On Sat, Mar 01, 2003 at 11:11:45PM +0000, rehm wrote:
> I'm having problems updating my software list for dselect.
> Under the debian documentation, if I got anything wrong, to update my
> dselect list by using iso cd's i made of Woody r3, I would go
>  -> apt-cdrom add   ..which is succesful for all 7 that i got.
>               the etc/apt/sources.lst gets updated...
> -> apt-get update   ..which completes successfully...
> but when I run dselect and select 'Update'...the software lists
> doesn't update. 
> What am i doing wrong?

Have you told dselect to use the 'apt' method?  All the others are
effectively unsupported.

> also i'm wondering if there's anything wrong with my cd's... am I
> supposed to have the source for kernel 2.4.18bf2.4?


> ...there is one for 2.4.18; i'm trying to build my eepro module (nic)
> that worked for kernel 2.2.xx and I can't find the source for **bf2.4
> for my running *bf2.4 kernel ( i386 )

bf2.4 is (currently) just a particular kernel built from the 2.4.18
kernel source.  You want kernel-source-2.4.18.

> ..also the supplied eepro.o /eepro100.o in the distro doesn't seem to
> work

It doesn't?  Worked for me.  What error does it give you?  Are you sure
they're actually included in Debian?  I thought eepro.o (or maybe the
other one, whichever one Intel made themselves) was non-Free until

> ...problem might be the module source from intel

So it didn't come from Debian?

> ...but i believe i can only get a work around with the source for my
> current running kernel (which is 2.4.bf2.4)

No.  A blank source tree is useless for building modules, you need the
appropriate kernel-headers-<version>-<cpu>.  The bf2.4 version of this
deliberately doesn't exist, because bf2.4 is the install kernel...The
install guide explicitly mentions this and tells you to install a proper
kernel once the install is complete.

> ....should i I compile and switch to 2.4.18?

No.  Install the kernel-image-2.4.18-386 and kernel-headers-2.4.18-386
packages, and reboot into it.  Then you'll have a full set of kernel
modules, and you'll also have the stuff you need to build whatever other
non-free modules you want.  Oh, and 'build-essential' if you want to
start building stuff.

> ...i'm not much of a compile builder myself and don't have time to
> play with it...i've been spending time getting wet with debian
> basics..

Then don't.  Read:
* The Debian Installation Manual (linked to from http://www.debian.org/)
* Osamu's Debian Quick Reference (http://qref.sf.net/)
* Will's NewbieDoc (http://newbiedoc.sf.net/)

And you'll learn all the basic stuff you need :)
> *! fyi and any good linux helper out there-> i'm using the i386 Woody
> release and the kernel boots up flawless with all my needed modules
> except for the module I yet haven't build... 

Hmmm?  The modules you don't have don't load?  Is that much of a
surprise? :)

Rob Weir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                            http://ertius.org/

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