Como tirar o beep do kwlan

2007-09-25 Thread Ronaldo Reis Junior
Pessoal, a cada tentativa de conexão o kwlan faz um beep. Já tentei abaixar o som e desligar o sistema de som do KDE mas não adiantou, o beep continua. O computador é um laptop DELL Latitude D400 com Debian testing/unstable. Alguem sabe se tem como desabilitar este beep? Valeu Inte -- Good

Cópia de Contingência do Sistema

2007-09-25 Thread André
Caros colegas, Tenho um Server aqui instalado com o Debian Sarge e o mesmo não possui RAID de HD's ou algo similar, mas gostaria de inserir um novo HD para realizar uma cópia de contingência do Sistema, para que caso o disco principal com o Sistema falhe, possa colocar o sistema no ar rapidamente

faixa fracionada de IP na zona reversa do bind

2007-09-25 Thread Fábio Rabelo
Bom dia a todos ... Eu já ví a solução para isto em algum lugar, mas não estou encontrando no google !! Tenho uma faixa de IPs fracionada, e preciso definir reversos p/esta faixa, mas todos os exemplos de zona reversa q encontrei consideram a faixa toda, q no meu caso não funciona . Por exemplo,

As imagens .21x do backports não estão mais lá?

2007-09-25 Thread Zandre Bran
Olá Grupo. Utilizando o repositório do backports não localizo mais as imagens do kernel .21, apenas .18. Vocês vêem a imagem do kernel .21 no backports? Meu source.list: deb etch-backports main contrib non-free Para localizar as imagens: #aptitude

DNS Alternativo.

2007-09-25 Thread Eduardo Rodrigues da Luz
Saudações, tenho quase certeza absoluta que tem algum email na lista que fala desse assunto, mais como não consegui acha-lo, vou, ter que criar outro. Meu problema é o seguinte: eu uso conexão, pppoe, pon provider, que o debian cria para eu quando eu estou na instalação, porem não quero usar o

OpenVPN - Problema

2007-09-25 Thread Andre
Bom dia pessoal.. tenho o seguinte quadro: matriz: rede interno: ip do tunel: filial: rede interna: ip do tunel: configurei e levantei a vpn, até aí blz da matriz eu consigo pingar, inclusive das estações, no mas não pingo nas

Re: Mala Direta do Oo

2007-09-25 Thread Roberto Tikao Tsukamoto Júnior
arnoldo junior escreveu: Quando vi o Oo, logo numa de suas primeiras versões e no pré-lancamento da 2.0 dei uma olhada rapida na mala direta e achava que doasse incrivel e superasse a do Word. Hoje quis migrar um sistema antigo que havia feito integrando word, access e VB, qual nao foi minha

Re: DNS Alternativo.

2007-09-25 Thread Fem
Eduardo Rodrigues da Luz escreveu: Saudações, tenho quase certeza absoluta que tem algum email na lista que fala desse assunto, mais como não consegui acha-lo, vou, ter que criar outro. Meu problema é o seguinte: eu uso conexão, pppoe, pon provider, que o debian cria para eu quando eu

Re: OpenVPN - Problema

2007-09-25 Thread Eduardo Lopes
Você adicionou a rota nas máquinas ? Se não me engano para adicionar a rota você tem que colocar a mascara também. Em 25/09/07, Andre[EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu: Bom dia pessoal.. tenho o seguinte quadro: matriz: rede interno: ip do tunel: filial: rede

Re: OpenVPN - Problema

2007-09-25 Thread Andre
seria algo do gênero ??? route add -net gw Sim, também tentei... e nada obrigado Você adicionou a rota nas máquinas ? Se não me engano para adicionar a rota você tem que colocar a mascara também. Em 25/09/07, Andre[EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu: Bom

Re: Gravar DVD9

2007-09-25 Thread Paulo de Souza Lima
O meu grava sem problemas. Just give them the rope and they will hang themselves up Paulo de Souza Lima Curitiba/PR Linux User 432358 - Mensagem original De: Guilherme Yan [EMAIL PROTECTED] Para: Enviadas: Segunda-feira, 24 de Setembro de 2007

Fwd: Instalando o Etch via Multi-arch (é por causa da controladora {bios}

2007-09-25 Thread Rodolfo Allan
Em 24/09/07, sandro rio de janeiro[EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu: Também tenho mesmo problema , é por causa da controlador Nforce 4 ,que não deixa instalar no sata raid é uma pena ... Resolvi meu problema baixando o netinstall, funcionou bem, só é um saco baixar pacote por pacote novamente, mas

Projeto Post-la (relatórios para o Postfix)

2007-09-25 Thread Henrique Bueno
Lista, Esta semana disponibilizamos para download a versão 1.1 do Post-la, um programa para geração de relatório de e-mails do Postfix. Criamos um site para o projeto, assim poderemos dar um melhor suporte a todos que venham a usar o programa ou contribuir para a melhoria do mesmo. No próprio

RE: OpenVPN - Problema

2007-09-25 Thread Rodrigo de Freitas Cabral
Vc já checou as regras do iptables? Verifique se as rotas estão corretas e se o iptables não está bloqueando o acesso. Pode ser que seja necessário crier liberação no FORWARD entre as subredes. Att, Rodrigo de Freitas Cabral Coordenador Equipe Linux (032) 32158281 - 88020059 email: [EMAIL

Re: OpenVPN - Problema

2007-09-25 Thread Kleber Leal
voce adicionou a rota errada. quando voce adicionou a rota route add -net gw voce informou ao sistema para utilizar o gateway para acesso a uma rede diretamente conectada. O correto está abaixo: Matriz: route add -net gw

confiuracao servidor debian

2007-09-25 Thread Luis
Caros amigos, Gostaria que alguém possa corrigir o que estiver errado na configuração da rede que irei fazer de acordo com um tutorialque encontrei na internet.Daqui mais alguns dias estarei configurando um servidor para o cyber de um amigo para compartilhar a internet, proxy transparente,

Re: OpenVPN - Problema

2007-09-25 Thread Andre
Maurício, eu fiz isso e não deu em nada... agora eu encontrei um site que me deu a luz que faltava... do lado do cliente, eu simplesmente adicionei no arquivo de configuração: redirect-gateway e pronto... passou a funcionar blz.. agora eu precisaria fazer o inverso... se não tiver como,

Re: OpenVPN - Problema

2007-09-25 Thread Andre
realmente funcionou... de ambos os lados... Eu achei que não aceitaria rota pra uma rede inexistente no server local... santa idiotice a minha... Obrigado mais uma vez... voce adicionou a rota errada. quando voce adicionou a rota route add -net gw voce informou

Criando home do usuário caso nao existe

2007-09-25 Thread gunix
Galera, gostaria que o home do usuário fosse criado caso o mesmo nao existe. Como faço isso? Tenho estas linhas no common.session mas nao fuciona. session skel=/etc/skel/ Att Gunix

Re: confiuracao servidor debian

2007-09-25 Thread Fábio Rabelo
Uma sujestão, se o Sr. só vai utilizar o DNS p/cahce então pq não substituir o Bind9 ( que consome basntante memória ) pelo dnsmasq ? O dnsmasq é bem mais econômico que o Bind, sim ele não tem todos os recursos do Bind, mas acredito que tenha todos os recursos de q o Sr. vai precisar nesta

Re: DNS Alternativo.

2007-09-25 Thread Julio Gimenes
- Mensagem original De: Eduardo Rodrigues da Luz [EMAIL PROTECTED] Para: Lista Debian Enviadas: Terça-feira, 25 de Setembro de 2007 11:58:03 Assunto: DNS Alternativo. Saudações, tenho quase certeza absoluta que tem algum email na lista que fala

Re: faixa fracionada de IP na zona reversa do bind

2007-09-25 Thread Julio Gimenes
- Mensagem original De: Fábio Rabelo [EMAIL PROTECTED] Para: debian-user-portuguese Enviadas: Terça-feira, 25 de Setembro de 2007 10:38:27 Assunto: faixa fracionada de IP na zona reversa do bind Bom dia a todos ... Eu já ví a solução para isto em

problema com idioma.

2007-09-25 Thread Andre Santos
oi Pessoal! Minhas configurações de idioma estão assim: LANG=pt_BR.UTF-8 LANGUAGE=pt_BR:pt:en LC_CTYPE=pt_BR.UTF-8 LC_NUMERIC=pt_BR.UTF-8 LC_TIME=pt_BR.UTF-8 LC_COLLATE=pt_BR.UTF-8 LC_MONETARY=pt_BR.UTF-8 LC_MESSAGES=pt_BR.UTF-8 LC_PAPER=pt_BR.UTF-8 LC_NAME=pt_BR.UTF-8

Re: faixa fracionada de IP na zona reversa do bind

2007-09-25 Thread Denis
Neste caso, você tem que solicitar a empresa que te fornece os ips para que cadastrem o reverso para você. O detentor do bloco inteiro é que é o responsável por esta configuração. Abraço, Denis Anjos Em 25/09/07, Julio Gimenes[EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu: - Mensagem original De:

Res: Instalando o Lenny com winxp

2007-09-25 Thread Alysson Alves de Oliveira
Vou dar uma olhada nos instaladores. Valew Alysson Alves - Mensagem original De: Francisco Souza [EMAIL PROTECTED] Para: Lista Debian Enviadas: Segunda-feira, 24 de Setembro de 2007 21:36:44 Assunto: Re: Instalando o Lenny com winxp O

Re: Instalando o Lenny com winxp

2007-09-25 Thread jefferson alexandre
On 9/25/07, Alysson Alves de Oliveira [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Vou dar uma olhada nos instaladores. Valew Alysson Alves - Mensagem original De: Francisco Souza [EMAIL PROTECTED] Para: Lista Debian Enviadas: Segunda-feira, 24 de

Re: Instalando o Lenny com winxp

2007-09-25 Thread Francisco Souza
Qualquer dúvida... ;D Em 25/09/07, Alysson Alves de Oliveira [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu: Vou dar uma olhada nos instaladores. Valew Alysson Alves - Mensagem original De: Francisco Souza [EMAIL PROTECTED] Para: Lista Debian Enviadas:

Re: problema com idioma.

2007-09-25 Thread DF Debian
Andre Santos escreveu: oi Pessoal! Minhas configurações de idioma estão assim: LANG=pt_BR.UTF-8 LANGUAGE=pt_BR:pt:en LC_CTYPE=pt_BR.UTF-8 LC_NUMERIC=pt_BR.UTF-8 LC_TIME=pt_BR.UTF-8 LC_COLLATE=pt_BR.UTF-8 LC_MONETARY=pt_BR.UTF-8 LC_MESSAGES=pt_BR.UTF-8 LC_PAPER=pt_BR.UTF-8

Re: imprimir pdf colorido em p/b

2007-09-25 Thread Sávio Ramos
Em Mon, 24 Sep 2007 17:37:48 -0300 Tiago Saboga [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu: uma antiga hp laserjet 6L, que é ótima para textos, mas que lida muito mal com tons de cinza No cups não é possível ajustar a impressora para imprimir em tons de cinza? -- Sávio M Ramos Arquiteto, Rio, RJ Só uso

RE: faixa fracionada de IP na zona reversa do bind

2007-09-25 Thread Rodrigo de Freitas Cabral
Veja se vai funcionar assim: Verifique novamente o seu range de ips, pois o útimo endereço deveria ser um número ímpar. Veja qual mascara está usando. Rodrigo de Freitas Cabral Coordenador Equipe Linux (032) 32158281 - 88020059 email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] / [EMAIL


2007-09-25 Thread Henrique Bueno
Lista, Alguém poderia me explicar como eu altero as configurações de semáforos do sistema operacional? É preciso recompilar o kernel? Preciso fazer uma alteração nestes parâmetros para instalar um banco de dados... Grato! -- Henrique Bueno linux user #417797

Re: Semáforos

2007-09-25 Thread Rúben Lício
Caso os semafaros a que se refere sejam os utilizados para o kernel no controle interno de thread, é um tanto arriscado mexer nisso, você pode causar problemas graves e indeterminados no funcionamento do kernel. Caso não seja isso, não sei do que está falando, passo a vez na resposta... On

Re: problema com idioma.

2007-09-25 Thread Julio Gimenes
- Mensagem original De: Andre Santos [EMAIL PROTECTED] Para: Enviadas: Terça-feira, 25 de Setembro de 2007 16:48:44 Assunto: problema com idioma. oi Pessoal! Minhas configurações de idioma estão assim: LANG=pt_BR.UTF-8 LANGUAGE=pt_BR:pt:en

Re: problema com idioma.

2007-09-25 Thread Alexandre Pereira Bühler
Julio, Vá no diretório /etc/apache2/conf.d . Edita o arquivo charset. Coloque ai o charset que você deseja. Ex: ISO8859-1. Reinicie o apache. Pronto problema resolvido. -- Alexandre Pereira Bühler Linux User 397546 Telefone: (41) 3039-5428 [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL

Re: imprimir pdf colorido em p/b

2007-09-25 Thread Tiago Saboga
On Tue, Sep 25, 2007 at 05:44:24PM -0300, Sávio Ramos wrote: Em Mon, 24 Sep 2007 17:37:48 -0300 Tiago Saboga [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu: uma antiga hp laserjet 6L, que é ótima para textos, mas que lida muito mal com tons de cinza No cups não é possível ajustar a impressora para

Re: Semáforos

2007-09-25 Thread paulobruck1
Em Ter, 2007-09-25 às 18:00 -0300, Henrique Bueno escreveu: Lista, Alguém poderia me explicar como eu altero as configurações de semáforos do sistema operacional? Veja em man sysctl É preciso recompilar o kernel? não é necessário , vc pdoe alterar on-the-fly os valores de semáforos do

Erro na execução do fragroute

2007-09-25 Thread Pedro Celio
Olá pessoal... mais uma dúvida!!! Estou tentendo usar o fragroute para fragmentar o tráfego para testes de evasão com o Snort. Porém quando tento executar ele... passando o endereço da própria máquina ou de outra ele retorna o erro: fragroute: no route to no such

Re: FTP externo.

2007-09-25 Thread Rodrigo - PontoZIP Informatica
Também estou tendo um problema similar, após montar um script com o iptables e liberar a porta 21 e no final DROPar todas as outras portas, os FTP não conectam. O que percebi que a estação recebe o retorno do FTP em portas aleatórias que estão bloqueadas. Alguém teria alguma idéia de como

Re: FTP externo.

2007-09-25 Thread Rodrigo - Y!
Também estou tendo um problema similar, após montar um script com o iptables e liberar a porta 21 e no final DROPar todas as outras portas, os FTP não conectam. O que percebi que a estação recebe o retorno do FTP em portas aleatórias que estão bloqueadas. Alguém teria alguma idéia de como

Of Topic - Mala direta Broffice

2007-09-25 Thread Luiz Carcerelli
Desculpem pelo OT, mas catei por todo plado na net e não encontrei solução (site do projeto google etc). Ocorre que criei uma planilha que serve de base de dados para uma mala direta. Quando mando imprimir, com ou sem qualquer tipo de filtragem o programa imprime apenas as cartas referentees aos


2007-09-25 Thread kallege
tolly braxton years after the cessation of exposure. _Sterility_ may be induced in X-ray Keep Your Eyes Open TUESDAY For News From SCYF SECURITY FINANCING (SCYF) Current: $.009 Big news means big returns with SCYF Set your buy for Tuesday

Re: Nomachine on Debian unstable?

2007-09-25 Thread Stefan Bellon
On Tue, 25 Sep, Gilles Mocellin wrote: Le Monday 24 September 2007 08:41:34 Stefan Bellon, vous avez écrit : Hi, [...] I think the problem is here : NX 208 Using auth method: publickey NX 204 Authentication failed.. [...] Do you use the defaut ssh key ? Yes, haven't touched a

Re: two workstation on etch

2007-09-25 Thread heba
2007/9/24, Gabrielle Chatelet [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Ok First, do you have access to ADSL internet? If yes, change your /etc/apt/sources.list to something like: deb etch main non-free contrib deb-src etch main non-free contrib deb

Re: lirc on Debian with AMD64

2007-09-25 Thread Greg Vickers
Hi Marty, Marty wrote: David Brodbeck wrote: I find with LIRC it's usually easiest to abandon using packages and build it from scratch. It seems to be much easier to configure that way. I realize this isn't the Debian-correct(tm) way to do it but it's usually what I resort to. In the

Re: two workstation on etch

2007-09-25 Thread Gabrielle Chatelet
On Tuesday 25 September 2007 09:16, heba wrote: 2007/9/24, Gabrielle Chatelet [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Ok First, do you have access to ADSL internet? If yes, change your /etc/apt/sources.list to something like: deb etch main non-free contrib deb-src

Re: LPR and CUPS

2007-09-25 Thread Miles Bader
David Brodbeck [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: For printers on UNIX hosts, you probably want to use lpr:// with the host's address in the URL. Of course, the host has to be configured to allow remote printing, and you'll need to know the queue name. Wow, that worked!! [I could only find addresses

Re: binary packages versus source

2007-09-25 Thread pietia
s. keeling pisze: pietia [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Joey Hess pisze: No, the debian buildds run unstable (except for the buildds used to build updates for stable). for whitch architecture are optimized ? less /boot/config-$(uname -r) No, probably you don't get it. If

MySQL: What is the default table charset

2007-09-25 Thread Florian Lindner
Hello, since the default table charset is set at compile time at MySQL (IIRC) I wonder what it is in Debian etch? (I hope it's utf-8) One more question: How could I have found at myself? Can I view the build specs (the ./configure line) anywhere? Thanks, Florian -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to

Re: Penalty of SELinux?

2007-09-25 Thread Mike McCarty
Manoj Srivastava wrote: On Mon, 24 Sep 2007 18:54:34 -0500, Mike McCarty [EMAIL PROTECTED] said: Manoj Srivastava wrote: On Mon, 24 Sep 2007 18:21:16 -0500, Mike McCarty [EMAIL PROTECTED] said: Manoj Srivastava wrote: Firstly: Very few packages have been actively patched to link Something

GNOME: Associate multiple queues with one printer: HOW?

2007-09-25 Thread Mike McCarty
My GF has a Debian/GNOME/CUPS machine, and wishes to associate more than one queue with it. I use Fedora/GNOME/CUPS and have no problem doing that, but so far have failed to manage it with Debian. Can anyone help me get her machine set up to have more than one queue on her printer? The

Re: unstable: problems installing GNOME

2007-09-25 Thread Florian Kulzer
On Mon, Sep 24, 2007 at 23:18:50 +0100, michael wrote: On Mon, 2007-09-24 at 14:31 -0700, Andrew Sackville-West wrote: On Mon, Sep 24, 2007 at 10:27:17PM +0100, michael wrote: On Mon, 2007-09-24 at 22:45 +0200, Florian Kulzer wrote: On Mon, Sep 24, 2007 at 15:06:02 -0500, Ron Johnson

Re: unstable: problems installing GNOME

2007-09-25 Thread michael
On Mon, 2007-09-24 at 17:33 -0500, Ron Johnson wrote: -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 On 09/24/07 17:18, michael wrote: On Mon, 2007-09-24 at 14:31 -0700, Andrew Sackville-West wrote: On Mon, Sep 24, 2007 at 10:27:17PM +0100, michael wrote: On Mon, 2007-09-24 at 22:45

Re: Penalty of SELinux?

2007-09-25 Thread Kevin Mark
On Tue, Sep 25, 2007 at 03:11:39AM -0500, Mike McCarty wrote: Manoj Srivastava wrote: On Mon, 24 Sep 2007 18:54:34 -0500, Mike McCarty [EMAIL PROTECTED] said: Manoj Srivastava wrote: On Mon, 24 Sep 2007 18:21:16 -0500, Mike McCarty [EMAIL PROTECTED] said: Manoj Srivastava wrote:

Re: unstable: problems installing GNOME

2007-09-25 Thread michael
On Tue, 2007-09-25 at 10:43 +0200, Florian Kulzer wrote: On Mon, Sep 24, 2007 at 23:18:50 +0100, michael wrote: On Mon, 2007-09-24 at 14:31 -0700, Andrew Sackville-West wrote: On Mon, Sep 24, 2007 at 10:27:17PM +0100, michael wrote: On Mon, 2007-09-24 at 22:45 +0200, Florian Kulzer

bittorent thru a proxy

2007-09-25 Thread abdelkader belahcene
Hi, I want to use gnome-btdownload, to download a bittorent cd. I works fine when there is no proxy. But I can't use it when there is a proxy help please best regards -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

How do I know debian has detected all my hardware?

2007-09-25 Thread Amit Uttamchandani
Hey guys, I recently installed etch on this old laptop and have no problems with it whatsoever. I had no hardware issues or anything. It seemed like all the hardware was automatically detected. Now the question is, how do I know for sure? I know I could use lspci or something like that. But

Re: unstable: problems installing GNOME

2007-09-25 Thread Florian Kulzer
On Tue, Sep 25, 2007 at 10:06:09 +0100, michael wrote: On Tue, 2007-09-25 at 10:43 +0200, Florian Kulzer wrote: On Mon, Sep 24, 2007 at 23:18:50 +0100, michael wrote: [ snip: problems installing Gnome on unstable ] python-gnome2-desktop: Depends: libwnck18 Can you post the output of:

xconfig for Dell LCD's during etch install

2007-09-25 Thread C.T.F. Jansen
Greetings, Is the Xconfig* file in X11, or whatever Xorg (?) uses, correctly setup during the install of Debian 4.0r1 on a Dell 3000 box that has a LCD display ? I ask because Debian 3.1 failed to detect the characteristics of said LCD displays causing some extra running around to find

canon printer driver question

2007-09-25 Thread steef
hi, does anybody know if the gutenprint driver canon ip2000 pixma also works with the canon ip2500 pixma? (googling is inconclusive) thnanks, steef -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: lirc on Debian with AMD64

2007-09-25 Thread Marty
Greg Vickers wrote: Hi Marty, Marty wrote: David Brodbeck wrote: I find with LIRC it's usually easiest to abandon using packages and build it from scratch. It seems to be much easier to configure that way. I realize this isn't the Debian-correct(tm) way to do it but it's usually what I

Re: unstable: problems installing GNOME

2007-09-25 Thread michael
On Tue, 2007-09-25 at 11:36 +0200, Florian Kulzer wrote: On Tue, Sep 25, 2007 at 10:06:09 +0100, michael wrote: On Tue, 2007-09-25 at 10:43 +0200, Florian Kulzer wrote: On Mon, Sep 24, 2007 at 23:18:50 +0100, michael wrote: [ snip: problems installing Gnome on unstable ]

Re: Tool for document management

2007-09-25 Thread Jochen Schulz
Steve Lamb: However the decision came down to one factor which I did not list. When I was reviewing SVN one thing popped into my head over and over, Why Perl!? What does Subversion have to do with Perl? (Not that I think your decision is wrong, I just don't know what you're referring

Re: iscan frustration Compounded!

2007-09-25 Thread Thomas H. George
On Tue, Sep 25, 2007 at 12:12:15AM +, Felix Karpfen wrote: On Mon, 24 Sep 2007 12:19:16 -0400, Thomas H. George wrote: On Mon, 24 Sep 2007 12:19:16 -0400, Thomas H. George wrote: I own two Epson scanners, a Perfection 2400 Photo and a Perfection V100 Photo. Neither work with

Re: How do I know debian has detected all my hardware?

2007-09-25 Thread Marcello Barreto de Medeiros
Hello Amit, i could try to install a package called lshw (apt-get install lshw). DESCRIPTION lshw is a small tool to extract detailed information on the hardware configuration of the machine. It can report exact memory configuration, firmware version, mainboard

Re: Tool for document management

2007-09-25 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Mon, Sep 24, 2007 at 09:57:35PM -0700, Steve Lamb wrote: Not having to learn LaTeX would be the head of my list. While I am sure it is a fine and dandy language for what it does and I know there are people who have produced some nice text using it I do not wish to learn a third

Re: binary packages versus source

2007-09-25 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Tue, Sep 25, 2007 at 09:41:05AM +0200, pietia wrote: for whitch architecture are optimized ? less /boot/config-$(uname -r) No, probably you don't get it. If i have pentium (686) it doesn't mean that I use binary packages optimized for 686 in debian (x86) system. am i wrong ?

Re: Tool for document management

2007-09-25 Thread Neil Watson
On Mon, Sep 24, 2007 at 09:57:35PM -0700, Steve Lamb wrote: I use XEMacs daily to produce LaTeX documents. I have frequent need to search my archives of material I have written in the past, and I use grep for this purpose. It is difficult for me to imagine an advantage offered by OpenOffice

Re: binary packages versus source

2007-09-25 Thread s. keeling
pietia [EMAIL PROTECTED]: s. keeling pisze: pietia [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Joey Hess pisze: No, the debian buildds run unstable (except for the buildds used to build updates for stable). for whitch architecture are optimized ? less /boot/config-$(uname -r) No, probably

Warning: attempt to remove nonexistent passive grab

2007-09-25 Thread BartlebyScrivener
Hi, I searched this group on this error message, which I get at odd times on Debian Etch, usually when using Mutt or xpdf to read an attachment. I'll go to those groups too, but sometimes I think I see it even from the command line. Anyone else? Or does anyone know what it means? Thanks, rd

Re: How to reply in the mailing lists

2007-09-25 Thread Michael Marsh
On 9/24/07, Andrei Popescu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Mon, Sep 24, 2007 at 03:48:37PM -0500, Sid Arth wrote: I was wondering how to reply to a message but in a way so everybody in the list gets it, but without starting a whole new thread. As far as I know (I don't use the web interface) the

Re: How to reply in the mailing lists

2007-09-25 Thread Celejar
On Tue, 25 Sep 2007 00:07:19 -0400 Kamaraju S Kusumanchi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Eric d'Alibut wrote: On 9/24/07, Kamaraju S Kusumanchi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: gmail currently does not have a reply-to-list feature so replying (only) to the list is a bit pain. I just hit

Re: Tool for document management

2007-09-25 Thread Ron Johnson
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 On 09/24/07 21:10, Steve Lamb wrote: [snip] One I think that will go unfulfilled. First off Word suffers from the same problem. I found out the hard way on one of my scripting projects. So there's precedent. The second reason is that OOo

Re: Etch-backports and gpg problems (SOLVED)

2007-09-25 Thread Ron Johnson
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 On 09/24/07 21:44, Marc Shapiro wrote: Kamaraju S Kusumanchi wrote: David Fox wrote: It might be worth mentioning that sudo doesn't work across pipes: For instance: sudo command_1 | command_2 The first command will be run as root, but the

Re: How to reply in the mailing lists

2007-09-25 Thread Michael Marsh
On 9/25/07, Celejar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: If you're able to run client software (i.e. you're on your own system, not on some possibly locked down public one), why not just use your favorite proper email client? For me, it's a matter of all clients sucking. Gmail gives me the google search

Re: Penalty of SELinux?

2007-09-25 Thread Ron Johnson
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 On 09/24/07 22:16, Mumia W.. wrote: On 09/24/2007 07:52 PM, Miles Bader wrote: Mike McCarty [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: even 708 old hardware seems to be running it fine for me. My objection is to having on my machine at all. I object to having

Re: Warning: attempt to remove nonexistent passive grab

2007-09-25 Thread Celejar
On Tue, 25 Sep 2007 06:07:46 -0700 BartlebyScrivener [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi, I searched this group on this error message, which I get at odd times on Debian Etch, usually when using Mutt or xpdf to read an attachment. I'll go to those groups too, but sometimes I think I see it even

Re: Tool for document management

2007-09-25 Thread Kumar Appaiah
On Tue, Sep 25, 2007 at 09:00:28AM -0400, Neil Watson wrote: With TeX and LaTeX and its ilk the templates actually work. I can use the same template for all of my reports and they always look the same. There are no annoying format inconsistencies that are so common with Word and OpenOffice.

Re: How to reply in the mailing lists

2007-09-25 Thread Celejar
On Tue, 25 Sep 2007 09:38:29 -0400 Michael Marsh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On 9/25/07, Celejar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: If you're able to run client software (i.e. you're on your own system, not on some possibly locked down public one), why not just use your favorite proper email client?

Re: How to reply in the mailing lists

2007-09-25 Thread Michael Marsh
On 9/25/07, Celejar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Tue, 25 Sep 2007 09:38:29 -0400 Michael Marsh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: For me, it's a matter of all clients sucking. Gmail gives me the google search algorithm over my mailbox, google talk in the sidebar (not used often, but very handy on

Re: Tool for document management

2007-09-25 Thread Steve Lamb
Jochen Schulz wrote: What does Subversion have to do with Perl? Huh... For some reason I was under the impression it was written in Perl. It is not, it is written in C. So, uhm... that changes it to Eww, C! :) Mea culpa. -- Steve C. Lamb | But who decides what

ATI or Nvidia

2007-09-25 Thread Guillermo Garron
Hi, I have my system as dual boot, Debian Etch and ubuntu Gutsy, I am asking on the Ubuntu list, which is my best option nVidia or ATI, actually I have an ATI Radeon X300, and I want to change it. In your Debian experience which has better support?, I have read that nVidia is better, actually I

xmodmap again - not solved after all

2007-09-25 Thread Anthony Campbell
I've twice thought I'd solved this one but no. To recap: my .xinitrc contains the line: xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap. which has worked for many months or even years. In the last couple of weeks the command is not being run. I tried putting the full path to xmodmap, which seemed to work at first but then

OT: Choice of OOo and LaTeX (Was: Tool for document management)

2007-09-25 Thread Steve Lamb
Neil Watson wrote: With TeX and LaTeX and its ilk the templates actually work. I can use the same template for all of my reports and they always look the same. There are no annoying format inconsistencies that are so common with Word and OpenOffice. To be fair I am operating out a large

Re: Tool for document management

2007-09-25 Thread Steve Lamb
Ron Johnson wrote: Do you happen to have a bug number? I do not. I found several references on the OOo forums when searching for methods of setting my documents to uncompressed for use with Subversion. On the bright side Mercurial does have a FAQ about using Mercurial with OOo

Re: OT: Choice of OOo and LaTeX (Was: Tool for document management)

2007-09-25 Thread Kumar Appaiah
On Tue, Sep 25, 2007 at 07:30:35AM -0700, Steve Lamb wrote: To be fair I am operating out a large measure of ignorance. One of my main concerns is that the typesetting languages are languages. I'm sure they're robust but I have always seen their use tied to another editor. Since an

Re: OT: Choice of OOo and LaTeX (Was: Tool for document management)

2007-09-25 Thread Ron Johnson
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 On 09/25/07 09:30, Steve Lamb wrote: Neil Watson wrote: With TeX and LaTeX and its ilk the templates actually work. I can use the same template for all of my reports and they always look the same. There are no annoying format inconsistencies that

Re: OT: Choice of OOo and LaTeX (Was: Tool for document management)

2007-09-25 Thread Adam Mercer
Neil Watson wrote: I have seen many publishers take submissions in Word, plain text or printed out. I've yet to see one accept LaTeX. Publishers of scientific journals accept LaTeX, most even provide a style file so that the document is formatted according to the specific journals

Re: canon printer driver question

2007-09-25 Thread Andrew Sackville-West
On Tue, Sep 25, 2007 at 12:21:27PM +0200, steef wrote: hi, does anybody know if the gutenprint driver canon ip2000 pixma also works with the canon ip2500 pixma? I can only answer indirectly: the ip1500 pixma does *not* work with the ip200 pixma driver. There is a repository deb

Re: OT: Choice of OOo and LaTeX (Was: Tool for document management)

2007-09-25 Thread Neil Watson
On Tue, Sep 25, 2007 at 07:30:35AM -0700, Steve Lamb wrote: Also the end result of my labor will be to send this out to be published. I have seen many publishers take submissions in Word, plain text or printed out. This is another good thing about TeX. You can publish your document in

Re: GNOME: Associate multiple queues with one printer: HOW?

2007-09-25 Thread Andrew Sackville-West
On Tue, Sep 25, 2007 at 03:20:22AM -0500, Mike McCarty wrote: My GF has a Debian/GNOME/CUPS machine, and wishes to associate more than one queue with it. I use Fedora/GNOME/CUPS and have no problem doing that, but so far have failed to manage it with Debian. Can anyone help me get her machine

Re: OT: Choice of OOo and LaTeX (Was: Tool for document management)

2007-09-25 Thread Steve Lamb
Ron Johnson wrote: PDF? Haven't seen it as an acceptable format for submission, no. -- Steve C. Lamb | But who decides what they dream? PGP Key: 8B6E99C5 | And dream I do... ---+-

Re: Tool for document management

2007-09-25 Thread Miles Fidelman
Folks, I share some of the original writers interest in finding a good document management tool. It was sort of disappointing to see a discussion that has focused primarily on version control tools, and a little on TeX vs. Word vs. Open Office issues. There are a huge number of document

Re: OT: Choice of OOo and LaTeX (Was: Tool for document management)

2007-09-25 Thread Steve Lamb
Kumar Appaiah wrote: I am actually a bit surprised. Numerous scientific books are written in TeX. In fact, Dr. Knuth's own books are typeset in TeX, which is what eh created TeX for. Besides, I am really surprised publishers won't want TeX, since a lot of books I've read have acklowledged that

Re: Tool for document management

2007-09-25 Thread Steve Lamb
Miles Fidelman wrote: It was sort of disappointing to see a discussion that has focused primarily on version control tools, and a little on TeX vs. Word vs. Open Office issues. This is D-U where the relative geek level is high. We're going to tend towards the technical solutions over the

select() in sh (POSIX is crap, but something to have anyway :)

2007-09-25 Thread Oleg Verych
07-08-2007, Vincent Lefevre: [] Not every system has bash. If this is for compatibility, you can learn POSIX sh, but e.g. Solaris /bin/sh is not a POSIX sh. And Windows will have `sh` soon, called Microsoft Suxe Shell (C) Novell. For this reason and because POSIX sh is limited (you can't

Installing 2 Linux on one HD.

2007-09-25 Thread Yazad Khambata
Hi all, I have 2 hard drives on one I have windows installed. The other is used by me for Linux installation... I first installed Debian 4.0; during installation it asked me about GRUB and it aslo asked me if I had Windows XP/2000. All was well... I could log into Debian and on selecting others

Re: Tool for document management

2007-09-25 Thread Hans Vogelsberger
Andrei Popescu schrieb: On Mon, Sep 24, 2007 at 09:57:35PM -0700, Steve Lamb wrote: Not having to learn LaTeX would be the head of my list. While I am sure it is a fine and dandy language for what it does and I know there are people who have produced some nice text using it I do not wish

Re: Spamassassin and Exim4

2007-09-25 Thread Andrew Sackville-West
On Tue, Sep 25, 2007 at 03:30:21PM +1000, Alex Samad wrote: On Mon, Sep 24, 2007 at 04:03:47PM -0700, Andrew Sackville-West wrote: On Sun, Sep 23, 2007 at 06:40:58PM -0400, Daniel D Jones wrote: On Monday 24 September 2007 15:50:58 Andrew Sackville-West wrote: On Sun, Sep 23, 2007 at

Put a Separated Subtitle Inside the Xvid Movie

2007-09-25 Thread Orestes Leal
Dear friends, my situation it´s this, I have a movie (Xvid) with a separate subtitle (srt) , I want to know how i can put the subtitles into the movie file for later make a vcd (Mencoder?), just that, thanks a lot to all of you. olr.

Re: Penalty of SELinux?

2007-09-25 Thread Manoj Srivastava
On Tue, 25 Sep 2007 03:11:39 -0500, Mike McCarty [EMAIL PROTECTED] said: Manoj Srivastava wrote: On Mon, 24 Sep 2007 18:54:34 -0500, Mike McCarty [EMAIL PROTECTED] said: Manoj Srivastava wrote: On Mon, 24 Sep 2007 18:21:16 -0500, Mike McCarty [EMAIL PROTECTED] said: Manoj Srivastava

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