TFTP booting

1997-12-19 Thread Luis Francisco Gonzalez Hernandez
Hi, I was wondering if someone can give me any pointers as to how to set up a Debian host to act as a server for an NCD X-Terminal that boots through TFTP. Thanks, Luis -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PRO

Re: Administrative Question

1997-08-18 Thread Luis Francisco Gonzalez Hernandez
Hi, > I am running a Debian system right now as a web development staging server. +At > present, it is only on a local network, but could conceivably become a gateway > to the Internet as well. So for the time being, i

Problems with fdisk

1997-07-10 Thread Luis Francisco Gonzalez Hernandez
Hi, while moving my debian system to a bigger disk I ran into some weird problem. The new disk is CHS 4956/16/63. If I boot from the old disk and check the partition table, it seems to be OK. but if I boot from the new disk, cfdisk refuses to run and fdisk complains about physical and logical parti

Disk Partition

1996-08-28 Thread Luis Francisco Gonzalez Hernandez
Hi, I have managed to trash the partition table in my hard disk. It is a portable computer and uses a special partition for suspension (ACER 760iCx). I would like to know if there is some way to mount my ext2 partition because there are some valuable data thaill loose otherwise. The DOS partition i