Hi - OK, I give up. I've spent over a day trying to get my 
root partition to mount. 

The stupid move - I tried to upgrade to 1.2 selecting multiple 
items in deselect. Yes, stupid, do it incrementally.

The result - lilo loads the kernel, kernel does initial checks, 
checks partitions, the console displays "VFS: mounted root 
(ext2 filesystem) readonly", then nothing. Init never starts.

I can boot with my rescue floppy set, and mount hda3 (my root) 
on a mount directory (/mnt). Yes, I can e2fsck it, and it passes. 
A cmp of /sbin/init /mnt/sbin/init shows no differences. Used 
rdev to check those kernel parameters (after I tried command line 
params to lilo).

Tried single boot. No cigar. Hid fstab and mtab, no help. Of 
course this is my main machine, the one with man and source.

So, I'm stuck. I've another machine with some 1.1 on it, which 
could help. (I've never figured how to make boot floppies that 
mount root on a RAM disk, so I only have one root floppy to work 
with. ;-( 

Any and all suggestions and opinions will be welcomed!
Best Regards for the New Year!  JohnT
        Life is non-orthogonal and big endian.

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