I can't seem to get the Blackdown JMF package to work.  I am running
woody and have installed the jmf package from Blackdown along with
sdk1.3 (also Blackdown .deb).  Both are the woody distro current

The main java stuff works fine.  I mean I have written java classes
using swing stuff and even my browser works with applets using swing
stuff (java plugin).  But I can't get any JMF applications or applets to

When I go to the sun java site with a diagnostics applet for JMF:

It says that my Browser is OK (which it is, since it is Netscape with the
java plugin installed).  But says that it can't find the JMF classes.

Here is its response:
JMF Diagnostics:

Java 1.1 compliant browser.....Maybe
JMF classes.....Not Found

I checked where the blackdown package puts things and there is the
following jar files in /usr/lib/j2re1.3/lib/ext/

I tried setting the CLASSPATH to point to these jar files and even
extracted the jmf.jar file to confirm that it does in fact contain the
Player.class file which is what the sun jmfdiagnostics applet looks for
firstly (from reading the source code for the applet).

Has anyone got JMF working?
Can someone tell me what they did?


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