
2000-07-21 Thread Jorge Baña

Re: AGP.

2000-07-21 Thread Darlock
On Thu, 20 Jul 2000, Ricardo Adolfo Rodríguez wrote: Holas a todos. Tengo una tarjeta de video Trident 970 AGP 4MB. En esto no te puedo ayudar, ya que no se nada del tema este de AGP, pero segun mi humilde e inexperta opinion diria que es lo mismo a nivel de las X una

Re: Instalar un weblog

2000-07-21 Thread Hue-Bond
El miércoles 19 de julio de 2000 a la(s) 21:32:37 +0200, Jaume Sabater contaba: Hace poquito instalé una SuSE, y me encontré con un problema parecido: a partir de una ADSL y un módem, los dos sin IP fija (lo del ADSL por si las moscas, pues timofónica patece ser que no lo puede hacer, aunque

Sobre S3 trio 3D 2X

2000-07-21 Thread dbote
Pues eso, que me han puesto un nuevo equipo y todo va estupendamente pero no soy capaz de reconfigurar las X. La tarjeta es la del asunto, subjet, y ocurre que... Si le pongo el servidor S3 da el típico error de que no puede conectar con el servidor, error 111. Si le

xfree 4.0.1, Banshee e IMPS/2

2000-07-21 Thread estoy
Tengo 2 problemas con las xfree-4.0.1: 1.- Cada vez que inicio mi sesion en X se me bloquea el sistema, en algun lado lei que la causa puede ser por tener activado gpm. He aqui las lineas correspondientes a mi mouse: == /etc/gpm.conf == append=-R

Como funciona Zope. Donde estan los archivos

2000-07-21 Thread 31
He instalado estos días el servidor Zope y el software squishdot, pero no entiendo muy bien como funciona. Bueno, la pregunta es que yo no estoy conectado y pongo http://localhost:9673 y me carga la página con todas las imagenes y textos y entonces yo me supongo que tiene que estar todo en mi

Re: un script para lectores de LA y SL

2000-07-21 Thread 31
Que viva el proyecto (¿Como lo llamaremos?) Lo principal es aclarar de que va a ir concretamente el proyecto, ¿base de datos sobre articulos impresos sobre linux? ¿articulos y cds sobre linux? ¿articulos y libros? ¿articulos, foros, grupos de noticias, libros? ¿todas las fuentes de

donde estan las lineas para los colores de vim

2000-07-21 Thread 31
Un amigo me ha dicho que edite el fichero /etc/vimrc para que el vim utilice colores pero no existe tal fichero, donde o como puedo configurar el vim par que acepte colores. -- Saludos borxa ;)

Re: Instalar un weblog

2000-07-21 Thread 31
Si, ya me he olvidado de todo el embrollo anterior y he hecho simplemente apt-get install squishdot y debian solita me ha puesto a funcionar todo (otra razón más para seguir enamorado). Ahora uso mi ordenador para servir la aplicación, pero se usa en le puerto 9673, y así que da la dirección

Data Display Debugger

2000-07-21 Thread jose
Estoy empezando a utilizar ddd y no consigo que me aparezcan los fuentes que quiero que me salgan para debuguear. El caso es que tengo un ejecutable compilado con g++ -g -O2 ... y me aparecen los fuentes de los ficheros del include pero no el fuente principal. Intento abrir un fichero con Open

Notescapes 4.73

2000-07-21 Thread jrfern
Saludos. Me actualicé a Navigator 4.73_32 (4.72 tiene un fallo de seguridad) y comenzaron a aparecerme problemas de 'No plugin available for application/octec-stream', 'No plugin for text/plain' (sic), etc. Me pongo a escarbar y resulta que de netscape-base-473 han desaparecido

Re: Rescue Disks

2000-07-21 Thread Petr \[Dingo\] Dvorak
On Thu, 20 Jul 2000, Richard Ingram wrote: RI I have been upgrading Xfree but something obviously went wrong as when I RI boot up now it hangs at the starting Xfontserver startup and does not even RI get to the login prompt. Before I blat over and reinstall debian is there an RI easy way of

Re: Rescue Disks

2000-07-21 Thread Ragga Muffin
Richard Ingram [EMAIL PROTECTED] I have been upgrading Xfree but something obviously went wrong as when I boot up now it hangs at the starting Xfontserver startup and does not even get to the login prompt. Before I blat over and reinstall debian is there an easy way of creating a set of

[ot] desperate. anyone used webcombo? (isp)

2000-07-21 Thread Pat Mahoney
Sorry to be slightly off topic, but I am a little desperate here. Has anyone used webcombo isp with linux? It is a no monthly fee with no banner ads and a one time fee of $100-$175 for software. This software seems to be IE, net nanny, etc. They also mention something about software used to

Loopback in interfaces Wrongly Commented on Upgrade

2000-07-21 Thread Jameson Burt
As I upgraded from slink to potato, I believe an interactive comment mentioned that 2.2.* kernels (I run kernel 2.2.16) need no explicit loopback. Because of my selection, the upgrade script produced a file /etc/network/interfaces with all lines commented. In particular, this interfaces

lock-up with thrashing

2000-07-21 Thread Michael Soulier
So, I get home from finally seeing the X-Men movie (I truly expected them to hack it up horribly, but I was impressed...) to find my Debian box thrashing away like crazy. The mouse would barely respond, and a ctrl-alt-backspace only partially shut down X. It just sort of hung while the

Re: lock-up with thrashing

2000-07-21 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Fri, Jul 21, 2000 at 01:37:12AM -0400, Michael Soulier wrote: So, I get home from finally seeing the X-Men movie (I truly expected them to hack it up horribly, but I was impressed...) to find my Debian box thrashing away like crazy. The mouse would barely respond,

Re: Planner/PIM/Calendar Packages

2000-07-21 Thread Erik van der Meulen
On Thu, Jul 20, 2000 at 19:38:46 -0700, Mark Wagnon wrote: I was wondering if there was a calendar/planner software that would allow one to enter appointments and tasks, then on any given day, print out a list of appointments and tasks for that day. At work we use Novell GroupWise, and it

[no subject]

2000-07-21 Thread Baksa János

Debian 2.1 = Kernel problem

2000-07-21 Thread Sven Meister
Hallo Debians, I just received the Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 distribution. It consists of 5 CDs. The first one is the install-CD. On this first CD there is the kernel 2.0 and this kernel will be automaticly installed. But then I'll have the problem that my SCSI-Controller won't be detected. So I

Re: Forwarding sent email-

2000-07-21 Thread Mark Brown
On Thu, Jul 20, 2000 at 08:14:35PM -0500, Tom Warfield wrote: I know that procmail can go through and forward someones email to them at another address while it still delivers it to there email box. But i am wanting to do the same on outgoing as well. Once someone sends out a email i want

Re: Debian 2.1 = Kernel problem

2000-07-21 Thread Tom Pfeifer
Someone can probably help you with that SCSI problem, but failing that, there's no need to buy Debian 2.2 (potato). In fact you probably can't yet anyway since it isn't quite released yet. What you could do instead is download just the handful of files needed to install the base potato system

Re: Planner/PIM/Calendar Packages

2000-07-21 Thread Johann Spies
On Thu, Jul 20, 2000 at 07:38:46PM -0700, Mark Wagnon wrote: Anyone know if anything like this exists for Linux? Staroffice's schedule can be used for this. It can also synchronize with the Palm Pilot. Johann -- J.H. Spies, Hugenotestraat 29, Posbus 80, Franschhoek, 7690, South Africa

Re: Copy paste with a mouse

2000-07-21 Thread Lukasz Walewski
I've already setup my mouse; it is 2-button serial ms mouse. I used Emulate 3 buttons option in XF86Setup. On Fri, 21 Jul 2000, Nick Croft wrote: Run mseconfig. Is it standard package? I can't find it with dselect. Lukas

Re: lock-up with thrashing

2000-07-21 Thread Manoj Victor Mathew
On Thu, Jul 20, 2000 at 11:29:34PM -0700, Eric G . Miller wrote: Debian box thrashing away like crazy. The mouse would barely respond, and a ctrl-alt-backspace only partially shut down X. It just sort of hung while the system went nuts, the harddrive sounding like it was about to blow its

fetchmail troubles

2000-07-21 Thread Christoph Simon
I'm experiencing odd problems retrieving my mail using fetchmail on debian frozen. No matter what options I give, the last message always hangs. The size of the message is correctly displayed, and I can see the message in /var/spool/mqueue, but it never ends, continuing sending just spaces, megas

exmh and Xauth

2000-07-21 Thread Christoph Simon
I'm using ``xhost local:root'' to enable su using X. I'm having exmh open most of the time, which removes this setting more or less immediately. Is there a way to stop it from doing so? TIA Christoph Simon -- ^X^C q quit :q ^C end x exit ZZ ^D ? help .


2000-07-21 Thread Dominic Blythe
just been checking out and they've got binaries of J2EE SDK for redhat 6. I presume these are .rpm, although i haven't checked it out. anybody know of any (plans to make a) .deb for these? Dominic Blythe Programmer __ BCP Ltd, BCP

proxy on 8080

2000-07-21 Thread Christoph Simon
I'm having a proxy running on port 8080 to enable local machines using my Internet connection. It works fine from the local host; also the other machines can use it for a certain time, but then I get a syslog entry ``inetd[175]: webcache/tcp server failing (looping), service terminated'' so I

Re: staroffice

2000-07-21 Thread Ed Cogburn
Morten Liebach wrote: On Thu, Jul 20, 2000 at 05:03:20PM -0500, Timothy C. Phan wrote: Hi, Where can I find staroffice 5.1 in .deb package? I searched the and found the installer for 3.1 but not the 5.1. Thanks! I don't think you can. It's easy to

Re: staroffice

2000-07-21 Thread Ed Cogburn
Morten Liebach wrote: On Thu, Jul 20, 2000 at 05:03:20PM -0500, Timothy C. Phan wrote: Hi, Where can I find staroffice 5.1 in .deb package? I searched the and found the installer for 3.1 but not the 5.1. Thanks! I don't think you can. It's easy to

Re: Forwarding sent email-

2000-07-21 Thread David Wright
Quoting Tom Warfield ([EMAIL PROTECTED]): I know that procmail can go through and forward someones email to them at another address while it still delivers it to there email box. But i am wanting to do the same on outgoing as well. Once someone sends out a email i want it to forward a copy

papersize in pixels; reverse printing

2000-07-21 Thread Andre Berger
I would like to know the pixelsize of A4 paper. /etc/papersize: a4 /etc/printcap: lp|Apple Stylewriter for ASCII, using gs for rasterization:\ :lp=/dev/ttyS0:sd=/var/spool/stylps:\ :px#3060:py#3960:sh:sf:rw:\ :if=/usr/sbin/stylascii:\ :lf=/var/log/lpd-errs:

Re: [Debian]:Re: dateien wiederherstellen und umlautprobleme

2000-07-21 Thread Joachim Trinkwitz
Andreas Rottmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hab wohl den kontext übersehen/vergessen: Schau mal mit dpkg --fsys-tarfile pkg.deb | tar -t ob deine Datei dabei ist. Wenn ja, dann extrahierst du sie mit dpkg --fsys-tarfile pkg.deb | tar -x my/poor/lost/file Alternativ kannst Du auch den MC

Re: PS2 mouse and gpm

2000-07-21 Thread Joachim Trinkwitz
Ethan Pierce [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: My main goal is just to get my middle mouse button working on my mouseman + ps/2 mouse. The paste does work, unfortunately only with l+r buttons combined instead of the middle wheel button. It used to work in Mandrake :( and Ive been so pleased with

Re: Planner/PIM/Calendar Packages

2000-07-21 Thread Bob Brown
I'm partial to ical. Mark Wagnon wrote: I was wondering if there was a calendar/planner software that would allow one to enter appointments and tasks, then on any given day, print out a list of appointments and tasks for that day. At work we use Novell GroupWise, and it allows one to

Re: network/ethernet card configuration problem?

2000-07-21 Thread James Polson
Hi, Many thanks again to the several people who offered their advice to help me solve my configuation problem with my ethernet card (Simon Hales, John (?), Bolan Meek, Esko Lehtonen, and John Pearson)! The method described below (by John Pearson) was the first that I tried, and it worked

Re: Planner/PIM/Calendar Packages

2000-07-21 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Check out 'plan' and 'netplan', complementary packages that are available in Debian. They're based on Motif, so they're not the prettiest looking things in the world, but they're really full featured and powerful... noah On Thu, 20 Jul 2000, Mark Wagnon

Re: Loopback in interfaces Wrongly Commented on Upgrade

2000-07-21 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Fri, Jul 21, 2000 at 01:27:16AM -0400, Jameson Burt wrote: As I upgraded from slink to potato, I believe an interactive comment mentioned that 2.2.* kernels (I run kernel 2.2.16) need no explicit loopback. Because of my selection, the upgrade script produced a file

Xemacs VM w3

2000-07-21 Thread debian
Make it stop! When i upgraded to potato, xemacs and vm began trying to read html-ized email as html with w3. Everything hangs as emacs tries to reach some remote advert site or somesuch nonsense. Where in the options or the configurations do i turn this feature off?? If i have to i'll look at


2000-07-21 Thread Jens B. Jorgensen
Why not just convert them to debs yourself. The alien package will do this. Dominic Blythe wrote: just been checking out and they've got binaries of J2EE SDK for redhat 6. I presume these are .rpm, although i haven't checked it out. anybody know of any (plans to make a) .deb

Re: how to install a fake package?

2000-07-21 Thread Wouter Hanegraaff
On Thu, Jul 20, 2000 at 12:02:38AM -0400, Mike Johnson wrote: I currently use debian2.2 , And I used Corel's CorelExploer And I want to be able to use it in debian. but When i use apt to install it , it gives me this error. Sorry, but the following packages have unmet dependencies:

Re: PS2 mouse and gpm

2000-07-21 Thread Bolan Meek
Ethan Pierce wrote: There was some talk on the list earlier today about removing gpm to get better results with the paste feature. I plan to try this later when I get home from workbut does anyone know if taking out gpm will mess up the x server? Taking out gpm will not mess up the x

Re: staroffice

2000-07-21 Thread Bob Nielsen
There was a post on zdnet recently saying that Sun was supposedly planning to release staroffice source licensed under the GPL. That would allow it to be packaged as part of Debian. I haven't seen any official announcement, however. On Fri, Jul 21, 2000 at 08:09:00AM -0400, Ed Cogburn wrote:

apsfilter on Epson Stylus Color... Who can help?

2000-07-21 Thread Andreas Hetzmannseder
I've grown a long grey beard (no, not really :) ...) about the following problem: Attempting to print a simple text file with lpr filename on my Epson Stylus Color 600 produces a single line: Unknown device: escp2 Then it prints the same sentence on new sheets of paper over and over

Re: PS2 mouse and gpm

2000-07-21 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Fri, Jul 21, 2000 at 11:02:07AM -0500, Bolan Meek wrote: Ethan Pierce wrote: There was some talk on the list earlier today about removing gpm to get better results with the paste feature. I plan to try this later when I get home from workbut does anyone know if taking out gpm


2000-07-21 Thread Christophe Broult
Dominic Blythe [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: just been checking out and they've got binaries of J2EE SDK for redhat 6. I presume these are .rpm, although i haven't checked it out. If there are some .rpm, you should try to use the alien package. Chris

Re: cannot compile ppp-2.4.x

2000-07-21 Thread Christophe Broult
Pollywog [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: On 20-Jul-2000 Mario Olimpio de Menezes wrote: On Thu, 20 Jul 2000, Pollywog wrote: On 20-Jul-2000 Pollywog wrote: [...] Hi, are you going to produce .deb's? Do I need ppp 2.4 for a dialup conection? Do you know if

Re: cannot compile ppp-2.4.x

2000-07-21 Thread Pollywog
On 21-Jul-2000 Christophe Broult wrote: In the file linux/Documentation/Changes, you can find the following PPP --- The PPP driver has been restructured to support multilink and to enable it to operate over diverse media layers. If you use PPP, upgrade pppd to at least

RE: apsfilter on Epson Stylus Color... Who can help?

2000-07-21 Thread Pollywog
I have an Epson Stylus Color 740 printer and I could not get it to work with apsfilter. I used Magicfilter instead, and the printtool and both worked for me. -- Andrew

Re: fetchmail troubles

2000-07-21 Thread Mark Brown
On Fri, Jul 21, 2000 at 09:02:35AM -0500, Christopher Tessone wrote: Could you perhaps provide a little more information about your fetchmail setup and sendmail configuration? As for me, I've never had A trace of the session (ie, the output of fetchmail -v) would probably also be useful. I'm

Re: cannot compile ppp-2.4.x

2000-07-21 Thread Mario Olimpio de Menezes
On 21 Jul 2000, Christophe Broult wrote: In the file linux/Documentation/Changes, you can find the following PPP --- The PPP driver has been restructured to support multilink and to enable it to operate over diverse media layers. If you use PPP, upgrade pppd to at least

Re: fetchmail troubles

2000-07-21 Thread Christoph Simon
On Fri, Jul 21, 2000 at 09:02:35AM -0500, Christopher Tessone wrote: Could you perhaps provide a little more information about your fetchmail setup and sendmail configuration? As for me, I've never had A trace of the session (ie, the output of fetchmail -v) would probably also be

Re: fetchmail troubles

2000-07-21 Thread Chris Tessone
On Fri, Jul 21, 2000 at 06:12:29PM +0100, Mark Brown wrote: A trace of the session (ie, the output of fetchmail -v) would probably also be useful. I'm a bit concerned that you say that the SMTP server keeps your mailbox locked when things fail - it shouldn't be touching the mailbox until

Re: apsfilter on Epson Stylus Color... Who can help?

2000-07-21 Thread Tom Pfeifer
I would also suggest giving magicfilter a try if you don't resolve your apsfilter problem. I have the SC 660, amd the magicfilter package works well with it. The SC 600 is well supported. Magicfilter has 3 filters for it: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tom Andreas

Re: apsfilter on Epson Stylus Color... Who can help?

2000-07-21 Thread Andreas Hetzmannseder
I have an Epson Stylus Color 740 printer and I could not get it to work with apsfilter. I used Magicfilter instead, and the printtool and both worked for me. Thanks for your recommendation. I would like to give apsfilter a last chance. If I can't find a way to make it work, I will gladly

Re: cannot compile ppp-2.4.x

2000-07-21 Thread Pollywog
On 21-Jul-2000 Christophe Broult wrote: In the file linux/Documentation/Changes, you can find the following PPP --- The PPP driver has been restructured to support multilink and to enable it to operate over diverse media layers. If you use PPP, upgrade pppd to at least

Re: cannot compile ppp-2.4.x

2000-07-21 Thread Pollywog
On 21-Jul-2000 Mario Olimpio de Menezes wrote: that info was the reason of my question! I read that also in Changes and as I didn't find ppp-2.4 for debian I just held the upgrade for now! any success Pollywog? I am using PPP 2.3.11 with kernel 2.4.0 test4 and it works fine :) As for my

Re: staroffice

2000-07-21 Thread Ethan Pierce
I thought it was an easy get...a full featured office suite for cant beat took me about 10 minutes to dload it...sun has a fast site...the only pain is you have to register once :) - Original Message - From: Ed Cogburn [EMAIL PROTECTED] To:

RE: staroffice

2000-07-21 Thread Tremaine Lea
It might interest you to know that Sun has released StarOffice 5.2 I thought it was an easy get...a full featured office suite for cant beat took me about 10 minutes to dload it...sun has a fast site...the only pain is you have to register once :) - Original Message

Re: staroffice

2000-07-21 Thread Ethan Pierce
yes thats what I was referring to...5.2 is nice and a seemingly good improvement over 5.1 - Original Message - From: Tremaine Lea [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Ethan Pierce [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Ed Cogburn [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc: Sent: Friday, July 21, 2000 2:19 PM Subject:

Re: HP DesignJet 750C plotter support?

2000-07-21 Thread Lee Elliott
Matthew Thompson wrote: Hello, I work for a small, marine surveying firm that uses the above mentioned plotter. I am setting up a potato server to handle various tasks, among which should be serving print jobs to the plotter via Samba. I've been scouring the 'net and for help

RE: Planner/PIM/Calendar Packages

2000-07-21 Thread m_shapiro
Take a look at remind. I have DLd it but have not really had a chance to look at it, yet, but I think that it will do what you need. On 21-Jul-00 Mark Wagnon wrote: I was wondering if there was a calendar/planner software that would allow one to enter appointments and tasks, then on any


2000-07-21 Thread Gary Hennigan
Christophe Broult [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Dominic Blythe [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: just been checking out and they've got binaries of J2EE SDK for redhat 6. I presume these are .rpm, although i haven't checked it out. If there are some .rpm, you should try to use the

RE: staroffice

2000-07-21 Thread Cory Rudder
Here's an article regarding that. I think it is now official.;$sessionid$PHX0DRIAADNV3AMTA00E4GQ;$sessionid$PHX0DRIAADNV3AMTA00E4G Q Cory -Original Message-

Re: staroffice

2000-07-21 Thread Ed Cogburn
Ethan Pierce wrote: I thought it was an easy get...a full featured office suite for cant beat took me about 10 minutes to dload it...sun has a fast site...the only pain is you have to register once :) The registration is a PITA, and they provide no help

Re: fetchmail troubles

2000-07-21 Thread Mark Brown
On Fri, Jul 21, 2000 at 12:48:37PM -0500, Chris Tessone wrote: It seemed to me he meant that the server from which he's grabbing the mail is locking the file (on the remote server), not sendmail under Linux. Yeah - the POP server rather than the SMTP server. -- Mark Brown mailto:[EMAIL

Re: Man command

2000-07-21 Thread Andreas Hetzmannseder
Is there somewhere where I can download man (the manual command) from the Internet? You can download man-db, manpages and manpages-dev(as well as any other package) via ftp (e.g. - for xy insert a country-code). You find these files in the ./debian/dists/stable/main

RE: staroffice

2000-07-21 Thread Tremaine Lea
And I don't even want to know what kind of internet connection you have that allows a 100 megabyte download in 10 minutes. :-) Is that unusual? :) *duck* *hide*

Re Rescue Disks, Tom's btrt

2000-07-21 Thread David Teague
All This is tangential to Richard's inquiry, but Has anyone considered distributing Tomsbtrt with Debian? That is one of the most useful tools I have found. David On Thu, 20 Jul 2000, Richard Ingram wrote: Hi, I have been upgrading Xfree but something obviously went wrong as when I

RE: staroffice

2000-07-21 Thread Ethan Pierce
DSL has changed my life :) I was on a modem the last 10 years of my internet tenure. Tremaine Lea [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/21/00 03:22PM And I don't even want to know what kind of internet connection you have that allows a 100 megabyte download in 10 minutes. :-) Is that unusual? :)

Re: staroffice

2000-07-21 Thread Robert L. Harris
I get idsl @ 144K thanks to USWorst. Better than a modem (24k connections MAX on a 56Kmodem suck) but alot more expensive. I cheat. I download at my office and either put the files on a Zip drive to take home or my laptop, now that I have one. SneakerNet is still alive and well. Robert

Re: imp

2000-07-21 Thread Debian User
On Tue, 11 Jul 2000, Matthew Thompson wrote: Hi Matthew, Is the mysql module uncommented in /etc/php3/apache/php3.ini? It should be like this: ; Dynamics Extensions These were all here, but this one:

new cd-rom

2000-07-21 Thread techlists
I'm using potatoe, and have had it installed for a while now. I just installed another cd-rom drive(a burner). How do I find out what to call when trying mount it? I have a hard drive as the primary master. The 1st cd-rom is the secondary master, with the burner as the slave. Wayne

Re: new cd-rom

2000-07-21 Thread Ethan Pierce
run a dmesg|less it will show you the startup messages Look for your cd-rom (hopefully it was detected) It is probably the next hard disk device after you last physical disk. I have two 20gig hard drives /dev/hda and b so my burner would be called /dev/hdc and I would mount it to

Exim/fetchmail/procmail - bad mail files

2000-07-21 Thread James Green
OK so I give up trying to figure this one out :-( I've got exim up and running. I used eximconf and selected option 2. I also have fetchmail and procmail up and running. Mail comes in from using imap. The connection is tunnelled over ssh. The connection goes fine and my proc.log

Matrox G400 not supported in kernel?

2000-07-21 Thread Charles Lewis
Just got a Matrox G400 and I'm trying to set up framebuffer. The kernel supports G100/G200 but not the G400. Anyone else out there have any success with this card. Charles Lewis, Director of Adminstrative Computing Southwestern Adventist University, Keene, TX 76059 (817) 556-4720 - phone

Re: Matrox G400 not supported in kernel?

2000-07-21 Thread Tom Marshall
Sure, it works fine. matroxfb: Matrox unknown G400 (AGP) detected matroxfb: MTRR's turned on matroxfb: 1152x864x16bpp (virtual: 1152x7280) matroxfb: framebuffer at 0xE200, mapped to 0xd0005000, size 16777216 Console: switching to colour frame buffer device 144x54 fb0: MATROX VGA frame buffer

Re: trouble with make-kpkg

2000-07-21 Thread Jens Arvidsson
Problem solved, it seems that upgrading dpkg did the trick. After running make xconfig, I did a make-kpkg clean per the instructions in the kernel-package README. This however doesn't seem to work, dpkg is complaining that it can't find the compiler. Is this a known problem? -- Jens Arvidsson

Re: Matrox G400 not supported in kernel?

2000-07-21 Thread Charles Lewis
In your kernel unders console drivers/Matrox acceleration did you enable Millenium I/II support, Mystique support, or G100/G200 support? There is no other options (besides multihead support which I have enabled). chas Sure, it works fine. matroxfb: Matrox unknown G400 (AGP) detected


2000-07-21 Thread Marcin Kurc
Does anybody have problems with IMP and mysql? it gives me problems with mysql-server3.23.21-2 but I don't have those errors with mysql-server3.22.30-2 for example. Does anyone have any ideas what is wrong with it? Here is a sample error: Database error: Invalid SQL: insert into

Re: Matrox G400 not supported in kernel?

2000-07-21 Thread Marcin Kurc
Maybe try to upgrade your kernel? What kernel are you running? On Fri, Jul 21, 2000 at 04:18:08PM -0500, Charles Lewis wrote: In your kernel unders console drivers/Matrox acceleration did you enable Millenium I/II support, Mystique support, or G100/G200 support? There is no other options

Re: Matrox G400 not supported in kernel?

2000-07-21 Thread Charles Lewis
Sorry, should have said something about that. Currently running 2.2.17pre6, so that shouldn't be the problem... Maybe try to upgrade your kernel? What kernel are you running? On Fri, Jul 21, 2000 at 04:18:08PM -0500, Charles Lewis wrote: In your kernel unders console drivers/Matrox

Re: HP DesignJet 750C plotter support?

2000-07-21 Thread Christopher S. Swingley
Hi Matt, I work for a small, marine surveying firm that uses the above mentioned plotter. I am setting up a potato server to handle various tasks, among which should be serving print jobs to the plotter via Samba. I have a DesignJet 755CM, connected to the network, served by a Debian server

cron editor

2000-07-21 Thread Erik van der Meulen
Dear list, this seems a silly issue but I cannot get around it. I just installed cron on a new Potato system. If I do a 'crontab -e' I get a strange editor, unlike vim which I get on met 2.1 box. Is there a way to change this behaviour? Thanks a lot! -- Erik van der Meulen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: cron editor

2000-07-21 Thread Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
On 21-Jul-2000 Erik van der Meulen wrote: Dear list, this seems a silly issue but I cannot get around it. I just installed cron on a new Potato system. If I do a 'crontab -e' I get a strange editor, unlike vim which I get on met 2.1 box. Is there a way to change this behaviour? it reads

Re: apsfilter on Epson Stylus Color... Who can help?

2000-07-21 Thread Bruce Stephens
Andreas Hetzmannseder [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: I've grown a long grey beard (no, not really :) ...) about the following problem: Attempting to print a simple text file with lpr filename on my Epson Stylus Color 600 produces a single line: Unknown device: escp2 Then it prints the

A strange little kppp error

2000-07-21 Thread bsamuels
Debian Potato ( kernel 2.2.16 ) with Slink version KDE. When I start kppp it displays a message which says that I don't have ppp compiled into the kernel or loaded as a module which is wrong (I have ppp as a module). It then starts as normal and goes on to work perfectly! If I start it as root

RE: A strange little kppp error

2000-07-21 Thread Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
On 21-Jul-2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Debian Potato ( kernel 2.2.16 ) with Slink version KDE. When I start kppp it displays a message which says that I don't have ppp compiled into the kernel or loaded as a module which is wrong (I have ppp as a module). the user who runs ppp should

Why isn't frozen/ssh up to date?

2000-07-21 Thread Christian Pernegger
Hello, yesterday I searched the package-archive for a official .deb-ianized version of OpenSSH. There seem to be two candidates in unstable *) ssh2 2.0.13-5.1 [non-us/non-free] Non-free? Can't be OpenSSH then, can it? *) ssh 1:1.2.3-9 [non-us] It says OpenSSH here, but if the package version


2000-07-21 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Hi all, I have a OpenBSD machine that I have to pass all the accounts to a new box running Linux (Debian). I used the command newusers, but the passwords at OpenBSD are stored using blowfish. Anyone knows how install Blowfish at Linux? Thanks, Paulo Henrique

Re: cron editor

2000-07-21 Thread Morten Liebach
On Fri, Jul 21, 2000 at 03:06:02PM -0700, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote: On 21-Jul-2000 Erik van der Meulen wrote: Dear list, this seems a silly issue but I cannot get around it. I just installed cron on a new Potato system. If I do a 'crontab -e' I get a strange editor, unlike vim which I

potato on cd?

2000-07-21 Thread Christopher Mosley
Hello, Can I buy potato on cd? From whom? I know it's still only in the frozen stage. Thanks

How to install Acroread

2000-07-21 Thread Nianwei Xing
Hi, debians: I am a new comer for Debian. I just want to install acroread on my machine. I am not the super user and also I have download the linux-ar-405.tar.gz. Any infomation is appreciated! Nianwei __ Do You Yahoo!? Get Yahoo! Mail – Free email

Re: potato on cd?

2000-07-21 Thread Br. Chuck Zmudzinski
Try these links: - Original Message - From: Christopher Mosley [EMAIL PROTECTED] To:

Re: apsfilter on Epson Stylus Color... Who can help?

2000-07-21 Thread ferret
My stepmother just got the SC 660. Unfortunately has only a 14.4k modem connection. I'd guessed to use the [EMAIL PROTECTED] filer. Color looks good with it? BTW, have you heard anything about these printers burning out when connected to an UPS? On Fri, 21 Jul 2000, Tom Pfeifer wrote: I

Re: Why isn't frozen/ssh up to date?

2000-07-21 Thread Brian May
Christian == Christian Pernegger [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Christian There seem to be two candidates in unstable Christian *) ssh2 2.0.13-5.1 [non-us/non-free] Christian Non-free? Can't be OpenSSH then, can it? No, its not. Christian *) ssh 1:1.2.3-9 [non-us] Christian

lprng errormail

2000-07-21 Thread Ragga Muffin
Hello everybody, Printers changed in our lab and after editing printcap and restarting lprng I get error mails (3 each time) from the daemon like: Your printer job ((stdin)) was not printed because the daemon could not stat the file However, the files print ok. The status log also shows

Stranded in console

2000-07-21 Thread Ethan Pierce
For the love of quake3, I attempted to upgrade to xfree86-4.0.1. I compiled from source and it went ok...Next I installed the NVIDIA GLX driver sucessfully, followed by an unsuccessfull NVIDIA kernel module install. I got include errors during the make process. Noah suggested I get the

/bin/kill : Where art thou?

2000-07-21 Thread Eric G . Miller
I seemed to have lost /bin/kill. Now, I have /usr/bin/kill, but poff (and possibily others) are looking for /bin/kill. I fixed poff, but I don't know what else might get broken due to the disappearance of /bin/kill. Anyway, I was wondering if anyone can shed some light on the movement of kill?

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