando accedo desde las maquinas con w95 ni se entera de que Samba es el logon server (el resto de funcionalidades del Samba van bien). ¿Que

Re: Clusters, Beowulf y PVM en Debian

2000-02-28 Thread David Charro Ripa
Me gustaria montar un cluster linux con algun servidor de base de datos sql ¡anda! ¡que casualidad! ¡yo tambien! ;-) Hay una lista debian-beowulf pero parece un poco muerta Pero Ramiro Alba, (que esta en esta lista), esta montado un beowulf con debian. Seguro que el te contesta mejor sobre

Re: Configuracion Samba

2000-02-28 Thread dfm
Perdona que no responda a tu pregunta, pero me gustaría saber qué documentos has usado para configurar el SAMAB, solo el howto? o algo más? es que yo en breve voy a meterlo en mi casa para dos máquinas que tengo. Un saludo Daniel con fecha 28/02/2000

Re: Para cuando la Potato

2000-02-28 Thread Jordi
On Mon, Feb 28, 2000 at 11:23:24AM +0100, Antonio Castro wrote: El tema de los bug horizons lo puso en marcha Richard Braakman para deshacerse autom=E1ticamente de los paquetes mal mantenidos (si un desarrollador no responde a un bug critico en un tiempo prudente, est=E1 mal mantenido,

Re: Clusters, Beowulf y PVM en Debian

2000-02-28 Thread Ramiro Alba
Hola a todos: Bueno, no es que sea un experto en Cluster Beowulf, pero me he mirado bastantes cosas. Aparte de el software mosix, que para tus necesidades puede que sea la mejor opción (yo no me lo he mirado por mi cluster va con otra filosofía), el mejor punto de partida es el Beowulf HOWTO y

RE: Configuracion Samba

2000-02-28 Thread Juanma
Si te refieres a que el guarrindous no se entera de la contraseña (perdón si te contesto con una cosa diferente a la que preguntas), el otro día me ocurrió lo mismo. Lo que hice fue decirle al innombrable que reconociera la clave en texto plano (que no viene definida por defecto). Para ello copie

Re: Una de unix

2000-02-28 Thread Hue-Bond
El lunes 28 de febrero de 2000 a la(s) 08:45:58 +0100, Fernando contaba: Me salgo del tema pero... crw--w--w- 1 sera sera 4, 0 Feb 28 08:35 /dev/tty0 ^ Ese permiso es muy peligroso. -- Just do it. David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Pregunta sobre Latex

2000-02-28 Thread Sergio Munoz \(Alumno de Doctorado Matematica - Logica\)\)
On Sun, 27 Feb 2000, [iso-8859-1] Manuel Jiménez wrote: Un saludo a todos. Quiero editar en Latex un poema en bilingüe, de tal manera que en la página de la izquierda me quede la versión inglesa y en la derecha la versión transliteral en español. ¿Me podéis ayudar a hacer eso? Abrazos

Re: Una de unix

2000-02-28 Thread Fernando
Hue-Bond wrote: El lunes 28 de febrero de 2000 a la(s) 08:45:58 +0100, Fernando contaba: Me salgo del tema pero... crw--w--w- 1 sera sera 4, 0 Feb 28 08:35 /dev/tty0 ^ Ese permiso es muy peligroso. No se si sera peligroso, pero yo no lo he

Re: Reset al instalar en portátil ¿?¿?

2000-02-28 Thread SKaVeN
Hell-o Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez! El día Sat, Feb 26, 2000 at 07:13:08PM CET Al intentar instalar desde CD (Citius Debian 2.1), desde disquete con resc1440.bin, resc1440-safe.bin, resc1440tecra.bin o resc1440tecra-safe.bin ocurre siempre lo mismo: la máquina no termina de cargar el núcleo y

Re: Sugerencias a la traduccion de Powered by

2000-02-28 Thread SKaVeN
Hell-o Antonio Castro! El día Sat, Feb 26, 2000 at 10:02:36AM CET Debian - oo + ^ original, muy original XD Creo que esta propuesta puede despertar posturas encontradas pero en un eslogan eso suele ser una buena se?al porque luego a fuerza

cuotas de disco duro para usuarios

2000-02-28 Thread Juanma
Queridos amigos: Tal vez la pregunta sea de demasiado novato. Necesito dar una cuota de 100 mb a cada usuario en red de 20 ordenadores conectados en red mediante samba. Los puestos son en guarrindows. Pero no se cómo se hace. Recibid mi gratitud anticipadamente. Juanma Ginzo Santiso.

Re: cuotas de disco duro para usuarios

2000-02-28 Thread dfm
No lo he hecho nunca ni tengo idea de como se hace exactamente, pero si te puedo dar una vista, QUOTA, un paquete de debian y creo que tb hay que habilitar soporte en el kernel... Espero haberte puesto en la pista Saluten Daniel con fecha 28/02/2000

Informe de Prensa

2000-02-28 Thread midiario
Title: Informe de Prensa Usted puede configurar sus propios temas.

samba sambita samba

2000-02-28 Thread Hue-Bond
Buenas. Al compartir una carpeta en el S.O. que tanto amamos por aquí, sale una linda opción que permite dar acceso bien de sólo lectura o bien de lectura y escritura, dependiendo de la contraseña con que se conecte al recurso compartido. ¿Es posible

Re: Configuracion Samba

2000-02-28 Thread Roberto Meyer
Ximo Nadal wrote: Estoy intentando configurar un Samba (v 1.9.18p8) como logon server. Siguiendo los pasos del documento DOMAIN.txt de /usr/doc/samba en Debian, pero cuando accedo desde las maquinas con w95 ni se entera de que Samba es el logon server (el resto de funcionalidades del Samba

Log Ipchains

2000-02-28 Thread Joan Cirer
Hola! En mi maquina con potato, tengo el paquete ipmasq para el masqueradig y me hace un log mediante el syslog de los paquetes que son rechazados por el kernel Desde hace unos 15 dias cuando me conecto a Internet a traves de Infovia+ me aparece en el syslog el siguiente mensaje: Packet log:

¿Dónde pongo el boot de lilo.conf?

2000-02-28 Thread Emilio Hernández Martín
Hola a todos. He recibido algunos mensajes con ejemplos de cómo configurar el lilo.conf para 2 discos duros (yo tengo la partición de Win98 en /dev/hda1, la de Linux Swap en /dev/hda2 y la de Linux Native en /dev/hdb1) y creo que en todos instalais el LILO en el MBR, es decir, existe la

Re: Configuracion Samba

2000-02-28 Thread Ugo Enrico Albarello
At 03:13 p.m. 2000-02-28 -0300, Roberto Meyer wrote: Ximo Nadal wrote: Estoy intentando configurar un Samba (v 1.9.18p8) como logon server. Siguiendo los pasos del documento DOMAIN.txt de /usr/doc/samba en Debian, pero cuando accedo desde las maquinas con w95 ni se entera de que Samba es el

Re: samba sambita samba

2000-02-28 Thread Andres Seco Hernandez
Hola El 28 Feb 2000 a las 06:52PM +0100, Hue-Bond escribio: También, si me podéis dar un par de guías, direcciones o lo que sea, sobre cómo montar el pollo de las políticas de grupo... de momento sé que necesito Samba 2 y que he de crear una carpeta

Re: Configuracion Samba

2000-02-28 Thread Andres Seco Hernandez
Hola El 28 Feb 2000 a las 11:22AM +0100, Ximo Nadal escribio: Estoy intentando configurar un Samba (v 1.9.18p8) como logon server. Siguiendo los pasos del documento DOMAIN.txt de /usr/doc/samba en Debian, pero cuando accedo desde las maquinas con w95 ni se entera de que Samba es el logon

Re: Log Ipchains

2000-02-28 Thread Andres Seco Hernandez
Hola El 27 Feb 2000 a las 10:53PM +0100, Joan Cirer escribio: En mi maquina con potato, tengo el paquete ipmasq para el masqueradig y me hace un log mediante el syslog de los paquetes que son rechazados por el kernel Desde hace unos 15 dias cuando me conecto a Internet a traves de Infovia+

Re: cuotas de disco duro para usuarios

2000-02-28 Thread Antonio Beamud Montero
Juanma [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Queridos amigos: Tal vez la pregunta sea de demasiado novato. Necesito dar una cuota de 100 mb a cada usuario en red de 20 ordenadores conectados en red mediante samba. Los puestos son en guarrindows. Pero no se cómo se hace. Bien, yo hace como 3 años

Re: configuração de tcp/ip

2000-02-28 Thread Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
Entre os pacotes do Debian 2.1 (ha realmente muitos), havera algum com um programa para configuraaoo de tcp/ip? Algo como o Linuxconf, que e comumente encontrado em outras distribuicoes? O que vc chama de configuracao de tcp/ip? As configuraçoes de rede? Eh soh editar o

What happened to e-conf?

2000-02-28 Thread Cyrus Patel
Hi all, I just installed E on a new computer and found out that e-conf is not in the unstable dist anymore. I used to change my key bindings using this tool. Is there now an alternative way to change my key bindings? I checked all the E settings menus and I couldn't find a way. Thx in advance,

possible to extract .cab files under linux?

2000-02-28 Thread addiction
Hello.. Rather silly question but here goes: I don't have access to Windows or DOS and I need to extract the contents of some .cab files. I was wondering if there is any tool I can use to do this, since this is a Microsoft free Debian machine. All I want to do is extract some truetype fonts

Re: What happened to e-conf?

2000-02-28 Thread Marshal Wong
You have to copy /usr/share/enlightenment/config/keybindings.cfg (if you're using a debian system, which I'm assuming) to ~/.enlightenment and edit it by hand. Sorry, I guess they haven't had time to work on e-conf for 0.16. Marshal Cyrus == Cyrus Patel [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hi all, I

Re: Can't print to print queue in GIMP

2000-02-28 Thread John Dalbec
When I bring up the Print dialog I see Printer: File Clicking on the drop down menu reveals no other options. How do I set this up? The manual was no help. I'm no GIMP expert, but wouldn't putting | lp in the file name field end up printing? No, it creates a file named | lp. I

Re: Thank you, Corel, for PPP

2000-02-28 Thread Jonathan Chang
On Fri, 25 Feb 2000, Hans wrote: Huh, what is setserial used for? I thought this didn't have any effect with pcmcia. --Hans BTW, what are you running: Slink, Potato or Corel? Where did you get the upgraded packages? Hi, Hans, I do not know the exact relation. The following is quota from

How to install Zope products in Debian

2000-02-28 Thread Pedro I. Sanchez
Hello, I'm trying to install some Zope products, particularly Squishdot, following the install instructions of untaring the tar file in zope's root directory (/var/lib/zope) and then restarting zope (zopectl restart). However, the products never show up in zope (not even under product

glibc 2.1.3 + kernel 2.3.47

2000-02-28 Thread ethan mindlace fremen
debians, I've installed kernel 2.3.47 on my frozen potato box in order to take advantage of large files (2GB). I can run a test in the box, and it sucessfully creates a 16GB file. ls sees it as a 64MB file, however. When I asked Matti (author of the large file portion), he referred me to the

Re: possible to extract .cab files under linux?

2000-02-28 Thread kmself
On Sun, Feb 27, 2000 at 07:27:04PM -0500, addiction wrote: Hello.. Rather silly question but here goes: I don't have access to Windows or DOS and I need to extract the contents of some .cab files. I was wondering if there is any tool I can use to do this, since this is a Microsoft free

ppp and genpower failure

2000-02-28 Thread Madarasz Karoly
Hello all! How can I configure ppp so in case of a powerfailure signal ppp logins to be disabled, and to be enabled on a powerok signal? Normal console logins are disabled. For ppp logins I use mgettys AutoPPP feature. My system: slink 2.0.28 kernel, pppd 2.3.11, mgetty 1.1.18-1, genpower

Re: apt-get -b

2000-02-28 Thread Oki DZ
On Fri, 25 Feb 2000, Sean Johnson wrote: I like to use apt-move to create a local mirror of all the packages I've installed. This makes it easy to keep the other machines on my home lan up to date. All I do is make the apt-move directory (in my case it's on Thanks; it works fine. /mirror)

Netscape 4.72 installed OK Composer still crashing!

2000-02-28 Thread John Foster
I finally got a copy of Netscape Communicator 4.72 Linux2.2 installed and running. Composer is still crashing on my Potato box. I did as suggested and disabled the java functions and the problem seems to go away. Is this really a Java problem in Potato or is Netscape crapped out. I do not have

Re: Netscape 4.72 installed OK Composer still crashing!

2000-02-28 Thread Seth R Arnold
* John Foster [EMAIL PROTECTED] [000227 23:16]: away. Is this really a Java problem in Potato or is Netscape crapped out. I do not have this problem on my stable Slink systems, and the Someone correct me if I am wrong, but netscape communicator uses its own JRE; it does not depend on the local

Configuration management

2000-02-28 Thread Olaf Meeuwissen
Hi all, Up to now, I've been managing my system's configuration in a rather ad hoc kind of fashion: configuration during installation, fine-tuning it with with the set-up/configuration utilities that come with a package (or as a separate package) and roughly document what I did in a normal


2000-02-28 Thread runner
Hi folks ! I'd like to setup my home network (I installed the cards, softwares, set up ipchains etc.) But I have a final question. If my look out to the world is ppp0, what should I wrote to the /ezc/init.d/network ? The interfaco to the LAN is eth0 and that's clear that I don't have to add

Problems with compiling FreeHDL (free VHDL) in slink - any other experiences?

2000-02-28 Thread Wojciech Zabolotny
Hi All, I tried to compile the FreeHDL ( - The FREE implementation of VHDL-93) on my linux/slink box. When compiling the, the memory usage increased to 70MB causing the build process to fail. Does it really need so much memory, or there is an error (eg.

Is it possible to have isolatin on the shell?

2000-02-28 Thread Bruno Boettcher
Hello, this appeared when exchanging files with windows-users. they are able to use the full isolatin charset when creating filenames, i can't... quite frustrating, i looked at the bash manpage, but could find nothing about the ability to use the iso-latin charset on the shell in general

Why is dictd so large?

2000-02-28 Thread Dylan Paul Thurston
After upgrading to unstable, I noticed that dictd seems to be rather excessively large: it's taking up 8 megabytes at the moment. Is this normal? (I have all the free dictionaries installed.) Thanks, Dylan Thurston (Please CC: me on replies.)

How to send voice messages ?

2000-02-28 Thread Drews Klaus
Hi there, I am using vgetty to simulate my answering machine. When I am not at home, I used to convert incoming messages to wav and send them per Mail to where I am. That works as long as there is a soundcard somewhere around. It happend, that there was none. Bad luck. Now, how do I manage to

help re ppp over PABX

2000-02-28 Thread chadi
hello all, ok, i havent touched ppp for quite some time now and im having some problems dialing to an ISP where the line im using is connected behind a PABX system ... anybody have any idea what should i add to my chatscript (created thru pppconfig) so that it will dial 9 first (for the

crontab + xset dpms

2000-02-28 Thread Seth R Arnold
Greetings fellow debheads; I would like to set my monitor power off times to be different during the night than during the day. To this end, I have added the following lines to my crontab (output with crontab -l): 0 10 * * * xset dpms 3600 0 0 30 0 *

Re: Lexmark 3200 colorjet...

2000-02-28 Thread Högman
Have you set up a /etc/printcap file? You can do so by running magicfilterconfig --force (as root). I'm not sure if your printer is supported directly, but you maybe able to find a filter that works for the most part. Well, I've got a printcap. Been trying to use the lexmark 5700/7000

Esound, I broke it, can I fix it?

2000-02-28 Thread John Miskinis
Hi, I really do not want to re-install from scratch again! I had E+Esound working, with the ~vincent updates. When I started to build the Epplets-Base, it needed esd.h which was not provided in the esound 0.2.14 debian package. I found that it was included as well as some other need stuff,

Re: help re ppp over PABX

2000-02-28 Thread Chanop Silpa-Anan
Once upon a time, I heard [EMAIL PROTECTED] said hello all, ok, i havent touched ppp for quite some time now and im having some problems dialing to an ISP where the line im using is connected behind a PABX system ... anybody have any idea what should i add to my chatscript (created

Re: Mirror Cannot get remote directory details

2000-02-28 Thread Bob Hilliard
Rick Macdonald [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: On Sun, 27 Feb 2000, Bob Hilliard wrote: What causes this error from mirror? Cannot get remote directory details (debian/dists/potato/main/binary-all) I have gotten this consistently on */binary-all, and occasionally on

Re: help re ppp over PABX

2000-02-28 Thread James Grant
Hey, Try setting up 'pppconfig again and type the number you are dailing like this: 9,[then number]. [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/28 6:43 AM hello all, ok, i havent touched ppp for quite some time now and im having some problems dialing to an ISP where the line im using is connected behind a PABX

Re: ppp and genpower failure

2000-02-28 Thread aphro
while i havent tried it myself, PPP logins should be disabled if your using pppd's auth and login option which will use the system's login and use /etc/passwd for passwords. (I use it but havent tested it in event of a power failure) how is your pppd setup for mgetty? nate On Mon, 28 Feb 2000,

Re: Gateway

2000-02-28 Thread aphro
you don't do anything, you run pppconfig and it will do it for you, since ppp is usually not a dedicated link(modem) so pppd will handle bringing the gateway up and down for a ppp connection. nate On Mon, 28 Feb 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: runner Hi folks ! runner runner I'd like to setup my

Upgrading libc6 from slink to potato (no network!)

2000-02-28 Thread Moore, Paul
Apologies if people have seen this before. I initially sent it via the news gateway at our site as I was having trouble getting subscribed, but I'm not convinced that the gateway is making it to the full mailing list (other messages I've sent that way are not in the archives). Now that I've got

Re: IOmega

2000-02-28 Thread Peter S Galbraith
Timothy C. Phan wrote: Hi, Does IOMEGA JAZ 2GB EXT SCSI DRIVE work well in Debian or Linux in general? Anything should I be aware of before go out and buy the JAZ drive? Only that they are expensive. Check out for their Orb drive. Th unit is cheaper and

Re: Esound, I broke it, can I fix it?

2000-02-28 Thread John Miskinis
Hi, FYI - I fixed it! In case anyone else ever gets into this boat, do a make uninstall in the (tarball) 0.2.8 directory, then dpkg -r --force-depends esound. Then re-install the esound deb package, and things will work again. Whew, John Miskinis

Thought for the day

2000-02-28 Thread Eric Hagglund
Before Microsoft came along, they used to say that a pack of cigarettes cut 3 minutes off your life :) __ Do You Yahoo!? Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: Upgrading libc6 from slink to potato (no network!)

2000-02-28 Thread Colin Watson
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Moore, Paul) wrote: Aargh. In order to run dhcpcd on 2.2.14, I need the version from unstable (frozen, I guess). But that depends on the unstable version of libc6, which depends on the unstable version of debianutils, which depends on the unstable version of libc6 If I

Off topic: Where does the group wheel come from?

2000-02-28 Thread David Teague
Hi A buddy of mine asked me this question to which I haven't a clue: History of Unix question for you: where does group wheel come from? I unzipped the classes that come with Netscape, and like a lot of stuff, the files I unzipped were group wheel. I think there might have been a uid that went

Re: crontab + xset dpms

2000-02-28 Thread Frank Barknecht
Seth R Arnold hat gesagt: // Seth R Arnold wrote: I would like to set my monitor power off times to be different during the night than during the day. To this end, I have added the following lines to my crontab (output with crontab -l): 0 10 * * * xset dpms 3600

Re: Off topic: Where does the group wheel come from?

2000-02-28 Thread Shawn
BSD A buddy of mine asked me this question to which I haven't a clue: History of Unix question for you: where does group wheel come from?

IMP Configuration

2000-02-28 Thread Erik van der Meulen
I have installed IMP 2.2.0 and am very pleased with it. It took a bit of figuring out the installation of imap, but that seems to be working too. One issue is still open. I would like the users mail data in ~/mail (which is Debian standard, it seems). I cannot seem to get IMP to handle that. I

Re: enabling suexec with debian apache [solved]

2000-02-28 Thread Joe Block
Robert Varga wrote: One important point about cgiwrap - the current debian package puts the user cgis in ~user/public_html/cgi-bin instead of ~user/cgi-bin. I've filed a bug about it. It's bad security for cgis and their associated datafiles to be web-readable. Yes, I know security

Re: Why is dictd so large?

2000-02-28 Thread Bob Hilliard
Dylan Paul Thurston [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: After upgrading to unstable, I noticed that dictd seems to be rather excessively large: it's taking up 8 megabytes at the moment. Is this normal? (I have all the free dictionaries installed.) Thanks, Dylan Thurston (Please CC: me on

Re: nmbd refuses connection

2000-02-28 Thread Jens B. Jorgensen
What machine is Is that the machine gateway? If so then is nmbd actually running? It might be configured to run from inetd.conf if it is then check out /etc/hosts.allow and make sure that it's setup to allow connections. I'm guessing nmbd probably isn't running for whatever reason

Re: crontab + xset dpms

2000-02-28 Thread Carl Johnson
Seth R Arnold [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Greetings fellow debheads; I would like to set my monitor power off times to be different during the night than during the day. To this end, I have added the following lines to my crontab (output with crontab -l): 0 10 * * *

Re: print all packages and versions a package depends on

2000-02-28 Thread Eric Hanchrow
Mike == Mike Werner [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Mike On Sun, Feb 27, 2000 at 11:13:50AM +0100, Markus Fischer wrote: Hi, just a quick question: How can I print all packages and their version number a given package depends on ? I've seen it in the submitted bugs.

Re: possible to extract .cab files under linux?

2000-02-28 Thread Ralf G. R. Bergs
On Sun, 27 Feb 2000 19:27:04 -0500, addiction wrote: All I want to do is extract some truetype fonts from various .cabs I have on old cd-roms (I need them for something in particular). Try this URL: Disclaimer: I don't

Static MesaGL libraries

2000-02-28 Thread Robert Kerr
Hi all, Are there static libraries available for MesaGL? Thanks -- -bob Particle physicists are always trying to hold a meeting, but whenever they decide on a place, the time changes. ** * Robert Kerr, The morphing guy. *

apt and X window

2000-02-28 Thread ulla . russell
I was wondering if anyone knows of a site to which I can point apt and download a newer version of X. I presently have the servers that ship with Debian 2.1 and they don't support my videocard. TIA Irvine

wine broke with libc6_2.1.3-5

2000-02-28 Thread John Bagdanoff
but when I degraded back to libc6_2.1.3-4, wine works. My wine package is: wine_0.0.2109-2_i386.deb This is on a fresh install of potato I've been running the last month or so. I never had the pre-depends problem. Any one else having troubles with wine? John

[no subject]

2000-02-28 Thread |{ . f| .

FW: IBM Developer Kit for Linux, Java Technology Edition and Debi an

2000-02-28 Thread Varga Róbert
-Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, February 28, 2000 4:50 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: IBM Developer Kit for Linux, Java Technology Edition and Debian Robert, you may use the Developer Kit or

Re: can't activate swap

2000-02-28 Thread FreeMan
I also have rebootet before I formated the disk, I tried it thousand times, no matter what I did, I always got swapon failed - drive or resource busy I also tried other HDs, another RAM, nothing helped. you didnt mention that you rebooted, that message is very common when you do not reboot.

Re: Netscape 4.72 installed OK Composer still crashing!

2000-02-28 Thread Peter Cordes
On Mon, Feb 28, 2000 at 01:18:45AM -0600, John Foster wrote: I finally got a copy of Netscape Communicator 4.72 Linux2.2 installed and running. Composer is still crashing on my Potato box. I did as suggested and disabled the java functions and the problem seems to go away. Is this really a

Re: help re ppp over PABX

2000-02-28 Thread Dannie Ginsburg
On Tue, Feb 29, 2000 at 12:57:21AM +1100, Chanop Silpa-Anan wrote: Once upon a time, I heard [EMAIL PROTECTED] said hello all, ok, i havent touched ppp for quite some time now and im having some problems dialing to an ISP where the line im using is connected behind a PABX system

Re: apt and X window

2000-02-28 Thread Peter Palfrader
Hi ulla! On Mon, 28 Feb 2000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I was wondering if anyone knows of a site to which I can point apt and download a newer version of X. I presently have the servers that ship with Debian 2.1 and they don't support my videocard. Try

Re: possible to extract .cab files under linux?

2000-02-28 Thread addiction
In our last episode, on Mon, Feb 28, 2000 at 08:10:41PM +0100, Ralf G. R. Bergs wrote: On Sun, 27 Feb 2000 19:27:04 -0500, addiction wrote: All I want to do is extract some truetype fonts from various .cabs I have on old cd-roms (I need them for something in particular). Try this URL:

RE: wine broke with libc6_2.1.3-5

2000-02-28 Thread Pollywog
On 28-Feb-2000 John Bagdanoff wrote: but when I degraded back to libc6_2.1.3-4, wine works. My wine package is: wine_0.0.2109-2_i386.deb This is on a fresh install of potato I've been running the last month or so. I never had the pre-depends problem. Any one else having

FW: IBM Developer Kit for Linux, Java Technology Edition and Debi an (fwd)

2000-02-28 Thread Robert Varga
Hello all, Sorry for crossposting, but I think this may be important enough to warrant that action. I have received the following letter from IBM. This states that in two weeks the license for IBM JDK will change so that it will not contain any restrictions for the usage of it on any Linux

sorry for posting twice

2000-02-28 Thread Robert Varga
And sorry for posting my previous message twice, but it took a very long time for my first message from a non-subscribed address to make it on the list, so I thought that they are ignored by the list processor. At the moment I sent my second letter did the first one from the list arrive. Sorry

Re: Why is dictd so large?

2000-02-28 Thread Dylan Paul Thurston
On Mon, Feb 28, 2000 at 10:15:26AM -0500, Bob Hilliard wrote: Dylan Paul Thurston [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: After upgrading to unstable, I noticed that dictd seems to be rather excessively large: it's taking up 8 megabytes at the moment. Is this normal? (I have all the free dictionaries

listserver commands sent to lists (was: (none))

2000-02-28 Thread Peter Palfrader
On Tue, 29 Feb 2000, |{.f|. wrote: subscribe Would it be possible to setup filters that intercept mails containing a command like subscribe or unsubscribe in the first line of the body? and something different: Is there a reason the default Reply-To address is _not_ the list itself?

SuExec(?) isn't installed?

2000-02-28 Thread andreas pålsson
Hello. This might be a stupid question, but how do I get support for SuExec in Apache? I've been browsing the Apache website and /usr/doc, but there's no easy explaination of how to implement it. I've noticed in several places that it is recommenden not to use SuExec, but what other

Re: Lexmark 3200 colorjet...

2000-02-28 Thread Högman
You can try cat somefile.txt /dev/lp0 (/dev/lp1). As far as compatibility is concerned, the only thing I can think of is to search the archives, or go and search there. Hopefully someone else has a similar printer and can make a better (more informed) suggestion. Hm. Apparently,

raid0 or knfs -error

2000-02-28 Thread Peter Bartosch
hello, everybody i'm using a 2.2.13ac3 kernel with hpt366 patches on an Abit BP6-board i have my raid0 (pub, 34GB) exported, sometimes when i access the raid via nfs (knfs 1.4.7 client) i get following message: Feb 27 22:29:00 mind kernel: find_fh_dentry: 08:03/116774 dir/116815 not found!

Re: can't activate swap

2000-02-28 Thread aphro
dont know what else to suggest other then wiping the whole drive out, rebooting, adding a swap partition, rebooting again, format the partition and try to mount it. ive gotten that error and the above has always fixed it(if you've tried it try again- delete ALL the partitions on the drive). to be

Re: SuExec(?) isn't installed?

2000-02-28 Thread Robert Varga
On Mon, 28 Feb 2000, [iso-8859-1] andreas pålsson wrote: Hello. This might be a stupid question, but how do I get support for SuExec in Apache? You have to set the suid bit of /usr/lib/apache/suexec or /usr/lib/apache-ssl/suexec according to which one you use. If you have suidmanager

Re: possible to extract .cab files under linux?

2000-02-28 Thread Bradley Bell
The CD should come with a DOS program to extract the cab files, EXTRACT.EXE, I think. Have you tried using that under dosemu/freedos? -brad On Sun, 27 Feb 2000, addiction wrote: Hello.. Rather silly question but here goes: I don't have access to Windows or DOS and I need to extract the

Re: Static MesaGL libraries

2000-02-28 Thread Robert Kerr
On Mon, 28 Feb 2000, Robert Kerr wrote: Hi all, Are there static libraries available for MesaGL? Thanks Hi all, Nevermind--I found them hits self with cluebat and asks Why didn't I look through dselect before posting? -- -bob Particle physicists are always trying to hold a meeting,

Re: SuExec(?) isn't installed?

2000-02-28 Thread Adam Shand
This might be a stupid question, but how do I get support for SuExec in Apache? i just went through this a couple days ago. I've been browsing the Apache website and /usr/doc, but there's no easy explaination of how to implement it. all you have to do is add the suid bit to

how do I pick gnome-terminal's meta key?

2000-02-28 Thread Cliff Draper
I got a new machine and am trying to setup the same meta key to work under all of my programs. gnome-terminal seems to want the alt key and ignores the meta key, whereas emacs uses the meta key and ignores the alt key. So, I can't just swap them with an xmodmap. Is there a way to tell

Kernel Compile

2000-02-28 Thread Sean McIlwain
I am attempting to compile the 2.0.38 kernel under debian using a 486 33MHz computer. The current version of GCC is 2.91.66-0slink. I also have all the current versions of the library files. After I configure, make dep, make clean, then make bzImage (or zImage) I get the following errors:

build raid on install

2000-02-28 Thread Brian Lavender
Is it possible to build RAID-1 on install before installing any packages. I was looking at the software-RAID howto, and it says to install linux on a single partition, then create your RAID devices, and then move the data over to the raid devices. Here is my setup: /dev/sda1 swap 64 Megs

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