Him I am trying to get diald working. I have managed to get a
working script to call and link ppp up to my ISP. Unfortunately I did
this by pretty much copying the cookbok approach in the ISP hookup
HowTo. I hav alaso got diald configure to the point that when I route
traffic to the IPS it will call a dialer script.

        Unfortunately the one that I have working form th command line
won't work. I realive that I have to take some things out of it, since
it manuallly specefies some things that diald takes care of for me.
But since I don't understand the script I have, I don't know wherre
to start hacking.

        Could some kind souls please send me an example dialing script
that could be called from diald ?

        Thanks very much.

Stan Brown     [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                    404-996-6955
Factory Automation Systems
Atlanta Ga.
Look, look, see Windows 95.  Buy, lemmings, buy!   
Pay no attention to that cliff ahead...            Henry Spencer
(c) 1996 Stan Brown.  Redistribution via the Microsoft Network is prohibited.

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