1997-10-21 Thread Franck LE GALL - STAGIAIRE A FT.BD/CNET/DTD/PIH
Hi, I would like to know if there is any Debian package for XMGR (graphics software). Thanks Franck -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .


1997-10-24 Thread Franck LE GALL - STAGIAIRE A FT.BD/CNET/DTD/PIH
Hi, I tried to install xmgr4 from unstable. First, I installed libc6 using Scott Ellis Mini-Howto. Then, I installed, lesstifg, netcdf3, xlib6g and xmgr. Npw, I have got the error: xmgr: error in loading shared libraries libnetcdf.so.3: cannot open shared object file:

Frozen system

1997-11-06 Thread Franck LE GALL - STAGIAIRE A FT.BD/CNET/DTD/PIH
Hi, Recently, I got libc6 installed from hamm on my Debian 1.3.0 system. I did it using appropriate mini-howto. My aim was to use xmgr from unstable distribution. Now, all seems to work fine except that when I run xemacs or xmgr, my system get randomly frozen. Then, the only thing I can do is to

CD mount

1997-11-10 Thread Franck LE GALL - STAGIAIRE A FT.BD/CNET/DTD/PIH
Hi, Recently, I wrote a CD under Win 95 using easy CD pro. This CD contains the debian distribution. I have got no problems to read it under win95. All the files appear with long filenames. But when I try to read it under Linux, it does the same thing as under dos: all the long filenames are tran

moxfm and ASCP

1997-11-26 Thread Franck LE GALL - STAGIAIRE A FT.BD/CNET/DTD/PIH
Hi, Is there anybody working on the debianisation of moxfm (a great file manager) and ASCP (a X oriented panel confuguration tool for afterstep). Thanks Franck -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

login problems

1998-01-05 Thread Franck LE GALL - STAGIAIRE A FT.BD/CNET/DTD/PIH
Hi, I got Debian 1.3.1 installed from hamm and I had a problem at the end of the install. Now, all works fine, except for the prompt login: as soon as I start my computer, root is logged on and I can't exit from it. I created a user account but it doesn't change anything. Thanks for help Franck

Re: HELP !!!

1998-01-05 Thread Franck LE GALL - STAGIAIRE A FT.BD/CNET/DTD/PIH
-> J'ai eu le m^eme probl'eme, -> -> la solution est assez simple par rapport aux montagnes que l'on peut -> s'en faire : -> -> Sous linux les lecteurs (CDROM, Disque dur, Disquette) sont d'esign'e par -> des devices de la forme /dev/xxx. -> -> Le device de ton CDROM doit ^etre /dev/hdb/ (

HELP: (x)emacs scrash my system

1997-03-28 Thread Franck LE GALL - STAGIAIRE A FT.BD/CNET/DTD/PIH
Hi, I am using Linux Debian 1.2 with a P166+, 16Mb RAM. I've got a 2Mb mystique video card and AcceleratedX intalled. When I run emacs or xemacs, my system scrashes few minutes later and I can't do anything: no more mouse, no more keyboard (no ctrl-alt-supr). So I need to switc

Please HELP Newbie: system crash

1997-04-01 Thread Franck LE GALL - STAGIAIRE A FT.BD/CNET/DTD/PIH
Hi, I've got a BIG problem with my linux (DEBIAN 1.2 + Accelerated X). When I run the X system (with startx), my system stop to work a few minutes later, especially if I try to run emacs or xemacs. What I mean by stopped system is: - The mouse doesn't move anym


1997-04-22 Thread Franck LE GALL - STAGIAIRE A FT.BD/CNET/DTD/PIH
Hi, I would like to know what is the hostid number given by the system. Is it a fix number, where does it come from ? Thanks Franck -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: AccelX and Xfree together

1997-04-30 Thread Franck LE GALL - STAGIAIRE A FT.BD/CNET/DTD/PIH
-> I`ve just got hold of AccelX2.1 but already have xbase installed for -> Debian1.2.8 . Is it OK to install AccelX in as well as xbase? If not, -> what happens to the dependancies on xbase? -> -> TIA You must have xbase installed to install AccelX. Franck -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FRO

gpm configuration

1997-05-07 Thread Franck LE GALL - STAGIAIRE A FT.BD/CNET/DTD/PIH
Hi, When I installed Debian, I made some errors while configuring options of gpm. Now, I know what to do, but I am unable to change the default configuration of gpm at boot time. How could I do this ? Thanks Franck -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EM


1997-06-12 Thread Franck LE GALL - STAGIAIRE A FT.BD/CNET/DTD/PIH
These quation is not directly related to Debian but I dont know where to ask it. So please, don't be angry about it ... I would like to know what is the hostid of a computer. Where does it come from ? Thanks a lot Franck -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST

Debian and 387

1997-06-24 Thread Franck LE GALL - STAGIAIRE A FT.BD/CNET/DTD/PIH
Hi, I have got wine 970509 and I tried to run matlab 4 for windows 3.11. My DOS directory is mounted on /c , so I ran: wine /c/matlab/bin/matlab It first looked as if it was good but it crashed, complaining about a 80387 coprocessor missing. The problem

epson Stylus 600

1997-07-02 Thread Franck LE GALL - STAGIAIRE A FT.BD/CNET/DTD/PIH
Hello, I m a new user of linux and I have a question I bought an Epson Stylus 600 and I have now idea how to print with it I would like to print both ascii and postscript files. Could you help me Thank you very much Franck -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscrib

TeteX and French

1997-07-03 Thread Franck LE GALL - STAGIAIRE A FT.BD/CNET/DTD/PIH
Hi, I would like to know if someone tried to install the Bernard Gaulle 'french' package with TeteX. Is it possible ? How to do it ? Thanks F. LE Gall -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mai

xfree 3.3

1997-07-03 Thread Franck LE GALL - STAGIAIRE A FT.BD/CNET/DTD/PIH
Hello, I am looking for XFree 3.3 (I have got a matrox mystique video card) as a debian package ? Does it exist ? Where ? Thanks Franck -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PRO

Re: Afterstep

1997-07-07 Thread Franck LE GALL - STAGIAIRE A FT.BD/CNET/DTD/PIH
-> This is a very minor problem, but I got a nice new computer. I've got -> afterstep 1.0-4 running. The Afterstep icon doesn't appear in the -> top icon. Here's the relevent section of my .steprc: -> -> *Wharf AfterStep AFstep.xpm Folder -> -> Any ideas? -> -> thanks, -> joe It did

Re: RE-COMPILING the Kernel...

1997-07-08 Thread Franck LE GALL - STAGIAIRE A FT.BD/CNET/DTD/PIH
You should have a look at 'Kernel HOWTO'. There is there all the answers to your questions. This is some of the information you could find in : -> Just so I know and have my ducks in order. -> -> Is this the correct method for re-compiling my Kernel?? -> -> cd /usr/src/


1997-07-08 Thread Franck LE GALL - STAGIAIRE A FT.BD/CNET/DTD/PIH
Probably a stupid question: Where could I find XV. Even if I install xview from the package, I can't call xv. Thanks Franck -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Memory problems

1997-07-25 Thread Franck LE GALL - STAGIAIRE A FT.BD/CNET/DTD/PIH
Hello, I am using debian 1.3 with a p166+. I used to have 16 Mb (2*8) of 60 ns EDO memory and I had no problems. I bought 32 Mb (2*16) of 60 ns EDO Memory (not the same as above). So I have now 48 Mb of memory. It seems to have no problems with Windows

Re: Memory problems

1997-07-28 Thread Franck LE GALL - STAGIAIRE A FT.BD/CNET/DTD/PIH
-> I had problems too adding 2*16MB (32MB) and my solution was to -> take out the two 16MB cards. -> I set a little cron job to run memtest at 5 minutes, and every -> time I got a disk problem (could'nt get a free inode, or smthg like) I -> also got a memory error. -> It's now 4 day

Re: Debian and Red Hat and Slackware prevalence

1997-07-31 Thread Franck LE GALL - STAGIAIRE A FT.BD/CNET/DTD/PIH
I am using Linux (debian) for 6 month. I tried 1.1, 1.2 and now 1.3. I choose Debian because a friend of mine told me it is the easiest distribution to upgrade. Since my friend knew debian a little bit than me it was easier for me to install it. Now, I think this choice is very good. Moreo

Re: Debian-lite (Was Re: Debian and Red Hat and Slackware prevalence )

1997-07-31 Thread Franck LE GALL - STAGIAIRE A FT.BD/CNET/DTD/PIH
Maybe It could have some restrain choices as with/without Xfree, latex... -> >wanting to do it with a Slackware type install. I have this idea that there -> >could be a subset of Debian packages designed for a single user (home pc) -> >work station. The user could choose this option in

Re: Debian-lite

1997-08-01 Thread Franck LE GALL - STAGIAIRE A FT.BD/CNET/DTD/PIH
-> On Thu, 31 Jul 1997, Jason Ish wrote: -> -> > As an alternative to doing all this work to create a Debian-Lite/personal -> > edition would be to have the guys working on the new dselect (sorry, I can't -> > remember the name) to have setup scenarios. -> > -> > I don't see why any of this

Re: Debian-lite

1997-08-01 Thread Franck LE GALL - STAGIAIRE A FT.BD/CNET/DTD/PIH
-> fvwm is well documented and there are a gazillion examples of -> configuration files that allow the user to customize their setup. THe -> GoodStuff button panel is very useful and a simple pager with four -> desktops is easilly done and easilly understood by the newbie reading the -> config fil

Re: Debian-Lite : The Project

1997-08-07 Thread Franck LE GALL - STAGIAIRE A FT.BD/CNET/DTD/PIH
-> Here are some ideas for the remaining 72 Mb: -> -> The supposed audience for Debian-{Lite,Desktop,MagazineCover,Whatever} -> will probably want X (and giving them fvwm2-95 isn't such a bad idea -> either.) I think fvwm2-95 will be a little too complicated to configure for newbies (I