hello my debian friends, can somebody on this list help me and/or us.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kirk Reiser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: question on keyboard menu choice.]

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From: Kirk Reiser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: debian-boot@lists.debian.org
Subject: question on keyboard menu choice.

Dear Sir:  I was hoping you might be able to answer a question or two,
and help me solve a problem I am having building a special boot disk

We have written a set of kernel drivers to provide speech output on
the console.  As part of these patches we build special keymaps to
build into the kernel or load with loadkeys.  We have started making a
set of debian distribution disks with our modified kernel on them.  We
have no problem until we get to the select keyboarde choice in the
installation menu.  If we select u.s. our keyboard review functions
are overwritten.

What we have done is dump a binary keymap file and named it us.bmap to
try to get around the problem.  I assumed that the us.bmap file was
unpacked and loaded once a person selected us keymap at the menu
choice.  Unfortunately, it just appears to clear the keymap and not
actually load the keymap.  At least I don't think so because the
keymaps.tgz file is still intact after that point and there does not
seem to be any sign of the keymaps being unpacked.

If we try to by pass the menu choice, things go fine until we get down
to installing the base system.  We get an unable to find kbdconf, I
believe at the time zone prompt.  The system seems to just go back to
the menu at that point.

If you could clear up exactly what goes on at the keyboard choice,
that would be very useful.  I have looked through as much
documentation as I have found so far, and have not been able to find a
discussion of the actual installation process.  That is not to say one
doesn't exist, I just ain't found it yet.

Anyway, any help you could give me would certainly be appreciated.
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