I open again the problem, which was here discussed.

Description of problem:
System Debian 2.2, glibc 2.1.3,
kernel 2.4.17 patched for XFS (journaling 64bit filesystem from SGI)

On XFS I can make large files ( >2GB ), but I have problem with
manipulating with these large files. I cannot delete them, nor copy, nor
list ... - I receive message "Value too large for defined data type".
The problem is I thing in glibc-2.1.3, which is distributed with Debian2.2.
I recompile the glibc from sources with defined values:
which is necessary for supporting large files, but after installing this
new recompiled glibc I have the same problems, which I reported ...

Maybe I make some stupid mistake, but I looked into /usr/include/features.h,
and defining _LARGEFILE_SOURCE, and _FILE_OFFSET_BIT=64 and recompiling
glibc should be sufficient.

Has anybody any idea? Answer please cc to me.

Thank you, Petr Linke

Petr Linke                               tel.: +420-2-71777231
Novicom s.r.o.                           FAX.: +420-2-71777233
Konevova 67, Praha 3                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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