Core dumps are instantly removed

2019-12-18 Thread Dmitry Katsubo
Dear Debian users, Hopefully you can easily help me with my confusion. I would like to collect / keep core dumps in the system. For that I use systemd-coredump package which is configured as following: === cut /etc/systemd/coredump.conf === [Coredump] Storage=external MaxUse=5G === cut ===

Core dumps are instantly removed

2019-12-17 Thread Dmitry Katsubo
Dear Debian users, Hopefully you can easily help me with my confusion. I would like to collect / keep core dumps in the system. For that I use systemd-coredump package which is configured as following: === cut /etc/systemd/coredump.conf === [Coredump] Storage=external MaxUse=5G === cut ===