I am trying to install Debian 1.2 on a Micron Millenia Transport laptop. For some reason (probably conected with the fact that there is no way of disabling shadow video for this board) the laptop display switches off fairly early in the procedure last message "SJCD resetting". If I connect an external monitor, either activated together with or instead of the internal display, it remains active.
I had a similar problem with 1.1 (for which I never finished the install since 1.2 became available) but one of the "special kernels" (2.0.18_0) solved it. There don't seem to be any such special kernels in 1.2, and I have no nformation about what configuration was used to generate the one which worked for me. I would try continuing with the 1.1 installation, but the floppies have gone bad. Any suggestions? -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]