On Sep 8, 2014 11:08 AM, "Alan Chandler" <a...@chandlerfamily.org.uk> wrote:
> I run Debian Stable, and have done ever since the it was released (ie
since May 2013).  I also run Gnome 3 as the desktop since that time.
> In the past couple of months, when I start the system each day (I power
off at night), something - which appears to be related to evolution prompts
me for the password to my google calendar account.  It does it twice,  The
password is already filled in.  It didn't used to do it.
> My mail client is icedove, so I really don't need evolution getting in on
the act.  I don't mind if it wants to notify me of upcoming events, but I
don't need it to.  So how can I switch off these prompts on start

I also periodically get these prompts. I am on Jessie/Testing. Since I use
keepassx to store my passwords, I am never able to fill in the prompt
because no other applications are usable while the prompt is open (I find
this to be a major design flaw). As I can't predict when the password
prompt will appear, I have never filled it in. Evolution already has my
account info through Gnome Online Accounts, and should not need it again.

I would be quite interested in finding out how to make these prompts stop
(and in fixing the gnome keyring password prompt issue in gnome shell).


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