I recently bought a System76 Pangolin laptop. It had Ubuntu preinstalled on
it but I decided that I wanted the stability of Debian Squeeze. I quickly
realized that Squeeze doesn't support the wireless card that the laptop
has, which is a Realtek RTL8188CE card. I have searched google for a
solution to no avail. Here is what I have tried so far...

   - Installed the current Linux kernel backport
   - Installed the firmware-realtek package
   - Download and install the driver from Realtek's website

After downloading and installing the backport kernel and firmware-realtek
packages, I restarted the laptop to find the wireless still did not work. I
looked at the output from dmesg and found and error message complaining
that it could not find the firmware. I then tried Realtek's website to find
errors when trying to compile the kernel modules. I hope someone can assist
me with this problem.


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