Consulta con procmailrc

2007-11-05 Thread Jose Pablo Rojas Carranza
Hola!! Una consulta, es posible hacer una regla en procmail con un or, pero que minimo cumpla una regla? Lo que deseo hacer es algo como lo siguiente: El servidor es un servidor de correo externo, o sea recibe correos de muchos dominios. Quiero aplicar esta regla para cuando recibo correos de

Re: Video en Laptop

2007-11-05 Thread Rafael Mejías
En el xorg.conf todos los modos estan 1024x768 solamente. Puede que el problema sea el driver. De todas maneras Lenny permite la resolucion a 1024 pero me gustaria lograrlo en Etch. Sugerencias? -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: GPG Error con repositorio

2007-11-05 Thread Carlos Rojas
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Roger Orellana escribió: On 11/5/07, *Santiago Jos� L�pez Borraz�s* [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA512 El 05/11/07 22:15, Roger Orellana escribi�: (...)

Re: Consulta con procmailrc

2007-11-05 Thread Luis Rodrigo Gallardo Cruz
On Mon, Nov 05, 2007 at 04:48:43PM -0600, Jose Pablo Rojas Carranza wrote: Hola!! Una consulta, es posible hacer una regla en procmail con un or, pero que minimo cumpla una regla? Tengo algo como lo siguiente: :0fw * ^From:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | programa a redireccionar :0fw *

Ekiga ip-telefoni

2007-11-05 Thread Gunnar Björkdahl
Hejsan Är det någon som lyckats använda Ekiga? Jag har försökt ringa lokalt på ett LAN, det verkar som att man kopplas ihop mot varandra, men inget ljud överförs. Har kollat alla volymer och resp. mute på mic, mic boost, line etc. Måste man ha en lokal STUN-server eller vad är det frågan om.

Re: Ekiga ip-telefoni

2007-11-05 Thread Christoffer Kugg Jerkeby
On 11/5/07, Gunnar Björkdahl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hejsan Är det någon som lyckats använda Ekiga? Jag har försökt ringa lokalt på ett LAN, det verkar som att man kopplas ihop mot varandra, men inget ljud överförs. Har kollat alla volymer och resp. mute på mic, mic boost, line etc. Måste

Debian unstable + TuxOnIce +TP

2007-11-05 Thread Carl-Fredrik Enell
Hej Är det någon som har en fungerande konfiguration för TuxOnIce (f.d. swsusp2) för unstable på IBM Thinkpad T41p? Då jag kör hibernate ser det ut som om swapfilen skrivs som den skall men vid omstart får jag ett meddelande som ser ut i stil med: no swap signature found lzw compression

Re: Debian unstable + TuxOnIce +TP

2007-11-05 Thread Peter Carlsson
Carl-Fredrik Enell skrev: Hej! Tyvärr har jag inga svar att komma med. Däremot hade jag precis tänkt fråga om någon körde TuxOnIce på Debian. Är det någon som har en fungerande konfiguration för TuxOnIce (f.d. swsusp2) för unstable på IBM Thinkpad T41p? Jag hittar inga Debian-paket utan

Re: Ekiga ip-telefoni

2007-11-05 Thread Mikael Magnusson
Gunnar Björkdahl wrote: Hejsan Är det någon som lyckats använda Ekiga? Jag har försökt ringa lokalt på ett LAN, det verkar som att man kopplas ihop mot varandra, men inget ljud överförs. Har kollat alla volymer och resp. mute på mic, mic boost, line etc. Måste man ha en lokal STUN-server eller


2007-11-05 Thread Anders Ellenshøj Andersen
Jeg har en dual boot laptop med vista og debian unstable. Her i starten af året havde jeg frygtelige problemer med at få uret til at gå rigtigt. Jeg tror der kom en automatisk opdatering før det lykkedes. Nu vil den ikke skifte tilbage til vintertid. Hvad kan jeg checke for at sikre mig at

Re: Vintertid

2007-11-05 Thread Jonas Smedegaard
Anders Ellenshøj Andersen skrev: Jeg har en dual boot laptop med vista og debian unstable. Her i starten af året havde jeg frygtelige problemer med at få uret til at gå rigtigt. Jeg tror der kom en automatisk opdatering før det lykkedes. Nu vil den ikke skifte tilbage til vintertid.

Re: Vintertid

2007-11-05 Thread Anders Ellenshøj Andersen
Den Monday 05 November 2007 18:56:06 skrev Anders Ellenshøj Andersen: Hvad kan jeg checke for at sikre mig at uret viser rigtigt? Jeg bruger KDE hvis det gør nogen forskel. Nå.. Min debian ignorerer UTC=no i /etc/default/rcS. Den eneste grund til at det har virket i sommers var at det var

Re: Vintertid

2007-11-05 Thread Anders Ellenshøj Andersen
Den Monday 05 November 2007 18:13:30 skrev Jonas Smedegaard: Nemmeste[1] måde at sikre korrekt opsat tid på en Debian-maskine er at installere pakken ntpdate. Dumt spørgsmål: Hvorfor skrive [1] efter nemmeste? Er det en eller anden indforstået linux-joke? Har set det andre steder og jeg kan

Re: Vintertid

2007-11-05 Thread Peter Makholm
Anders Ellenshøj Andersen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Den Monday 05 November 2007 18:13:30 skrev Jonas Smedegaard: Nemmeste[1] måde at sikre korrekt opsat tid på en Debian-maskine er at installere pakken ntpdate. Dumt spørgsmål: Hvorfor skrive [1] efter nemmeste? Er det en eller anden

Re: Vintertid

2007-11-05 Thread Mads Chr. Olesen
man, 05 11 2007 kl. 18:27 +0100, skrev Anders Ellenshøj Andersen: Dumt spørgsmål: Hvorfor skrive [1] efter nemmeste? Er det en eller anden indforstået linux-joke? Har set det andre steder og jeg kan ikke helt se pointen.. :) Det er en fodnote, se længere nede i Jonas' svar: [1] Der er

Re: Vintertid

2007-11-05 Thread Lars P. Magnussen
Et skud i tågen: Er der ikke noget med at Windows ikke kan køre med hardware clock i UTC tid? Jeg mener at huske noget om dette, da jeg installerede en test labtop til dualboot XP og Debian. Dvs. at man er nødt til at ændre opsætningen i Linux, for ikke at få problemer. Mvh Lars P.

Re: horario de verão

2007-11-05 Thread Gunther Furtado
Em 03/11/07, Leandro de Araujo Julio[EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu: Pessoal não se mais alguém teve esse problema, mas acompanhei a discussão sobre o horário de verão e instalei o tz-brasil e o meu relógio ficou correto com o horário de verão, no entanto agora voltou o horário antigo, ou seja uma

Re: sistema trava a tela

2007-11-05 Thread Hugo Guimarães
*Rodolfo Barbosa:* Bom, eu pensei que esse poderia ser o caso, mas antes de qualquer coisa decidi perguntar. Então, se o problema for esse mesmo que você diz, fazendo o upgrade para versão Testing resolve o problema? *Thadeu Penna: *O log que voce pediu tem esse conteúdo:

rotas de 2 interfaces internas e 1 externa

2007-11-05 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED] Lopes
Amigos, Tenho 2 interfaces e A interface está configurada com DHCP e compartilhando a internet normalmente; A interface configurei ela a pouco tempo porém estou verificando um problema no ping com resposta

Re: john the ripper

2007-11-05 Thread Maxwillian Miorim
On 11/4/07, Leandro de Araujo Julio [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Alguém sabe me dizer se tem o john the ripper em algum repositório Debian, fiz uma busca mas o máximo que achei foi um para o woody. -- In a World without Walls and Fences, who needs Windows and Gates? - Think different. -Think

rotas de 2 interfaces internas e 1 externa

2007-11-05 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED] Lopes
Amigos, Tenho 2 interfaces e A interface está configurada com DHCP e compartilhando a internet normalmente; A interface configurei ela a pouco tempo porém estou verificando um problema no ping com resposta

rotas de 2 interfaces internas e 1 externa

2007-11-05 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED] Lopes
Amigos, Tenho 2 interfaces e A interface está configurada com DHCP e compartilhando a internet normalmente; A interface configurei ela a pouco tempo porém estou verificando um problema no ping com resposta

Script usando telnet e requisitando o HTTP

2007-11-05 Thread Rodrigo Tavares
Pessoal, Gostaria de fazer um script com seguinte comando: pc:~$ telnet 80 Trying Connected to Escape character is '^]' Logo quando vem essa mensagem tenho de digitar GET para gerar um requisição ao host selecionado. Como fazer isso de forma

Re: rotas de 2 interfaces internas e 1 externa

2007-11-05 Thread Miguel Da Silva - Centro de Matemática
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Lopes escribió: Amigos, Tenho 2 interfaces e A interface está configurada com DHCP e compartilhando a internet normalmente; A interface configurei ela a pouco tempo porém estou verificando um

Re: Webcam Z-Star Microelectronics Corp

2007-11-05 Thread hamacker
Francamente nem sei qual a diferença entre spca ou gspca, mas testa com o ekiga usando o v4l2. Eu uso ubuntu e ela é autoconfigurada, porém percebí que apenas aplicações compativeis com v4l2 listam esse dispositivo. de qualquer forma pelo que ví aqui, ele usa o modulo spca que voce pode usar o

Re: Configurar gnome na mao

2007-11-05 Thread Sávio Ramos
Em Sun, 04 Nov 2007 13:04:37 -0200 caio abreu ferreira [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu: System Preferences Keyboard, aparece uma janela do Bug reporting Tools. Ja enviei o report, mas estou querendo mudar o teclado, US international com acentuacao. Quando usei este caminho para configurar o

Re: Som, Webcam e wireless do positivo v146

2007-11-05 Thread Paulo de Souza Lima
Olá, Para os que estiverem interessados no driver da webcam, favor entrar em contato comigo em PVT. Abraços, Miguel Da Silva - Centro de Matemática [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu: Roberth Oliveira Corgosinho escreveu: Oi, Meu notebook positivo possui o seguinte hardware: Placa de Som: via

rota de dois links internos e um externo

2007-11-05 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED] Lopes
Pessoal, To com um problema, tenho dois links internos e e um links ADSL, a rede funciona normalmente com DHCP e compartilhamento para internet, porém a rede está tendo muitas perdas no ping 14000.00 ms e nada funciona (já

Re: Desassossiação de processos já em execução

2007-11-05 Thread Gustavo Feijó
Maxwillian, Novamente obrigado pela dica, postei no Viva o Linux uma dica a respeito desse assunto. Se quiser checar, segue o link. [] Grande abraço e obrigado mais uma vez. Em 17/09/07, Maxwillian Miorim[EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

forçar o drop de frames em vídeos

2007-11-05 Thread Thadeu Penna
Eu tenho uma simulação que leva 4 minutos (a 30fps) e gostaria de mostrar um vídeo que levasse 30 s. Eu gravei o resultado usando o gtk-recordmydesktop e criei um ogg. Tem alguma programa que force o drop de frames (por exemplo, de 5 em 5) de modo ao vídeo ficar mais curto e mais rápido ? []s --

Re: Recompilar kernel e som

2007-11-05 Thread caio abreu ferreira
Eu imagino que nao seja esse o problema. Com o kernel padrao do debian o som funciona sem nenhum problema. O problema somente aparece quando eu utilizo o kernel que eu compilei. O motivo de estar querendo recompilar o kernel 'e ativar o drive da nVidia. Obrigado. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Debian Lenny + LTSP + Gcompris - audio

2007-11-05 Thread Cláudio Martinelli
Olá a todos, Preparei um Lenny com LTSP 5, que por sinal ficou muito bom, inclusive com audio nas estações, mas logo aplicativo que será mais usado (paras as crianças da escola) o Gcompris, o audio não sai, ja para aplicativos em flash, músicas, etc funciona. Por acaso alguém já

Participar da Lista

2007-11-05 Thread Paulo Roberto
Boa noite gostaria de fazer parte da lista. Como faço para começar a participar? Mto obrigado

Re: Participar da Lista

2007-11-05 Thread tombs
Em 06/11/07, Paulo Roberto [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu: Boa noite gostaria de fazer parte da lista. Como faço para começar a participar? Mto obrigado Paulo, preencha seu e-mail nessa pagina que to te mandando... [] tombs

Re: multimedia driver support questions...

2007-11-05 Thread Kelly Clowers
On Nov 4, 2007 8:33 PM, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: running Debian Etch. I have an HP slimline 3120 (AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4200+) with an MCP51 chipset providing HDA sound. sound quibble: -- when I plug my speakers into 'front' speaker jack (green in the pack) I

sa-learn error message

2007-11-05 Thread Yuriy Padlyak
Hello I've got this error: $ sa-learn --spam,S syntax error for eval function GREYLIST_ISWHITE: greylisting(( 'dir' = '/var/spool/sa-exim/tuplets'; 'method' = 'dir'; 'greylistsecs' = '1800'; 'dontgreylistthreshold' = 11; 'connectiphdr' = '

Re: reading email from gmail account with gnus in Emacs22

2007-11-05 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Sun, Nov 04, 2007 at 08:11:39AM -0500, Peter Smerdon wrote: Hello Alexandru, I use a different set up... I use fetchmail to pull down my gmail into my system's mail spool and then gnus reads it from there, when I reply, gnus has to send it through the gmail server and adjust the From:

Re: how to read http mails in mutt mail reader (vim)?

2007-11-05 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Sun, Nov 04, 2007 at 05:33:45PM +0530, Kumar Appaiah wrote: On Sun, Nov 04, 2007 at 08:40:12AM +, Andy Smith wrote: On Sun, Nov 04, 2007 at 07:31:53PM +1100, hce wrote: I've just installed mutt in Debian, one problem is there are some mails from news lists with HTTP format, it was

Re: shutdown problem : acpi_power_off freeze

2007-11-05 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Sun, Nov 04, 2007 at 12:28:09PM +0100, Bruno Costacurta wrote: Hello to all, when I shutdown my computer it doesn't turn off but freeze with the message 'acpi_power_off called'. However the shutdown was working before I re-config my ALSA sounds (via alsaconf) and indeed I have a vague

Re: Sending email using Alpine and gmail

2007-11-05 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Sun, Nov 04, 2007 at 01:17:12PM +, Peter Tynan wrote: I'm trying to configure Alpine to send email either using gmails smtp server or the local mail-server (exim4 configured to use gmails smtp server via smarthost). Very interesting, and how is it going? Regards, Andrei -- If you

OFF TOPIC - UK Wholesale source PC Items

2007-11-05 Thread I.E.Broadbent
Apologies for being off-topic... but I thought that with the knowledge available in this group someone might be able to help. I am trying to locate a wholesale supply of monitors and other PC components (cases, CD/DVD-RW units, etc)... can anyone suggest a source, or are they all imported by

Re: How to check tftp server is running?

2007-11-05 Thread hce
On 11/5/07, Andrew Sackville-West [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Mon, Nov 05, 2007 at 03:37:05PM +1100, hce wrote: On 11/5/07, Andrew Sackville-West [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: ... in debian services are started with an init script stored in /etc/init.d/ and linked to various runlevels in

Gnome panel: Lost icons after dist-upgrade

2007-11-05 Thread Nick Croft
Hi List After 6 months of preoccupation with another project, I decided to do a dist-upgrade when a couple of packages started showing signs of their age. All worked fine. It's nice to be up to date. In my main user, where all the files and macros, aliases and habits reside, gnome-panel --

Re: font change after kdm/xdm login

2007-11-05 Thread Lubos Vrbka
hi, Does it substitute a different font (family) or does it show the same font rendered differently (larger/smaller, blurrier/more ragged, etc.)? i think it's the same font, but after kdm login it's renderend smaller and (subjectively) not so sharp. I would start by comparing the output of

Re: how to read http mails in mutt mail reader (vim)?

2007-11-05 Thread Kumar Appaiah
On Mon, Nov 05, 2007 at 11:03:55AM +0200, Andrei Popescu wrote: Since you're on Debian, I'd suggest apt-get install urlview and add the urlview and add the config to your muttrc like the one in present in /usr/share/doc/mutt/examples/sample.muttrc.gz, which is: macro index \cb

Re: Using backports after upgrade

2007-11-05 Thread Chris Bannister
On Fri, Nov 02, 2007 at 11:33:26PM -0400, John Fleming wrote: Hello - I was running Sarge with SpamAssassin upgrades from Then I upgraded to Etch. I have backports in my sources.list, but I don't seem to be getting SA updates. (My SA is 3.1.7, and latest seems to be 3.2.3)

Re: USB external hard drive spin down problem

2007-11-05 Thread Bob
Marty wrote: Douglas A. Tutty wrote: On Mon, Oct 29, 2007 at 01:15:44AM -0400, Marty wrote: Douglas A. Tutty wrote: On Sun, Oct 28, 2007 at 09:47:58PM -0400, Marty wrote: On my Etch system a new Western Digital USB external hard drive seems to be automatically spinning itself down after a

Re: font change after kdm/xdm login

2007-11-05 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Mon, Nov 05, 2007 at 10:37:18AM +0100, Lubos Vrbka wrote: and now it works fine! later i also discovered that for xdm i explicitely also have the option -dpi 100 thanks for help! Theoretically the *correct* dpi setting (whether you like it or not) should be set by the X server if you

Re: Sending email using Alpine and gmail

2007-11-05 Thread Peter Tynan
On Mon, 5 Nov 2007, Andrei Popescu wrote: To: Subject: Re: Sending email using Alpine and gmail Resent-Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2007 09:06:51 + (UTC) Resent-From: On Sun, Nov 04, 2007 at 01:17:12PM +, Peter Tynan wrote: I'm trying to

Re: font change after kdm/xdm login

2007-11-05 Thread Lubos Vrbka
Theoretically the *correct* dpi setting (whether you like it or not) should be set by the X server if you put your monitor's physical dimensions in xorg.conf right. problem is that this is a notebook (i945gm chipset) and i am attaching an external monitor to it. i haven't been able to figure

Re: Which browser is better, firefox?

2007-11-05 Thread Michael M. Moore
On Sun, 2007-11-04 at 10:59 +1100, hce wrote: Hi, Is the firefox the best browser? I can say definitively that Dillo is the best browser. There, that's settled. Next question? (p.s. I can also settle the vim vs. emacs question once and for all, but I charge for that. I take Amex, Visa,

Re: Programmers Text Editor

2007-11-05 Thread Nate Bargmann
* William Pursell [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2007 Nov 05 00:59 -0600]: I guess I'm suggesting that you seriously question why you are rejecting out of hand the two best choices for development on Linux. Of course, I can't speak for the OP, but in my case it has been strictly a matter of familiarity.

Re: How to check tftp server is running?

2007-11-05 Thread Raj Kiran Grandhi
hce wrote: Hi, I've just installed tftp and tftpd package by apt-get. But, I could not see the tftp server running. Actually, I could not figure out where is the tftp script. In FC6, the tftp script is in xinit.d. In Debian, there is not xinit.d. I have had good results by installing the

Re: Minolta driver and management software for Linux

2007-11-05 Thread Raj Kiran Grandhi
jekillen wrote: On Nov 4, 2007, at 5:07 PM, Raj Kiran Grandhi wrote: jekillen wrote: Hello: I am trying to set up a Minolta Magicolor QMS printer. The printer is a postscript laser printer. (The actual model number is QMS 6110 and it is dis- continued). The printer is set up to connect via

alsaplayer does not work as normal user

2007-11-05 Thread Jose Roberto B. de A. Monteiro
Hello list, I was with my sound (alsa) work perfectly on my laptop, but for an unremembered reason I ran alsoconf as root. It causes the strange behavior of alsplayer, aplay, etc., to stop working for normal users. They only run for root. I checked groups and permissions, and it seems ok. All

Re: Debian Failure Setting Password

2007-11-05 Thread Douglas A. Tutty
On Sat, Nov 03, 2007 at 08:47:27PM -0700, Redefined Horizons wrote: I've run into a problem after I performed the following: [1] Changed the password for my root user with the usermod command. [2] Changed the password of a non-root user with the usermod command. [3] Added a new user with a

Re: Waiting for root file system... hang solved

2007-11-05 Thread Douglas A. Tutty
On Sat, Nov 03, 2007 at 09:14:44PM -0700, Andrew Sackville-West wrote: it turns out you can do a reasonable amount of stuff in that busybox shell and if the system is close to booting, you can get it to go. What I was missing, and desperately wanted, was some kind of text editor. I ended up

Re: how to read http mails in mutt mail reader (vim)?

2007-11-05 Thread Douglas A. Tutty
On Sun, Nov 04, 2007 at 07:31:53PM +1100, hce wrote: I've just installed mutt in Debian, one problem is there are some mails from news lists with HTTP format, it was fine when I use Mozilla mail reader, but with mutt and vim, I could not read the HTTP format mails. One solution I can think of

Re: Could not adjust time

2007-11-05 Thread Douglas A. Tutty
On Sun, Nov 04, 2007 at 09:08:48AM -0500, Kamaraju S Kusumanchi wrote: hce wrote: I press the right button of the mouse to the clock time on the panel, but there is not adjust time to change the time. What is missing ... Insufficient information to come up with a solution. Is it KDE or

Re: hard disk device name change after reboot

2007-11-05 Thread Douglas A. Tutty
On Sun, Nov 04, 2007 at 08:26:03PM -0800, Andrew Sackville-West wrote: On Mon, Nov 05, 2007 at 10:26:52AM +0800, hhding.gnu wrote: It seems it works with some filesystem and do *NOT* work for swap partition. here as I show below, hde1 is swap partition and there are no label or uuid exists.

Re: V?: home network behind a firewall/router

2007-11-05 Thread Douglas A. Tutty
On Sun, Nov 04, 2007 at 10:34:29PM +0100, P?l Cs?nyi wrote: 2007/11/4, Douglas A. Tutty [EMAIL PROTECTED]: On Sat, Nov 03, 2007 at 07:46:20PM +0100, P?l Cs?nyi wrote: I have a Cable Modem connection to my ISP. my ISP | Cable Modem connection to my ISP

Re: disable mounting of bogus CD device on Toshiba USB stick?

2007-11-05 Thread Douglas A. Tutty
On Mon, Nov 05, 2007 at 06:57:09PM +1100, Paul Wise wrote: Hi, [As indicated in the Reply-To, please CC me on any replies] I got a Toshiba USB stick recently. It exposes two devices; a normal writable USB mass storage device, and a faked USB optical drive. The optical drive contains some

Re: Waiting for root file system... hang solved

2007-11-05 Thread Andrew Sackville-West
On Mon, Nov 05, 2007 at 09:14:18AM -0500, Douglas A. Tutty wrote: On Sat, Nov 03, 2007 at 09:14:44PM -0700, Andrew Sackville-West wrote: it turns out you can do a reasonable amount of stuff in that busybox shell and if the system is close to booting, you can get it to go. What I was

Re: alsaplayer does not work as normal user

2007-11-05 Thread steef
Jose Roberto B. de A. Monteiro wrote: Hello list, I was with my sound (alsa) work perfectly on my laptop, but for an unremembered reason I ran alsoconf as root. It causes the strange behavior of alsplayer, aplay, etc., to stop working for normal users. They only run for root. I checked groups

Re: disable mounting of bogus CD device on Toshiba USB stick?

2007-11-05 Thread Raj Kiran Grandhi
Paul Wise wrote: Hi, [As indicated in the Reply-To, please CC me on any replies] I got a Toshiba USB stick recently. It exposes two devices; a normal writable USB mass storage device, and a faked USB optical drive. The optical drive contains some windows apps for what seems to be a management

Re: alsaplayer does not work as normal user

2007-11-05 Thread steef
steef wrote: Jose Roberto B. de A. Monteiro wrote: Hello list, I was with my sound (alsa) work perfectly on my laptop, but for an unremembered reason I ran alsoconf as root. It causes the strange behavior of alsplayer, aplay, etc., to stop working for normal users. They only run for root. I

Re: alsaplayer does not work as normal user

2007-11-05 Thread Jose Roberto B. de A. Monteiro
steef wrote: Jose Roberto B. de A. Monteiro wrote: Hello list, I was with my sound (alsa) work perfectly on my laptop, but for an unremembered reason I ran alsoconf as root. It causes the strange behavior of alsplayer, aplay, etc., to stop working for normal users. They only run for root. I

Re: alsaplayer does not work as normal user

2007-11-05 Thread steef
Jose Roberto B. de A. Monteiro wrote: steef wrote: Jose Roberto B. de A. Monteiro wrote: Hello list, I was with my sound (alsa) work perfectly on my laptop, but for an unremembered reason I ran alsoconf as root. It causes the strange behavior of alsplayer, aplay, etc., to stop working

Re: Could not adjust time

2007-11-05 Thread Andrew Sackville-West
On Mon, Nov 05, 2007 at 09:48:45AM -0500, Douglas A. Tutty wrote: On Sun, Nov 04, 2007 at 09:08:48AM -0500, Kamaraju S Kusumanchi wrote: hce wrote: I press the right button of the mouse to the clock time on the panel, but there is not adjust time to change the time. What is missing

Re: Programmers Text Editor

2007-11-05 Thread Pál Csányi
2007/11/5, Nate Bargmann [EMAIL PROTECTED]: * William Pursell [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2007 Nov 05 00:59 -0600]: with them. So, I have been inspired by this thread to investigate Emacs again. Try these:

Re: Gnome panel: Lost icons after dist-upgrade

2007-11-05 Thread Andrew Sackville-West
On Mon, Nov 05, 2007 at 08:30:44PM +1100, Nick Croft wrote: Hi List After 6 months of preoccupation with another project, I decided to do a dist-upgrade when a couple of packages started showing signs of their age. All worked fine. It's nice to be up to date. In my main user, where all

ssh port not opening

2007-11-05 Thread John O Laoi
Hello, I am running etch on a dell laptop. I recently installed ssh: aptitude install ssh and started it: /etc/init.d/ssh start yet when I look for open ports with nmap localhost, port 22 is not open. When I run # ps -e | grep ssh I get 3450 ?00:00:00 ssh-agent # ps aux | grep ssh john

Re: How to check tftp server is running?

2007-11-05 Thread Andrew Sackville-West
On Mon, Nov 05, 2007 at 08:30:01PM +1100, hce wrote: On 11/5/07, Andrew Sackville-West [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Mon, Nov 05, 2007 at 03:37:05PM +1100, hce wrote: On 11/5/07, Andrew Sackville-West [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: ... in debian services are started with an init script

Re: hard disk device name change after reboot

2007-11-05 Thread Andrew Sackville-West
On Mon, Nov 05, 2007 at 09:50:43AM -0500, Douglas A. Tutty wrote: On Sun, Nov 04, 2007 at 08:26:03PM -0800, Andrew Sackville-West wrote: On Mon, Nov 05, 2007 at 10:26:52AM +0800, hhding.gnu wrote: It seems it works with some filesystem and do *NOT* work for swap partition. here as I show

Re: Which browser is better, firefox?

2007-11-05 Thread Andrew Sackville-West
On Sun, Nov 04, 2007 at 08:45:54AM -0600, Ron Johnson wrote: On 11/04/07 07:55, Adam Hardy wrote: Ron Johnson on 04/11/07 00:06, wrote: -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 On 11/03/07 18:59, hce wrote: Hi, Is the firefox the best browser? When I installed the Debian,

Need help with install/config of bugzilla

2007-11-05 Thread Scott Ehrlich
I have Sarge and Edgy 32-bit installed on systems and have tried, unsuccessfully, via apt-gets, to get bugzilla to talk to mysql. I have performed no manual tweaking. I've read several web postings and bug reports reflecting the error I keep seeing - bugzilla is unable to connect to

Re: ssh port not opening

2007-11-05 Thread Andrew Sackville-West
On Mon, Nov 05, 2007 at 05:44:00PM +, John O Laoi wrote: Hello, I am running etch on a dell laptop. I recently installed ssh: aptitude install ssh and started it: /etc/init.d/ssh start yet when I look for open ports with nmap localhost, port 22 is not open. When I run # ps -e | grep

Re: V?: home network behind a firewall/router

2007-11-05 Thread Pál Csányi
2007/11/5, Douglas A. Tutty [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Is shorewall masquerading for you? No, I have not a public IP address yet, so I don't need it. Yes, you do. You have three networks:,, and The cable modem will route from the but won't route

ssh port not opening

2007-11-05 Thread John O Laoi
On 11/5/07, Andrew Sackville-West [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: ssh-agent is *not* the program that allows ssh connections. That is sshd. It should be started with /etc/ini.d/ssh start as root. Is there no output when you do that? Anything in the logs? However, I cannot ssh into my host.

Re: ssh port not opening

2007-11-05 Thread Florian Kulzer
On Mon, Nov 05, 2007 at 17:44:00 +, John O Laoi wrote: Hello, I am running etch on a dell laptop. I recently installed ssh: aptitude install ssh and started it: /etc/init.d/ssh start yet when I look for open ports with nmap localhost, port 22 is not open. When I run # ps -e | grep

Re: alsaplayer does not work as normal user

2007-11-05 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Mon, Nov 05, 2007 at 02:55:21PM -0200, Jose Roberto B. de A. Monteiro wrote: Ok, stuff in /proc are root group, but I believe it is ok. Yeah, I have the same and my audio works perfectly. Also, if I install all the system, the alsa will work fine, but if I run alsaconf, this error will

blacklist packages in apt

2007-11-05 Thread Freddy Freeloader
Hi All, I'm unsure if blacklist is even the correct terminology for what I want to do, but at least it's a starting point. I administer servers for a small company. If it was up to me I wouldn't even have a gui on them, but the boss and developers come from the Windows world and require a

Re: ssh port not opening

2007-11-05 Thread John Schmidt
On Monday 05 November 2007, John O Laoi wrote: On 11/5/07, Andrew Sackville-West [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: ssh-agent is *not* the program that allows ssh connections. That is sshd. It should be started with /etc/ini.d/ssh start as root. Is there no output when you do that? Anything in the

Re: ssh port not opening

2007-11-05 Thread Andrew Sackville-West
On Mon, Nov 05, 2007 at 06:11:28PM +, John O Laoi wrote: On 11/5/07, Andrew Sackville-West [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: ssh-agent is *not* the program that allows ssh connections. That is sshd. It should be started with /etc/ini.d/ssh start as root. Is there no output when you do that?

Re: blacklist packages in apt

2007-11-05 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Mon, Nov 05, 2007 at 10:27:45AM -0800, Freddy Freeloader wrote: I would just as soon not use apt-pinning if I don't have to, but if that's what I must do, I'll use it. I think this is one of the purposes of apt-pinning. BTW, IIRC you must set a negative priority (I guess -1 will do) to

Re: alsaplayer does not work as normal user

2007-11-05 Thread steef
Jose Roberto B. de A. Monteiro wrote: steef wrote: Jose Roberto B. de A. Monteiro wrote: Hello list, I was with my sound (alsa) work perfectly on my laptop, but for an unremembered reason I ran alsoconf as root. It causes the strange behavior of alsplayer, aplay, etc., to stop working

Re: alsaplayer does not work as normal user

2007-11-05 Thread Jose Roberto B. de A. Monteiro
steef wrote: Jose Roberto B. de A. Monteiro wrote: steef wrote: Jose Roberto B. de A. Monteiro wrote: Hello list, I was with my sound (alsa) work perfectly on my laptop, but for an unremembered reason I ran alsoconf as root. It causes the strange behavior of alsplayer, aplay, etc.,

Cancel my e-mail address

2007-11-05 Thread GEOFFREY ADI
Please cancel my e-mail address. __ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around

Please help me.

2007-11-05 Thread Mohammad Reza Abbasy
Hi. please help me about 3ddesktop and flaming and . and please help me for minimum requirement graphic card for 3d desktopn in debian etch 4. thanks alot. -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: alsaplayer does not work as normal user

2007-11-05 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Mon, Nov 05, 2007 at 05:12:48PM -0200, Jose Roberto B. de A. Monteiro wrote: Ok Andrei, thanks. Here it comes some stuff to compare, if you do not mind... I don't and I hope you don't mind me redirecting to the list (and Cc'ing you just this once). # ls -ld /etc/mod* drwxr-xr-x 3

Re: alsaplayer does not work as normal user - Solved!

2007-11-05 Thread Jose Roberto B. de A. Monteiro
steef wrote: Jose Roberto B. de A. Monteiro wrote: steef wrote: Jose Roberto B. de A. Monteiro wrote: Hello list, I was with my sound (alsa) work perfectly on my laptop, but for an unremembered reason I ran alsoconf as root. It causes the strange behavior of alsplayer, aplay, etc.,

Re: alsaplayer does not work as normal user

2007-11-05 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Mon, Nov 05, 2007 at 09:38:30PM +0200, Andrei Popescu wrote: As mentioned above I don't have 'sound' and 'noOSS.modprobe.conf' is identical. For 'alsa-base' see attached diff. Forgot to mention that I'm on unstable (you never mentioned your version) and I don't have the same card (though

ssh port not opening

2007-11-05 Thread John O Laoi
Do you get any error message when you try to start /etc/init.d/ssh? Is there anything in /var/log/daemon.log? Does the sshd-blocking file /etc/ssh/sshd_not_to_be_run exist on your system? No errors when I do /etc/init.d ssh start # /etc/init.d/ssh stop # /etc/init.d/ssh start # cat

Re: how to read http mails in mutt mail reader (vim)?

2007-11-05 Thread B. L. Jilek
Hi hce! On Mon, 05 Nov 2007, hce wrote: Thanks Andy and other responses. It is a good solution although I wish I could use the vim to read HTML with ability to click the URL links like lynx (asking too much :-)). Thank you. Jim I'm not a Mutt expert but take a look at Roland

Re: ssh port not opening

2007-11-05 Thread Douglas A. Tutty
On Mon, Nov 05, 2007 at 07:50:23PM +, John O Laoi wrote: # dpkg --get-selections | grep ssh openssh-client install openssh-server deinstall # Looks like there's your problem. You don't have openssh-server installed.

Re: ssh port not opening

2007-11-05 Thread John Schmidt
On Monday 05 November 2007, John O Laoi wrote: # dpkg --get-selections | grep ssh openssh-client install openssh-server deinstall # Thanks to everyone for your help. Maybe I should remove ssh and reinstall? aptitude

ssh port not opening

2007-11-05 Thread John O Laoi
Looks like there's your problem. You don't have openssh-server installed. aptitude install openssh-server This should solve your problems. Thanks everyone. That did it. I suppose that I should have done #aptitude install ssh openssh-server in the first place. John

Re: alsaplayer does not work as normal user - Solved!

2007-11-05 Thread steef
Jose Roberto B. de A. Monteiro wrote: steef wrote: Jose Roberto B. de A. Monteiro wrote: steef wrote: Jose Roberto B. de A. Monteiro wrote: Hello list, I was with my sound (alsa) work perfectly on my laptop, but for an unremembered reason I ran alsoconf as

Re: ssh port not opening

2007-11-05 Thread Andrew Sackville-West
On Mon, Nov 05, 2007 at 09:08:21PM +, John O Laoi wrote: Looks like there's your problem. You don't have openssh-server installed. aptitude install openssh-server This should solve your problems. Thanks everyone. That did it. I suppose that I should have done #aptitude

oleo somebody?

2007-11-05 Thread Andreas Goesele
Hi, is somebody actually using oleo? I had a look at it and it seems in theory to fulfill exactly my needs. But I do have some problems which in fact make it rather unusable: 1. The manual says that it is possible to write to a LaTeX file. But the command M-C-p only brings up the choice to

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