Is it possible to get a commercially packaged dc/dvd
with Etch and a half?
I have a set that is Etch 4.0 r1 but have a newer laptop
that this set will not install on. I subscribed to the
laptop list and was advised to download Etch and a half.
I did that as business card cd. I had to connect to web
via http proxy (another laptop I have configured with
one of my static IP addresses. I serve public web sites
from home).

It took some 10 hrs to down load 652 files.
I presume because there are a crowd of servers looking for
opened http proxies to bounce requests off of and in my case
use up a lot of my bandwidth. For that reason the server I use
as the proxy is always shut down unless I need it. In this case
I did, for 10+ hrs. Even when I have proxy requests turned off
in http.conf, some still get through.

 When all was done the select and install software step of
the installation failed. So, the system wanted one more
file. Then it began removing a bunch of files related to
Gnome, by elements in file names.
I was left without a GUI.

Scroll lock will not allow paging on this machine, so
if I have more than a screen full of text output from
a process, I cannot view it in this way. So I cannot
scroll back and look at the boot process to see what
is actually started up.

Please don't misunderstand. I am not complaining.
I just want to get this laptop up and running with
GUI so I can test out web content and have a server
with MySQL  Apache, and the usual suspects to
use as a 'localhost' development platform and take
it on the road with me.

I would really rather do it this way (Etch and a half)
than go to a commercial Ubuntu 8.04 cd set.

Thanks for info, guidance, suggestions
Jeff K

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