Am Freitag 08 Oktober 2004 19:46 schrieb gerhard:
> Am Freitag 08 Oktober 2004 18:43 schrieb gerhard:
> > Now I started a download of an rpm which contains
> >
> >
> >0- 0.pre2.1.i386.rpm 20-Jan-2004 09:28  8.8M
> >
> > I don't know how to handle that, because I already got a running
> > gimp-2.04. I'm simply interested in getting the plugin named
> > "Seperate" from to work for my
> > version of the gimp.
> Hello again,
> [...]
> Alastair, please is it possible to host your project on sourceforge
> to make it easier to develope it by other developer, because you
> mentioned that you got no time to maintain the source?
> I will try to figure out what I need to change in the Makefile to
> compile it for the GIMP 2.04 on debian SID.
> Kind regards
> Gerhard Gaussling


Yes it was easier than I thought (Keep in mind that I'm not a 
programmer, I'm an illustrator and graphic designer).

I changed all appearances of -1.3 in the makefile to -2.0 and the prefix 
to /usr an I had to install also libtiff4-dev
apt-get -t unstable install libtiff4-dev

and after a simple

$ make 

I did a

$ cp -av separate $HOME/.gimp-2.0/plug-ins/separate

and started the GIMP.

Please, it is necessary to load the right icc profiles (you can get them 
for the states from [something like adobe1986RGB and SWOP 
web coated], and for europe from [eciRGB and ISOcoated]).
If you try to load a profile that doesn't exist the plugin will crash 
with this error message:

$ lcms: Error #12288; File '/usr/local/share/iccprofiles/sRGB Color 
Space Profile.icm' not found

(gimp:25176): Gimp-Plug-In-WARNING **: gimp: plug_in_flush(): error: 
Broken pipe

GIMP Message

Plug-in crashed: "saparate"

The dying Plug-in may have messed up GIMP's internal state. You may want 
to save your images and restart GIMP to be on the safe side.

So, I'm not yet able to build an deb package of the binary. How does 
that work, and how can I distribute it to debian?


Kind regards 

Gerhard Gaußling

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