Ok, I'm back on-line.

I completely obliterated my debian installation through not reading the 
documentation, but that's my problem. I am now working on 1.2 and would like to 
thank everyone involved. It looks brilliant. I might even try and get X to 

A couple of little things

1) /dev/MAKEDEV no longer supports the option loop. I remembered something about
major 7 when I ran this on 1.1 and it seems to be working.

2) the install disks say Welcome to Debian 1.1

3) When I tried to configure modules from the install disks, it failed saying 
the kernel was the wrong version (see point 2)

Apart from this it was quite painless, once I got over the fact that I had 
completely obliterated my existing installation. The good thing about this is 
that I only took about 2 days to get everything up and running, from scratch. 
Somebody has put a lot of good work into the packaging system. Once again 

Simon Martin

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