> "Chris" == Chris Ruvolo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Chris> Thanks for the info and your suggestion, but it doesn't seem to
Chris> change things. I have noticed under 2.4.8 that in-use swap
Chris> space doesn't grow as rapidly as 2.4.7, but the problem
Chris> persists. Perhaps I should take t
On Mon, Aug 13, 2001 at 10:52:18PM +0200, Guy Geens wrote:
> Kernels before 2.4.7 had a bug in the swap code, leading to the
> behaviour you described. 2.4.7 is better, but apparently it doesn't
> fix things completely.
> Try upgrading to 2.4.8.
Thanks for the info and your suggestion, but it d
Can someone tell me if this is normal behavior? Note how the amount of
physical memory in use doesn't change even though 52 megs of data from swap
must be swapped in. Is the swapped data tossed? If its useless, why hadn't
it been cleared out beforehand? Any information would be helpful. Please
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