-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: RIPEMD160 Hello all,
I'm Aigars Mahinovs, a Debian Developer from Latvia. At the moment I am at my last year in the secondary school and I'm doing my Debian work from my home PC, but as of September, when I'll go to a high school this will no longer be possible as I'll only be able to come home once a month at. So I will not be able to help by Debian. The only reasonable solution I can thing of is getting a mobile pc ( a notebook or a laptop ), but unfortunately my family is too poor to afford one. This leaves me only one chance -- a donation. That's why I'm writing this to here. So, I ask You to donate me a notebook for my Debian work. I do not need a new, shining one to do the job, anything that has a Pentium processor, 2 Gb HDD and a good battery and will run Debian will do. Of course the better, the better. I've never used any non-i386 notebooks, but that will do too. Please help me. I am pretty desperate. Email me if You need any details. P.S. Sorry for my non-native English P.P.S I'm not subscribed to debian-user, so please CC me - -- Best regards, Aigars mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.0.4-1 (MingW32) Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org iQIeBAEUAwAGBQI7DUcbAAoJEKGOGKy2xwh7pjkH/1hgJkeWkqjkLaZNw9WZbnMA XbAjXxBtZ5NwMyl1YMqKsdrX4INbQd++hG6scK/ctZH5iLhwPemQuGM8H8rEv7Mi sHbQ9pAFJ1ikZKl3+bi4p26L03g70uM3V3EPyuVvA+fTvJ13whiXw+wUPk9LtX09 0XqIkl5ICQ/bJHyNErRZAqt2nbxCZDfIIToTfWYSKZ6TYpwS6HIhG4nfw+rqM61F YgG9Aoqs4F35t8bUXwmoIBylp6pkbAPaTDUrfTZWM+VkARwSFHyhbHVCYFRhX4bw HaOeAVdzoVOvY61HRn0EQljShwEV1ye5KZEN5633qua9EAYV/idPmCf7k3qeiucH /3Jk+PoUy0G8CB8cYj9bXgS6T4wY3QaFIeojvv7kS3MrlpCcdmkr0YwvdCOI4YGF nm86Mjl2aqu80yqYBIBW7vYz4iCxZX7RJkRiVgMJZbK8ve+Co+00aATRtXdNIjou NKcOzqcwfj4AASiITHZ3ExZtEJaFIvHlvKdhB1VqLyWjqXQxPf/cfYd5z0F1Qvpy iiW70/X2Uaz8//AyrImEDaW18vDFTNymFsyTCmDfZu+AuDnMEWtdMo/wROQcRjCE hFGWfxt5saB6g8GKNgaDvaBP/BGBtqsfyqN1SebEqeDVSg9TKdulhTIj8aX49Jyi 1IK3KS3WC76G2zMOd2hN42o= =rV4I -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----