I have a debian machine on a network, and has a modem.
Both of theses links could be up at anytime. when the ppp link is down i wan't to use a gatway on the network to access.
but when the ppp is up I wan't it to access the ppp first before it trys the network.
I thought about seting up my routeing table somthing like this.
Destination        Iface            metric
default                ppp0            0
default                eth0             1
But the MAN page confirms my Tests.
Metric The  'distance'  to  the targed (usually counted in
              hops). It is not used by recent kernels, only rout-
              ing daemons may use it.
I'm using an old kernel, but would a routing protocal work ?
And how would it work ?
Adding and removing a default route at ,ppp dial up, is not an option. I wan't to know if there is another way.
with out modifing the routing table after bringing the ppp link up or down.

This has been a Communiqué from
his Imperial Majesty Admiral Thrawn.

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