Re: SOLVED! Apache mod_perl + mod_cgi in same directory

2001-04-02 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Mon, Apr 02, 2001 at 04:32:34PM -0500, Robert A. Jacobs wrote: > Caveats: This is not the most secure solution in the world. If you do not > personally know your users, as I do, and/or you do not trust them, I suggest > you stick with the Apache recommended approach of creating a cgi-bin and/

SOLVED! Apache mod_perl + mod_cgi in same directory

2001-04-02 Thread Robert A. Jacobs
Thanks Keith for your suggestions. In the end, I settled upon a variation of what you suggested. My goal: to allow my users to create static and dynamic HTML pages in their own home directories using both CGI and PERL as they liked. Basically, I wanted to be able to serve CGI and PERL-CGI out

Re: Apache mod_perl + mod_cgi in same directory

2001-03-30 Thread Keith G. Murphy
"Robert A. Jacobs" wrote: > > Is it possible to enable CGIs (shell scripts, C/C++ apps, etc.) and > CGI perl-scripts to both operate out of the same directory? I know you can do > this if you add ".pl" to the list of extensions approved under the handler > "cgi-script"...what I want to be able to

Apache mod_perl + mod_cgi in same directory

2001-03-29 Thread Robert A. Jacobs
Is it possible to enable CGIs (shell scripts, C/C++ apps, etc.) and CGI perl-scripts to both operate out of the same directory? I know you can do this if you add ".pl" to the list of extensions approved under the handler "cgi-script"...what I want to be able to do is have perl-scripts handled by