RE: No me sale las cuentas con la memoria

2000-12-22 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
Citando a Angel Vicente Perez ([EMAIL PROTECTED]): Hola a todos... Tengo una maquina con 128 Mb, si hago free, bajo el concepto de total me sale 128456 cuando deberia ser 131072, la diferencia 2616, no aparece bajo ningun otro concepto. ¿Donde estan estos Kb? Saludos. Holas.

RE: No me sale las cuentas con la memoria

2000-12-22 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
en el dmesg esta, la memoria fisica, la utilizada por el kernel, la de los datos, la de inicio del sistema (que posteriormente devuelve al total), y la reservada. Haciendo cuentas con estas cantidades obtengo la diferencia, pero no he conseguido averiguar quien tiene reservada la

Re: Conflicto de versiones

2000-12-22 Thread David Charro Ripa
Esto es exactamente lo que Linus Torvalds recomienda -NO- hacer. ¡¡uau!! Y yo tan tranquilo. Explícamelo un poco más que me interesa. Yo creía que en debian el paquete kernel headers era el directorio que quedaba después de compilar en /usr/src/linux/include ¿Qué función tiene el paquete

Re: Soft de Backup (Para Diego Martínez)

2000-12-22 Thread Jaime Fernández Martínez
Lo primero disculpas al resto de la lista. Diego Martínez quería echarle un vistazo a mis magníficos scripts de copia de seguridad. Sin embargo, por más que lo intento me rebota el correo por usuario desconocido. Diego: si sigues interesado mándame una dirección que funcione. --

Re: Debian en portátil con poca RAM

2000-12-22 Thread Andres Herrera
Guenas El Mon, Dec 18, 2000 at 09:15:01PM +0100, Amaya disidio iscribir: En mi modesta opinión, una Slink irá mejor (yo tengo 32 megas de RAM y he visto caer el rendimiento al pasar a Potato y luego a Woody). Es curioso, el mío tiene 48Mb y no me ocurrió nada de eso. Sólo he visto caer el

Re: [offtopic] VIRUS??

2000-12-22 Thread Jaume Sabater
El virus en cuenstion es W95.MTX, podreis encontrar informacion de él, asin como el método de desinfeccion, en Espero que no os sea util, esa informacion ;-) At 23:56 21/12/00 +0100, you wrote: El Thu, 21 Dec 2000, Joaquin Fernandez

Re: Debian en portátil con poca RAM

2000-12-22 Thread Hue-Bond
El miércoles 20 de diciembre de 2000 a la(s) 13:41:55 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] contaba: TaskBarDoubleHeight=0 Poniendo un 1 en vea de un cero Ya lo tengo puesto :^). -- David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Linux Registered User #87069 pgpQeXBCRI6Pm.pgp Description:

Re: Package pools y testing

2000-12-22 Thread Hue-Bond
El miércoles 20 de diciembre de 2000 a la(s) 19:59:51 +0100, Enrique Robledo Arnuncio contaba: Al transformar woody en testing se le quitaron muchos paquetes, y se volvió a versiones antiguas, creo que concretamente a las versiones de los paquetes que hay en potato. Tonces si en mi

Kernel: Esto es increible (Final)

2000-12-22 Thread Carlos López
Hola de nuevo. Bueno ha habido un final para la cuestión del kernel que planteé. La solución ha sido cambiar la distro a SuSE 7.0. Instalé el paquete de librerías de compatibilidad libstdc++2.8 (creo recordar) y además la versión de gcc ... Intenté más cosas pero nada de nada ... Bueno lo

Re: sobre los modulos sg y soporte para scsi

2000-12-22 Thread Hue-Bond
El jueves 21 de diciembre de 2000 a la(s) 19:42:51 +0100, Migue Reyes contaba: Después de la emulación scsi, los dispositivos dejan de ser /dev/hdb, etc... y pasan a ser /dev/sr0, /dev/sr1... Simplemente modifica el enlace simbólico /dev/cdrom, /dev/grabadora, y haz que apunten a sr0, sr1...

Re: Package pools y testing

2000-12-22 Thread Enrique Robledo Arnuncio
On Fri, Dec 22, 2000 at 12:28:48PM +0100, Hue-Bond wrote: El miércoles 20 de diciembre de 2000 a la(s) 19:59:51 +0100, Enrique Robledo Arnuncio contaba: Al transformar woody en testing se le quitaron muchos paquetes, y se volvió a versiones antiguas, creo que concretamente a las versiones

XmCD setuid-root

2000-12-22 Thread Santiago Fernandez
Parece que se ha actulizado XmCD desde la última vez que lo use y ahora me dice: xmcd Fatal Error: Xmcd binary permissions error: It should be setuid root. Please have your system administrator correct this. Así que uso suidregister con xmcd y cda (según las RELNOTES de xmcd) y los pongo

kernel y modulos

2000-12-22 Thread Gerard
Hola lista Tengo una duda tengo una tarjeta de sonido integrada en la placa (una yamaha opl3), y lo que hago siempre para añadir sonido es recompilar el kernel y meterla como modulo. Pero lo que quiero saber es si me pudeo ahorrar el paso de recompilar el kernel, es decir compilar los modulos

Re: sobre los modulos sg y soporte para scsi

2000-12-22 Thread Migue Reyes
El Fri, Dec 22, 2000 at 12:50:35PM +0100, Hue-Bond dijo: Tampoco hay que fiarse ciegamente de esto, ya que quizá al reiniciar cambian de sitio. Por ejemplo yo ya he tenido el scanner en /dev/sg5 y en /dev/sg9. Para copiar CDs, a veces leo del dispositivo

Re: Sin acentos en konsole

2000-12-22 Thread Ricardo Pérez
Muchísimas gracias, Roberto. Así, al menos ya sé que no se trata de un error de configuración :) El Jue 21 Dic 2000 21:00, Roberto Ripio escribió: El Thu, Dec 21, 2000 at 06:57:33PM +0100, Ricardo Pérez escribe: Buenas... Resulta que desde que instalé mi potato, el único programa que no

Re: [offtopic] VIRUS??

2000-12-22 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Jue 21 Dic 2000 15:55, Amaya wrote: Joaquin Fernandez Piqueras dijo: Y ya puestos, vamos a preguntar. hace unos dias envie un mensaje a la lista sobre si alguien conocia un programa para ver el correo en las X que no fuera el notescapes y tal y tal... ¿ me reitero, conoceis alguno?

Mail y conxion

2000-12-22 Thread Luis Jose Da Silva
buenas , tengo varios problemas... 1.- como hago para que el pon funcionecon usuarios normales , que no sea solo el root que se conecte :) 2.- me bajo los correos con fetchmail filtrados con procmail y van a ~/Mail en los archivos Inbox , debian , bugtraq , etc , etc ,etc, pero el mutt dice que

Mail y conxion

2000-12-22 Thread Luis Jose Da Silva
buenas , tengo varios problemas... 1.- como hago para que el pon funcionecon usuarios normales , que no sea solo el root que se conecte :) 2.- me bajo los correos con fetchmail filtrados con procmail y van a ~/Mail en los archivos Inbox , debian , bugtraq , etc , etc ,etc, pero el mutt dice que

Unidentified subject!

2000-12-22 Thread luisjose
attachment: I_am_sorry.DOC.pif

Re: A vueltas con el modem ...

2000-12-22 Thread Joan G. Villaraco
Hola Jon y debian -list Hola, antes de nada gracias por ayudar, y disculpas por no haberte contestado antes, hasta que no he hecho vacaciones no he podido hacer las pruebas ... Bueno, tuve que instalar el minicom, con algun problemilla, pero funciono. Ahora tras realizar alguna prueba puedo

Re: Unidentified subject!

2000-12-22 Thread Cesar
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Name: I_am_sorry.DOC.pif I_am_sorry.DOC.pifType: unspecified type (application/octet-stream) Encoding: base64 Al loro Luis Jose que andas desperdigando VIRUSES. Un saludo. Cesar

mensajes frozen con exim

2000-12-22 Thread Miguel A. Abarca
Hola, la cuestión es la siguiente: estoy intentando poder enviar mensajes con exim a través de una conexión ppp, por lo que ejecuto `exim -q` después de conectarme y lo que exim me indica es que todos los mensajes que tengo encolados están frozen y no me los envía. ¿Me podíais indicar de

Páginas man

2000-12-22 Thread Miguel A. Abarca
Hola, os envío este mensaje por si alguno de vosotros me podeis ayudar con el siguiente probrema: se trata de un error que me da al acceder a cualquier página de manual ubicada en /usr/share/man, me indica algo como gzip: /usr/share/man/man8/nombre de página aleatoria.8.gz

Re: Problemas con módulos

2000-12-22 Thread jmimora
On Fri, Dec 15, 2000 at 10:00:26AM +0100, Fernando wrote: ¿ Cuando hay que copiar el ? (Yo he cambiado el kernel alguna vez y no me hecho falta) Es curioso esto. Realmente el problema que yo tenía era que no había copiado el, como bien me han indicado los compañeros de la

Re: Shell script

2000-12-22 Thread Josep Ma. Ferrer
Jose Antonio Ortega Garcia wrote: Hola: He realizado un script para automatizar mi conexion a internet. He puesto los siguientes comandos pon airtel,sendmail -q, fetchmail,poff, pero ocurre que se solapan, es decir primero se ejecuta el pon airtel, pero inmediatamente despues el sendmail

Re: A vueltas con el modem ...

2000-12-22 Thread Jon Noble
Hola, El vie, 22 dic 2000 19:55:46 Joan G. Villaraco escribió: Bueno, tuve que instalar el minicom, con algun problemilla, pero funciono. 1.- Arranco el minicom y el led de TR o DTR (dependediendo del modem con el que hago las pruebas pasa de encendido a apagado y luego a encendido de

discos de imagen

2000-12-22 Thread Lemus Moreno Jose A
Que tal Quiero hacer unos discos de instalacion para una hp 486, he estaqdo leyendo la documentacion y se que con el comando dd if=rescue.bin of=/dev/fd0 bs=512 conv=sync; sync se puede crear las imagenes tambien creo el root.bin pero al instalarlo me truena en el segundo disco y creo que es por

Re: A vueltas con el modem ...

2000-12-22 Thread Joan G. Villaraco
Bueno, por lo menos asi ya sabemos que el modem está conectado al PC :-) Vale, vale, hasta aqui si ... ;) 2.- Cuando le digo ctrl-a+d para que haga un marcado, ... si ejecuto espacio dice que no le es posible marcar No connection, cancelled. (esto ocurre configurando el ttyS0

Re: configuration of network adaptor

2000-12-22 Thread ktb
On Fri, Dec 22, 2000 at 03:28:41AM +0100, Andreas Fromm wrote: Hi, I just want to ask how to configure a network adaptor on a running system (potato). I recompiled the kernel with the coresponding module for the adaptor, installed it with modconf (installation succeeded) and set it up with

Re: OT postgres: bitwise testing setting?

2000-12-22 Thread will trillich
On Thu, Dec 21, 2000 at 09:41:54PM +, Oliver Elphick wrote: will trillich wrote: this is way OT, but debian-user has the Folks Who Know... i'm using 6.3 postgresql on potato, and would like to compress a wee bit-o-space out of each record by using bitwise booleans, instead of

Re: debian help

2000-12-22 Thread will trillich
On Thu, Dec 21, 2000 at 02:18:35PM -0500, Scott Patterson wrote: I installed debian in the belief that it would install. Xwindows simply will not install. As newcomer I can't work with a program w/o the gui. I wanted xwindows (eventually kde) ppp connection, printer, netscape and I want

Re: VMWare question

2000-12-22 Thread Sebastiaan
High, just guessing, but have you installed the kernel-source in /usr/src/linux? Many programs need some kernel sources. Hope it helps, Sebastiaan On Fri, 22 Dec 2000, Jack Morgan wrote: I'm installing VMware and I got vmmon to build but then it puked! Any help as to why? Output

Re: Finding/Including sr_mod post install

2000-12-22 Thread Sebastiaan
High, I belive that that module is compiled in into the standard kernel. If not, or if you need it as module anyhow, you must enable scsi-support - scsi-cdrom-support If you start with a clean .config file and after that make dep; make modules you will find sr_mod.o in /usr/src/linux/modules

exim and envelope sender

2000-12-22 Thread Robert Epprecht
Hi, I have recently changed to debian which implied a change from sendmail to exim. Now I'm not able to send mail to a couple of mailing lists any more. With the help of the list admin I think I found the culprit: envelope sender = [EMAIL PROTECTED] This is wrong of course. How do I convince

Re: VMware install in Potato trouble

2000-12-22 Thread Rino Mardo
On Fri, Dec 22, 2000 at 07:50:50PM +0900 or thereabouts, Jack Morgan wrote: I'm trying to install VMware on Potato, and I'm getting the following error: ---Error None of VMware's pre-built vmmon modules is suitable for your running kernel. Do you want this script to try to build the

netscape 4.76 and java plugin

2000-12-22 Thread Denzil Kelly
Does anyone know how to get the java plugin to work with netscape 4.76? __ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Shopping - Thousands of Stores. Millions of Products.

Re: Is X using Xdefaults?

2000-12-22 Thread Marco Herrn
I have a similar problem. I wrote some lines in ~/.Xdefaults to activate the wheel of my mouse. For programs like xterm or nedit it worked. But not for netscape. I thought that it was my mistake. But I don't know. Here's what I have in my ~/.Xdefaults for netscape:

Went Debian: Spanish Xkeyboard and other issues

2000-12-22 Thread Rodolfo Canet-Castello
Hi all Finally, after many test installs of Potato and Woody, got Potato installed in a more or less usable shape. Thank goodness, my friends, that my decission of going Debian is truly serious, since installation and the aspect of the system once is done is... how to say?... mind-freezing.


2000-12-22 Thread Corey Popelier
All of a sudden my mail is truncated mid sentence, meaning I only get the first 2.5k or so of each email, then nothing. Is this a known bug at all? I'm using fetchmail/sendmail combo (pop3). Cheers, Corey J. Popelier

Re: swap space and memory

2000-12-22 Thread Nate Amsden
did you install this on debian 2.1? or anything using the 2.0 kernel? from what i remember this was a kernel 2.0 limitation. 124MB reported by the system is normal. 124*1024=126,976kB , add some more for the space the kernel takes up when it loads into memory and any memory used by modules when

Re: swap space and memory

2000-12-22 Thread Nate Amsden
it is, look at 'dmesg' or look at the log when the system boots. in my case i have 512MB memory Memory: 517152k/524288k available (1256k kernel code, 412k reserved, 5424k data, 44k init) the system tells you what the overhead is used for. [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ free -m total

Downgrading kde

2000-12-22 Thread Willi Dyck
Hi List, how to downgrade kde from 2.0.1 to 2.0 with apt-get? or why am i getting error messages after upgrading to 2.0.1? example: failed to load etc. thanx

truetype fonts present but not working

2000-12-22 Thread Rob VanFleet
I'm running xfstt on a testing (migrated from Potato) box. The fonts are loaded in X and I can see them in the Netscape font dialog, but when I switch the them, the font is always the same and it loses all scaling (h1 text is the same size as standard paragraph text). I remember on other distros

Re: Went Debian: Spanish Xkeyboard and other issues

2000-12-22 Thread Colin Watson
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: -A Spanish Xkeyboard is not provided or installed. Spanish-HOWTO is outdated (1996) and not debianized. Is there any utility or instructions to install it? The task-spanish package is probably the best place to start. -After instalation was finished, I started to upgrade

Re: Downgrading kde

2000-12-22 Thread Colin Watson
Willi Dyck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: how to downgrade kde from 2.0.1 to 2.0 with apt-get? apt-get can't downgrade easily, I'm afraid. or why am i getting error messages after upgrading to 2.0.1? example: failed to load etc. I assume libk stands for something there? What? Does

Re: Missing memory and defunct rodent

2000-12-22 Thread Nate Amsden
Glyn Millington wrote: I tried append=mem=160m in lilo.conf, ran lilo and got a kernel panic - not only the kernel let me tell you! The bios knows it's there but the kernel sn't picking it up. What should I add to lilo.conf? try append=mem=159M not sure if the capitalization matters or

Re: swap space and memory

2000-12-22 Thread Denzil Kelly
Initially I installed a slink on this box, and at the time I had 64 MB of RAM however I was unable to make a swap partition of 128 MB. I later added another 64 MB of RAM. I tried to resize my /home partition but something went wrong and I wound up reformatting the hard drive, and installed storm,

Re: Still cannot get off list

2000-12-22 Thread Nate Amsden
maybe part of the problem is that you are replying to the mail keeping the original mail in the message body. it probably doesn't make a difference but i make sure that the message has only what the list software wants nothing more, no signature, no strange characters, not even an extra space in

Re: VMware install in Potato trouble

2000-12-22 Thread Defresne Sylvain
* Jack Morgan ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote: I tried using /usr/include but got the above error. My kernel is 2.2.17 binary. Do I need to recompile a new kernel. Any suggestions? If you're kernel is the kernel shipped with the install disk, you can install the kernel-headers-2.2.17

Re: Downgrading kde

2000-12-22 Thread Willi Dyck
Colin Watson wrote: Willi Dyck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: how to downgrade kde from 2.0.1 to 2.0 with apt-get? apt-get can't downgrade easily, I'm afraid. or why am i getting error messages after upgrading to 2.0.1? example: failed to load etc. I assume libk stands for

Re: German debian-user-list?

2000-12-22 Thread Cajus Pollmeier
Am Freitag, 22. Dezember 2000 00:21 schrieb Herbert Schmitz: Hello, one question to the german users: Does the german debian-mailing list still exists? I didn´t received any reaction from there. Cause my english is terrible - sorry guys, I´d better learn at school 20 years ago - the german

Re: Downgrading kde

2000-12-22 Thread Rob VanFleet
On Fri, Dec 22, 2000 at 09:07:59AM +, Colin Watson wrote: Willi Dyck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: how to downgrade kde from 2.0.1 to 2.0 with apt-get? apt-get can't downgrade easily, I'm afraid. Yup. You best bet is to completely wipe kde and reinstall 2.0. I've found that 'apt-get remove

Getting a point release via http without apt

2000-12-22 Thread Matthews, Jonathan
Hi - just a quickie: I recently bought a Debian 2.2r0 6-cd source+binary set from cheep(?)linux, and I'd like to get hold of only those packages which have changed in either r1 or r2. The only internet connection I've got is from a windows machine with CD writer, so I was wondering if anyone

Re: Downgrading kde

2000-12-22 Thread Willi Dyck
Rob VanFleet wrote: On Fri, Dec 22, 2000 at 09:07:59AM +, Colin Watson wrote: Willi Dyck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: how to downgrade kde from 2.0.1 to 2.0 with apt-get? apt-get can't downgrade easily, I'm afraid. Yup. You best bet is to completely wipe kde and reinstall 2.0. I've

Re: swap space and memory

2000-12-22 Thread Nate Amsden
Denzil Kelly wrote: Initially I installed a slink on this box, and at the time I had 64 MB of RAM however I was unable to make a swap partition of 128 MB. I later added another 64 MB of RAM. I tried to resize my /home partition but something went wrong and I wound up reformatting the hard

Re: Downgrading kde

2000-12-22 Thread Rob VanFleet
On Fri, Dec 22, 2000 at 10:32:52AM +0100, Willi Dyck wrote: my question then is: how to find out which apps use qt? Just run apt-get remove libqt* -s and it will simulate the removal, listing the apps that will be removed. -Rob

Re: Still cannot get off list

2000-12-22 Thread Dwight Johnson
On Fri, 22 Dec 2000, Nate Amsden wrote: maybe part of the problem is that you are replying to the mail keeping the original mail in the message body. it probably doesn't make a difference but i make sure that the message has only what the list software wants nothing more, no signature, no

Re: Still cannot get off list

2000-12-22 Thread Rob VanFleet
On Fri, Dec 22, 2000 at 02:06:32AM -0800, Dwight Johnson wrote: Have you tried to unsubscribe recently? It is failing at the confirm stage. And listmaster is not on the job to do manual unsubscribe. Is there someone besides listmaster we can appeal to to do a manual unsubscribe? If there is

Adding UFS support

2000-12-22 Thread Andrew McRobert
hi all I just put a SCSI disk from an old sparc-station into my server, but when I try to mount it with: mount -t ufs -o ufstype=sun /[mount] /[mount_point] I get a message that the kernel doesn't support the UFS filesystem ... excuse my ignorance, but does anyone know if its possible for me to

Re: [debian-user] I can't type any ü, ä or ö in a shell

2000-12-22 Thread Ethan Benson
On Fri, Dec 22, 2000 at 12:06:00AM +0100, Rüdiger Kuhlmann wrote: Hi! --[Ethan Benson]--[EMAIL PROTECTED] actually you just have to change LANG=C in /etc/environment to LANG=ca_ES or whatever. This used to work, but somehow since a few weeks /etc/environment isn't honoured anymore by

Re: Went Debian: Spanish Xkeyboard and other issues

2000-12-22 Thread Rodolfo Canet-Castello
On 22 Dec 00, at 9:06, Colin Watson wrote: The task-spanish package is probably the best place to start. ...snipped Many thanks for your help, Colin. Task-spanish is supposedly installed, and Spanish indicated as language in all the concerning questions during the installation. When your

web and perl and mysql

2000-12-22 Thread james \(home\)
does anyone know how to get a mysql database, queried by PERL on to the web. I would appreciate some help. I am trying to create a table in a web page which has 3 static fileds, and 3 input fields. Its basically a list of servers and ip addresses and passwords, all fixed, and I want to be able

Re: Adding UFS support

2000-12-22 Thread Ethan Benson
On Fri, Dec 22, 2000 at 06:22:29PM +0800, Andrew McRobert wrote: hi all I just put a SCSI disk from an old sparc-station into my server, but when I try to mount it with: mount -t ufs -o ufstype=sun /[mount] /[mount_point] I get a message that the kernel doesn't support the UFS

Re: VMware install in Potato trouble (solved)

2000-12-22 Thread Jack Morgan
* Jack Morgan ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote: I tried using /usr/include but got the above error. My kernel is 2.2.17 binary. Do I need to recompile a new kernel. Any suggestions? If you're kernel is the kernel shipped with the install disk, you can install the kernel-headers-2.2.17 package.

Re: Still cannot get off list

2000-12-22 Thread Dwight Johnson
On Fri, 22 Dec 2000, Rob VanFleet wrote: On Fri, Dec 22, 2000 at 02:06:32AM -0800, Dwight Johnson wrote: Have you tried to unsubscribe recently? It is failing at the confirm stage. And listmaster is not on the job to do manual unsubscribe. Is there someone besides listmaster we can

Re: VMWare question

2000-12-22 Thread Cajus Pollmeier
Am Freitag, 22. Dezember 2000 15:50 schrieb Jack Morgan: I'm installing VMware and I got vmmon to build but then it puked! Any help as to why? Configure and build your kernel. You don't need to install. The modversion file is generated during make dep clean bzImage. -Cajus

Another Question Re: diskless debian

2000-12-22 Thread Jonathan D. Proulx
Hi, I read the howto's, but I'm still having kernel trouble. I'm trying to boot from a LILO based floppy with root=/dev/nfsroot (the pseodo device 0,255 named in the docs, tried it as both a block and char device), and the kernel fails on trying to mount the rootfs with a device failure. I

I need a filter for Epson Stylus Color 400

2000-12-22 Thread Santiago Fernandez
I need printcap entries and a filter (maybe from magicfilter) for a Epson Sylus Color 400. Has anyone some experience configuring this printer? I've tried different possibilities without success. I've read README-StylusColor from magicfilter but it doesn't offer any help: I know I should buy

Choppy sound - Woody, 2.4.0-test11 kernel, xmms esd

2000-12-22 Thread Matthew Exley
I don't seem to be the only one having this problem, but I have isolated a test case: Hardware: SoundBlaster AWE64 ISA PnP, IDE drives Distro: Debian Potato + Woody etc. etc. etc. Kernel: 2.2.18pre21 and 2.4.0-test11 (from debian kernel-source packages) Sound:OSS/Lite SB16/AWE32 drivers

Re: VMWare question

2000-12-22 Thread Jonathan D. Proulx
Hi, All you should need is the kernel-headers package that matches your kernel, if you're using an out of the box Debian kernel. No need for a rebuild unless you have a non standard kernel. -Jon

Re: swap space and memory

2000-12-22 Thread Matthias Wieser
Re: swap space and memory [ Denzil Kelly [EMAIL PROTECTED] ] debian kernel: VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for kswapd... i have the same proplem but only when login as a user. When i am root, nothing happens. As soon as I log in as a user, I hardly can move the mouse, the rest

Re: swap space and memory

2000-12-22 Thread D-Man
I think you are right nate. When I started with Linux a couple years ago, the 2.0 series was current (like 2.0.36 or something). It was then that I read in a how-to that even if you make a really big swap partition, only 128MB would be used. Last night I tried to confirm this with my current

Re: I need a filter for Epson Stylus Color 400

2000-12-22 Thread D-Man
What is the mechanism for setting up a printer on Debian? I installed Debian recently but haven't had the time to configure it yet (so I'm still using RH). In RH I run printtool as root and it handles the details of printer config. It lists filters for Epson printers Epson Sylus 800 ESC/P 2

Re: exim and envelope sender

2000-12-22 Thread John Hasler
Robert Epprecht writes: I have recently changed to debian which implied a change from sendmail to exim. No, exim just happens to be the MTA that is installed by default. Sendmail is in Debian, as are several others. -- John Hasler [EMAIL PROTECTED] Dancing Horse Hill Elmwood, Wisconsin

Re: exim and envelope sender

2000-12-22 Thread ktb
On Fri, Dec 22, 2000 at 08:43:43AM +0100, Robert Epprecht wrote: Hi, I have recently changed to debian which implied a change from sendmail to exim. Now I'm not able to send mail to a couple of mailing lists any more. With the help of the list admin I think I found the culprit: envelope

TEAC CD-W512E (DOES it work ???)

2000-12-22 Thread Serge Gavrilov
Hello! Does anybody know: is TEAC CD-W512E works with linux? Thanks a lot !!! Please, reply me directly, because I am not subscribed to this list. -- Serge Gavrilov

Re: lilo

2000-12-22 Thread Dean
Hi Stefaans: Last time I reinstalled windows all I did was use windows fdisk to set my linux root partition as the active partition and lilo was active again. hth Dean Stefaans Mostert wrote: Jason Holland wrote: check out mkboot. its a pretty sweet way to create a boot floppy in


2000-12-22 Thread green_botanik
Is it possible to upgrage distrib (slink - potato, for example :) without apt-get or other wrapper, but using just dpkg? It look like there is no sufficient control information in dpkg's to split / join packages as requied in such upgrade. Is there anybody who done such useless exeriment? Or

Re: Still cannot get off list

2000-12-22 Thread Dean
Just a wild stab, but could it make a difference if one subscribes using a window browser, but in unsubscribing using a linux's?Dean Dwight Johnson wrote: On Fri, 22 Dec 2000, Rob VanFleet wrote: On Fri, Dec 22, 2000 at 02:06:32AM -0800, Dwight Johnson wrote: Have you tried to

Re: Another Question Re: diskless debian

2000-12-22 Thread Xucaen
--- Jonathan D. Proulx [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I enabled kernel level auto config, and all the NFS stuff I could find in the kernel build (serveral iterations using xconfig, menuconfig, config and finally hand hacking the .config file) couldn't find the NFS_ROOT option anywhere, and I'm

Merry Christmas

2000-12-22 Thread Alex Horsnell
To everyone on the list, Thank you for all your help and advise this year, I hope you all have a _VERY_ Merry Christmas and a brilliant Millennium!! I look forward to further help and advise in the New Year! ;-) Alex

Kernel 2.4.0-test12

2000-12-22 Thread JP Sartre
Hi all.. Just curious if there is something different with the latest test kernel? I was running test10 and decided to try out test12 with a fresh potato - woody install. I've compiled many kernels, but this latest time I have run into a little snag. Seems my modules do not work. I have done a

configuring network card solved.

2000-12-22 Thread Xucaen
just FYI for all the newbies who were trying to figure out how to configure the network card. the easiest way I found was to reinstall the whole system. The installation program is very easy to use and sets up all the files. (It is also very easy to miss). I re-reinstalled again lastnight and

Re: Merry Christmas

2000-12-22 Thread J. Reilink
Alex Horsnell wrote: To everyone on the list, Thank you for all your help and advise this year, I hope you all have a _VERY_ Merry Christmas and a brilliant Millennium!! I look forward to further help and advise in the New Year! ;-) Alex Hereby I also want to wish everyone on the

Re: Went Debian: Spanish Xkeyboard and other issues

2000-12-22 Thread Colin Watson
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On 22 Dec 00, at 9:06, Colin Watson wrote: The task-spanish package is probably the best place to start. ...snipped Many thanks for your help, Colin. Task-spanish is supposedly installed, and Spanish indicated as language in all the concerning questions during the

perl cgi and mysql

2000-12-22 Thread james \(home\)
Can anyone point me into the right direction I would appreciate some sample code. I have created a database within mysql, its fine, I can get Perl to talk to it. I need to know how to create the htm and I guess a perl/cgi code to talk to the database. what I am trying to create is 2 web pages.

RE: perl cgi and mysql

2000-12-22 Thread Jason Holland
have you tried DBD-mysql?? Can anyone point me into the right direction I would appreciate some sample code. I have created a database within mysql, its fine, I can get Perl to talk to it. I need to know how to create the htm and I guess a perl/cgi code to talk to the database.

What is the file name of the ps2 mouse driver?

2000-12-22 Thread John Foster
I need the name of the ps2 mouse driver file. I am having difficulty with a new install. The mouse works in X but not on the console. I set up the XF86Setup configs with the same setting I used for gpm, X works fine. Xterm does not. I do not see any driver listed in /lib/modules/kernelXXX/misc/

Re: What is the file name of the ps2 mouse driver?

2000-12-22 Thread ktb
On Fri, Dec 22, 2000 at 09:09:29AM -0600, John Foster wrote: I need the name of the ps2 mouse driver file. I am having difficulty with a new install. The mouse works in X but not on the console. I set up the XF86Setup configs with the same setting I used for gpm, X works fine. Xterm does not.

Re: Still cannot get off list

2000-12-22 Thread Marco Herrn
- Original Message - From: Dean [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Sent: Friday, December 22, 2000 2:50 PM Subject: Re: Still cannot get off list Just a wild stab, but could it make a difference if one subscribes using a window browser, but in unsubscribing using a

Re: Still cannot get off list

2000-12-22 Thread Gary Hennigan
Rob VanFleet [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: On Fri, Dec 22, 2000 at 02:06:32AM -0800, Dwight Johnson wrote: Have you tried to unsubscribe recently? It is failing at the confirm stage. And listmaster is not on the job to do manual unsubscribe. Is there someone besides listmaster we can appeal

Re: What is the file name of the ps2 mouse driver?

2000-12-22 Thread Rob VanFleet
I think the problem here is gpm being unconfigured, rather than X and it not playing together nicely. Run gpmconfig to configure gpm. /dev/psaux is the device file associated with a ps/2 mouse. Like ktb said, you need to stop gpm before you'll be able to use the mouse in X, so, in essence, you

Re: perl cgi and mysql

2000-12-22 Thread Rob VanFleet
Search on google for 'Perl DBI MySQL'. You might also want to add either 'sample code' or 'tutorial' to that as well. There is a ton of info on the subject if you look for it. -Rob On Fri, Dec 22, 2000 at 12:42:29PM -0800, james (home) wrote: Can anyone point me into the right direction I

Re: swap space and memory

2000-12-22 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Fri, Dec 22, 2000 at 01:05:49AM -0800, Denzil Kelly wrote: debian kernel: VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for kswapd... That is a known kernel bug that affected (IIRC) kernels 2.2.12-2.2.16 but is fixed in kernel 2.2.17 and later. 2.2.18 is current and you can grab the sources from

Pontnet Karácsonyi üdvözlet

2000-12-22 Thread Guzoránné Cserjés Erika
Kedves Partnerünk! Cégünk munkatársai és jómagam nevében ezúton kívánok békés, boldog Karácsonyi Ünnepeket és eredményekben gazdag Új Esztendőt! Guzoránné Cserjés Erika Üzletág igazgató Multinet International Kft. PontNet Szakmai Kereső Partnerek és Ügyfelek

Re: stale apt-get mirrors?

2000-12-22 Thread Chris Gray
will trillich writes: wt what's the lag on various debian mirror sites? wt % apt-get update wt % apt-get upgrade wt % apt-setup /pick a different mirror/ wt i'd just switched from to wt if that matters...?

Re: Still cannot get off list

2000-12-22 Thread Rob VanFleet
On Fri, Dec 22, 2000 at 08:41:39AM -0700, Gary Hennigan wrote: Before you write to the list on this topic please try to unsubscribe from the list yourself and see what happens. It's really doesn't matter what you did over the last month. The problem seems to have started this week, and I

Re: I need a filter for Epson Stylus Color 400

2000-12-22 Thread Bob Underwood
My Epson Stylus Color 400 installed well during the system installation process. Just use the Stylus Color I selection as the one specifically for the 400 doesn't work. If you want, I can send my printcap separately. bob On Fri, 22 Dec 2000, Santiago Fernandez wrote: I need printcap entries

Q: Hiding M$ Exchange behind a firewall ?

2000-12-22 Thread Michael Steiner
Hello to all! What I want to do: Hiding a M$-Exchange-server behind a Debian-based firewall running ipchains (with masqerading) and squid and ???. Here is my special problem. What is the configuration: Through an old little Cisco 1003 router the connection to internet is done. Then I run a

Re: Q: Hiding M$ Exchange behind a firewall ?

2000-12-22 Thread Robert L. Yelvington
I can't give you an exact answer, but I can suggest that you run some kind of IDS or packet monitor for a couple of days/weeks, and monitor traffic at each interface. 'snort' would be my number one pick if you don't already have an IDS. Generally, snort isn't used as a packet monitor , but it

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