
As kind of a network-wide fallback system (and for some diskless computers in 
our network) I'd like to set up EFI PXE boot for a simple Debian system. 
However, I have only been able to find very sparse and possibly outdated 
information on how to actually tell the kernel/initramfs to mount a NFS 
filesystem as filesystem root. I even asked Chatgpt, and it replied with its 
usual hallucinations, unable to provide real links to source of information.

This is what my TFTP root currently looks like:

├── grub
│   └── grub.cfg
├── grubnetx64.efi
├── initrd.img (Generic Debian Testing initrd.img)
└── vmlinuz (Generic Debian Testing vmlinuz)
(1 directory, 4 files)

And my NFS root currently isn't much more than the result of a Debian Stable 

Do you have any tips and ideas on how to get Linux to mount that NFS root as 
the filesystem root?

Thanks in advance

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