Netscape fails to automatically open ps, ram, ...

1998-03-02 Thread Fernando Tadeu C Brandt
Netscape is showing the following error box when I try to open postscripts, sound file, etc: sh: -c line 1: missing closing ')' for arithmetic expression sh: -c line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `;' sh: -c line 1: '((gv /tmp/MO34FAF5B0003B1); rm /tmp/MO34FAF5B0003B1 )&' This is probably

MX list for aaa.bbb.ccc points back to rrr.sss.ttt

1998-03-01 Thread Fernando Tadeu C Brandt
I get the following 554 MX list aaa.bbb.ccc points back to rrr.sss.ttt 554 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>... Local configuration error when I try to send a message to aaa.bbb.ccc. How can I fix the configuration at aaa.bbb.ccc? Fernando

modem-netcard X modem+netcard?

1998-02-09 Thread Fernando Tadeu C Brandt
I have to decide between an integrated modem and net card (like 3Com Megahertz 10/100 LAN+56K) or a us robotics modem card plus a 3com pci net card. Since I am going to use both modem and net card simultaneously (I will be connecting from home using ppp), I would like to know which option would b

Matrox Mystique or Diamond 3d 3000?

1998-02-04 Thread Fernando Tadeu C Brandt
My supplier offers Matrox Mystique or Diamond 3d 3000. Which one is best supported by debian? Fernando T. C. Brandt -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Compaq Deskpro 4000

1998-01-31 Thread Fernando Tadeu C Brandt
I would like to have some information about Debian hardware compatibility with the "Compaq Deskpro 4000" especially its "Matrox MGA 1064-SG" card and the "Compaq Netelligent 10/100 TX Embedded" network card. Thank you very much, Fernando T. C. Brandt -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS