Okay, so I got a Debian box recently already set up
with Woody and a few other programs. I've decided to
wipe it out and install Sarge as my main OS, but would
like to back up the OS as-is in case I mung anything
up. I have two harddrives: one (5GB) partitioned with
what I take to be the standard 15MB /boot, 100MB swap,
remainingMB /. setup and another (120GB) partitioned
simmilarly (15MB /boot, 100MB swap, 4900MB /., and
~115000MB /foo). I did a series of `cp -dpR`s to just
copy everything over from the first drive to the
second. Then I went into GRUB  and /etc/fstab to make
sure they're all set up right.

It starts up fine from the first drive, and the kernal
starts up fine from the second, but when it comes to
the login screen I can only log in as root. For the
other accounts, after giving name and pass, the screen
goes black for a moment (monitor lights indicate
power-save mode) then it dumps me back to the login
screen. If I give a bad password I just get the usual
"can't authenticate" warning.

Also, when I'm logged into the second drive as root
trying to do `man` gives me a warning "can't create
temporary filename: Permission denied".

I've tried googling for the problems but couldn't find
exactly these ones. Any ideas on what got lost in the


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