Guy (and similarly Stephen Pitts) writes
> Just download the Packages file for each distribution. The installed
> size is the 'Size' field. The size of the .deb you can get from the
> ls-lR.gz in the root directory.
Thanks for replying. But if that is so, why does the contrib/ version
of th
Whoops, I didn't include my earlier message. But the gist of it was
in my new one, and so it probably wouldn't have been good netiquette
Tony Ware
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Thanks to those who have taken the time to reply to my
earlier query (included below). My situation is that I
am downloading onto a non-linux (and so (?) no dpkg)
system, and from there (with some effort) on to my linux
box. I would like to be able to browse the ftp site and
find out how big a pa
I notice that in the contrib/Packages file there is information
on the installed-size of the packages. Is there a way of finding
out that piece of information about the mainstream packages
before downloading/installing them?
Tony Ware.
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