Hello Albretch,

bitz-server has 4 RC-Bugs[1], which could not be fixed by me.

No fixes came from the upstream either.

Therefore the package had to be removed from testing and unstable.


[1] https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?archive=1;src=bitz-

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Jörg Frings-Fürst
D-54470 Lieser

git:      https://jff.email/cgit/

Threema: SYR8SJXB
Wire: @joergfringsfuerst
Skype: joergpenguin
Ring:     jff
Telegram: @joergfringsfuerst

My wish list: 
 - Please send me a picture from the nature at your home.

Am Montag, dem 17.05.2021 um 23:30 -0400 schrieb Albretch Mueller:
>  https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/bitz-server
>  bitz-server: ICAP server (RFC 3507) implementation in C++
>  package is gone: This package is not in any development repository.
> This probably means that the package has been removed (or has been
> renamed). Thus the information here is of little interest ... the
> package is going to disappear unless someone takes it over and
> reintroduces it.
> ~
>  It is not totally clear to me is this package is being actively
> maintained or not, since it is part of buster:
>  https://packages.debian.org/source/stable/bitz-server
>  lbrtchx

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