-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- At 03:09 AM 10/15/96 GMT, George Bonser wrote:
>I installed the Debian UUCP package and can not seem to find where it >put the configuration files. The binaries seem to be in place but if I >look in /usr/local or /usr I find no conf/ directory and it I look in >/etc/uucp all I find is a crontab.daily and another file but I can not >seem to find the configs anywhere. > If you give 'dpkg -L uucp', you will receive a list with all files contained in the uucp package. This shows the /usr/doc/examples/uucp/taylor tree. Just edit and copy the files you need to /etc/uucp and you should be all set. Good luck, -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.7.1 Comment: Erik van der Meulen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> iQCVAwUBMmPAGASsHV9rOgLdAQGyRQP/bpu2xipZIDRwQ0+i+WFYAu5PquDCwGYG 6jzlFX8TGB/GZNy/cR+fVrGWMITAF8SaypXCxOpaJ5AG08jqFWFdSxjIcPXHVAEc iz8TZHklJt84IL7oyByYsGlt/vUtNCi3/WWu2IHu0cr4UbZNFaBLyyZ9wzzzBoPu jshmUuYbqYg= =7+CN -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- Erik van der Meulen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --- PGP Fingerprint = 6C 2A A6 83 4A 57 B7 95 B7 79 A6 D7 F7 16 04 5C PGP KeyID = 0x6B3A02DD -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]