On Sb, 14 apr 12, 00:27:06, Eduardo Bearzoti wrote:
> Hi!
> I'd like to thank the kind replies of Bob and Daniel. With regard to 
> their suggestions, they might like to know that:
> - changing 'nvidia' for 'vesa' unfortunately didn't help;
> - I had memtest86+ run for a long time, and no ram errors were 
> reported.
> But Bob's guess that perhaps it is not a driver-related problem may be 
> correct. Today I finally decided to try Nvidia installer, and had the 
> newest driver installed. And - unfortunately - the system continues to 
> freeze. Therefore, the cause must lie somewhere else (if it is not a 
> bug).
> I'll keep trying, but my ideas are running out. I would greatly 
> appreciate fresh suggestions from the community.

So I changed the subject accordingly ;)

Kind regards,
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