are these PCI devices? if so, do not use isapnp, set your bios so that
it does not expect plug and play support in OS and all should be fine...

  try lspci to see if the sound card is listed as pci device


Terry Hancock wrote:
> [Cross-posted to debian-user and alsa-user, not
> sure which is more appropriate]
> Okay, I have a ThinkPad 380ED (Actually two of them --
> so I'll refer to them as #1 and #2, I'm installing
> #1 while using #2, which has a pre-installed
> Windows 95 OS and working sound).
> I'm trying to install ALSA (="Advanced Linux Sound
> Architecture" ) sound
> support onto it.
> The problem seems to be that I don't know whether
> this is actually a "plug-and-play" (PnP)
> device or not.  If not, I do not see how to select
> parameters for it. If so, I am not able to detect
> it with the isapnptools package in Linux, which
> reports no boards found.
> --------------------------------
> Supposedly this has a CS4236B chipset sound system
> (and I have no reason to doubt this, though I'm just
> quoting the specifications from other sources).
> Sound was working fine with pre-installed Windows.
> It still does on #2.  Laptop #1 however, has now got
> Debian "Potato" 2.2 Linux installed. Kernel 2.2.17.
> I download ALSA support for 0.4.1i from the "testing"
> version of Debian.
> >From the Windows INI file on Laptop #2, I see the
> following information:
> [PNP]
> WssIO=534
> WssInt=5
> WssDmaPlay=1
> WssDmaCapture=0
> SbIO=220
> OplIO=388
> OplInt=Disabled
> GameIO=200
> 4232IO=538
> 4232Int=Disabled
> MPU401IO=330
> MPU401Int=9
> CDIO=Disabled
> CDInt=Disabled
> CDDma=Disabled
> A peek at the "Device Manager" in windows, gives:
> Crystal PnP Audio System CODEC/Joystick
>  I/O range 0201-0201
>  I/O range 0534-0537
>  I/O range 0388-038B
>  I/O range 0220-022F
>  IRQ       05
>  DMA       01
>  DMA       00
> Crystal PnP Audio System Control Registers
>  I/O range 0538-053F
> (I'm not too familiar with Windows, so I'm just
> making educated guesses about the meanings of
> these lines in both the INI and the Device Manager).
> It appears that Device Manager is only reporting
> the resources consumed, and not what their
> function is, though the INI is a bit more informative.
> I know the 0x388 port is the old Adlib compatibility
> FM synth port, which was preserved in the Soundblasters.
> I also know 0x220 is a default Soundblaster port.
> Manually configured sound cards usually use IRQ 5
> or 7. Not really familiar with the rest of it.
> I have tried various permutations of these numbers
> in the alsa configuration (/etc/modutils/alsa). Here
> is the present incarnation, plus some notes about
> variations I tried (on Laptop #1):
> # --- BEGIN: Generated by ALSACONF, do not edit. ---
> # --- ALSACONF verion 0.4.2 ---
> alias char-major-116 snd
> alias snd-card-0 snd-card-cs4236
> alias char-major-14 soundcore
> alias sound-slot-0 snd-card-0
> alias sound-service-0-0 snd-mixer-oss
> alias sound-service-0-1 snd-seq-oss
> alias sound-service-0-3 snd-pcm1-oss
> alias sound-service-0-12 snd-pcm1-oss
> options snd snd_major=116 snd_cards_limit=1 snd_device_mode=0660
> snd_device_gid=29 snd_device_uid=0
> options snd-card-cs4236 snd_index=1 snd_id=CARD_1 snd_port=0x538
> snd_cport=0x538 snd_mpu_port=0x330 snd_fm_port=0x388 snd_irq=5
> snd_mpu_irq=9 snd_dma1=0 snd_dma1_size=64 snd_dma2=1 snd_dma2_size=64
> # --- END: Generated by ALSACONF, do not edit. ---
> Most of the relevant parts ar in the "options" part.  I have tried:
> snd_port= 0x538, 0x534, 0x53f, 0x53e 0x53d 0x535,0x220
>  (with 0x534, 0x538 being tested the most)
> snd_irq= 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,15
>  (actually some of these aren't supposed to be legal)
> snd_mpu_irq=9,11,12,15
> With any of these I get the same behavior:
>  Starting ALSA sound driver (version 0.4.1i):isapnp: No Plug & Play
> device found
>  snd: isapnp detection failed and probing for CS4236+ is not supported
>  snd: CS4236+ soundcard #1 not found at 0x534 or device busy
>  snd: CS4236+ soundcard #2 not found or device busy
>   (cs4236)
> I thought that the "0x534" part changed according to what I
> had snd_port set to,  but I tried changing this to 0x220
> while working on this e-mail, and it didn't change.  I DID
> use update-modules and modules.conf shows my selection of
> snd_port.  I don't know what that means, but it suggests that
> my settings aren't being used somehow.
> Okay I investigated this a little just now -- using "modprobe"
> with the snd-card-cs4236 and the above options shows the
> failure at the address I selected, but if I edit the config
> file, run update-modules, and then either reboot or stop and
> start alsa, I get the message referring to 0x534. Hmm.
> I've been struggling with this for four days now, so I'm
> getting pretty frustrated with it!  If you can offer any
> suggestions, I'd really appreciate it!
> --
> Terry Hancock
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