The man page for makedbm has an error in it:

*" makedbm* takes the inputfile and converts it to a ypserv database file. In the moment, GDBM is used as database. Each line of the input file is converted to a single record. All characters up to the first TAB or SPACE are the key, and the rest of the line is the data. *makedbm* does not treat '#' as a special character. "

It should read:

*makedbm* takes the inputfile and converts it to a ypserv database file. In the moment, GDBM is used as database. Each line of the input file is converted to a single record. All characters up to the first TAB are the key, if there are no TABS present than all characters up to the first SPACE are the key. The rest of the line is the data. *makedbm* does not treat '#' as a special character.

Should I send a bug report via reportbug or is there a better way to go about updating this?

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