El dom, 18-01-2004 a las 22:02, Pigeon escribió:
> On Sun, Jan 18, 2004 at 08:35:06AM -0600, Benjamin Sher wrote:
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/L-Files/Downloads/Tars/MPlayer/Win32/win32codecs$ ls
> > acelpdec.ax   huffyuv.dll   m3jpeg32.dll  nsrt2432.acm  vp4vfw.dll
> > alf2cd.acm    i263_32.drv   m3jpegdec.ax  pclepim1.dll  vssh264core.dll
> > asusasv2.dll  iccvid.dll    mcdvd_32.dll  qdv.dll       vssh264dec.dll
> > asusasvd.dll  icmw_32.dll   mcmjpg32.dll  qpeg32.dll    vssh264.dll
> > ativcr2.dll   imaadp32.acm  mpg4c32.dll   rt32dcmp.dll  vsslight.dll
> > atrac3.acm    imc32.acm     mpg4ds32.ax   sp5x_32.dll   vsswlt.dll
> > avimszh.dll   ir32_32.dll   msadp32.acm   tm20dec.ax    wma9dmod.dll
> > avizlib.dll   ir41_32.dll   msg711.acm    tsccvid.dll   wmadmod.dll
> > CLRVIDDC.DLL  ir50_32.dll   msgsm32.acm   tssoft32.acm  wmspdmod.dll
> > clrviddd.dll  ivvideo.dll   msh261.drv    ubv263d+.ax   wmv8ds32.ax
> > CtWbJpg.DLL   jp2avi.dll    msms001.vwp   ubvmp4d.dll   wmv9dmod.dll
> > divxa32.acm   l3codeca.acm  msnaudio.acm  ultimo.dll    wmvdmod.dll
> > divx_c32.ax   l3codecx.ax   msrle32.dll   vgpix32d.dll  wmvds32.ax
> > divxc32.dll   LCodcCMP.dll  msscds32.ax   vivog723.acm
> > divxdec.ax    lhacm.acm     msvidc32.dll  voxmsdec.ax
> > divx.dll      m3jp2k32.dll  mvoiced.vwp   vp31vfw.dll
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/L-Files/Downloads/Tars/MPlayer/Win32/win32codecs$
> > 
> > Where and how do I install these codecs, please?

You should read Mplayer's codec documentation, which you can find here:

Basically, these codecs should be placed in /usr/lib/win32, _before_
configuring Mplayer's source.

> I've never tried to install mplayer, so take what I say with a pinch of
> salt/birdseed. But these look to me like dynamic link library files for a
> Windoze system. You won't be able to do anything useful with them in Linux.

You're wrong, that is what MPlayer's homepage says about:

        W32 Codec package for MPlayer on x86 UNIX systems.

        Note: this is useless for ms windows or microsoft mplayer2 users, as
        it contains modified DLLs, and doesn't contain .EXE/.BAT/.INF files
        required by windows installation.

        Download only if you run MPlayer on x86 unix (linux/bsd/solaris) system!


PD: My English is awful, sorry.

David Castellanos Serrano <davidcaste_geropa_ono.com>
Usuario Registrado de GNU/Linux #328789

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