Hope you can help with the following problem.
I have access to cable internet service only intermittently.  My ISP, comcast.net, provides cable service to my Lynksys cable modem.  The modem links to my iMac computer via a USB connection.  The cable service also serves two television sets.  The problem is not affected by the TVs being on or off. 
When the "status" light on the modem blinks, I have lost service.  This happens intermittently and unpredictably. If I turn off the computer and unplug the modem for a period of minutes (not seconds), then reboot, I usually (not always) regain service, but it seldom lasts for more than 15 minutes.  Occassionally, the modem status light and the internet service will recover spontaneously, i.e., without rebooting.
I suspect inadequate signal strength from comcast, but I hesitate to request a service call because it will cost $50 if the signal is OK when they test it.  Sometimes the service works properly for several hours at a stretch, and I'm sure that if I request service, the technician will arrive during such a period.
I've discussed the problem by telephone with Lynksys customer support for more than an hour, but no progress was made
I also have a Lynksys Wi-Fi router.  Until recently, I ran the cable to the modem, then a line from the modem to the router, then a line from the router to the iMac.  I also accessed the internet from a laptop Macintosh which received its signal wirelessly from the router.  The problems were much more severe in that configuration; I didn't have service for days at a time.
Thanks for any information you can provide.
Edward M. Opton, Jr

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