Dear all,

 A short report on my use of the Archos 3 vision.
I used the webpage:

In my case, it seems the power supply was somewhat
faulty, so I got an external usb (2) hub with an independant
power plug (which I plugged on my usb2 port).

What happens then?
 -- It seems the device loads first, so you get a battery
    on your archos screen. It is not mounted.
 -- Once this is achieved, you get the usual screen.
     The device is still not mounted.
 -- Wait, wait, and be patient, for I finally got the
    plugged icone (black/grey/white with three
    horizontal lines, like a three thronged tuning fork)
    This time an icon appears and life is made:)

A last problem. According to /etc/mtab, the device gets
mounted with

vfat rw,noexec,nodev,sync,noatime,nodiratime

and only root can unmount it. So I tried to add

/dev/sdb /home/Me/Archos3 vfat rw,noexec,nodev,sync,noatime,nodiratime,user, 0 0

to /etc/fstab and redo and all (I didn't restart the kernel though).
But Me still cannot unmount the beast :)
Well, root can and that's enough for me :)

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