Are you referring to the special (type x'12') Compaq diagnostic partition on
the hard drive?

When I moved to a larger drive on my Compaq Deskpro2000, I had to
define/load the partition using several boot diskettes downloaded from (your model may require different versions):

    SP8126 Computer Setup/VP & Diagnostics  (3 diskettes)
    SP9716 PC DIagnostics
    SP8434 ROMPaq Upgrade

The Compaq diagnostic partition appears to be Win3.1 under the covers, and I
intend to try setting it up for LILO to boot the kernel (i.e. change type-12
to DOS, copy kernel, run LILO, change DOS back to type-12, verify that
everything still works).

I wanted the Win95 partition to be FAT32, but I never could find out how to
do it (the MS fdisk wantd the entire drive to be FAT32, screwing it  up for
Linux).  I'm told PartitionMagic can mix/match FAT32 with Linux & swap (&
Compaq x'12') partitions.
From: Anthony Landreneau
Subject: Installing Compaq Qoftpaq After Linux
Date: Monday, April 19, 1999 10:56AM

        Got a Compaq computer loaded with Linux.  However I needed to do
some PCI
IRQ stuff and found out that the softpaq was gone.  Downloaded the lastest
greatest softpaq from Compaq and have attempted to install but get an error
each and every time the program tries to write to the hard drive.  Has
anyone had any luck with this?

Anthony Landreneau
Network Administrator
Infinity Data Systems
New Orleans Louisiana

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