> currently experiencing a heavy performance regression in 2.6.26. Until
> 2.6.26, my external firewire disk (Maxtor OneTouch 4 Plus / 1TB) was
> reading with 38MB/s and writing with 26MB/s. When I do writing tests wi=
> dd from /dev/zero to disk, I get 26MBs but when I read with KDE, hdparm=
> dd or cp I'm stuck at 24MB/s. This speed is very stable, only varies
> 0.5MB/s among successive tests.
> I also upgraded my BIOS to latest version after the upgrade but I think=

> this is not the cause of the regression because I also have a SoundBlas=
> audigy2ZS and it has a firewire port too and using the port on it rathe=
> than the motherboard's one also doesn't changes the speed in a reasonab=
> manner.
> Is anybody other than me having the same problem or have some ideas?
> Thanks in advance,
> Hakan
> My basic system configuration is as follows:
> CPU: Intel Core2Quad Q6600
> RAM: 4GB OCz Flex XLC CL3 High performance DDR2
> M/B: MSI P35 Platinum / BIOS 1.9

Hi all,

I've filed a bug report about the performance regression and a message ex=
the current situation arrived shortly.

According to message and the linked wikipedia page, the new firewire stac=
k that
enabled high performance (via gap count optimization) is not currently
supporting all features of the old stack hence, lenny will be shipped wit=
h the
old stack.

Since lenny is nearing freeze and will be released, packagers started to =
the old stack, not the new to support more hardware and operations over f=

Bug report and the reply can be seen at:



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