I wonder if anyone can help. I`ve been trying for days now to set up INN to 
read news. So far I`ve been able to collect some messages from my isps` server 
(news.dial.pipex.com) with nntpget which seems to have been put in 
/var/spool/news/articles/cam/misc (the newsgroup is cam.misc). I assume this is 
correct but I`ve no idea how to point gnus in the right direction to read this 
file let alone post messages.
I seem to have the wrong idea about the "select-method", I`ve tried several 
different combinations of nnspool/nntp and localhost/"var/spool/news" etc. but 
nothing seems to work. "Directory not found" seems to be the common message. I 
can read my active file which contains all the cam newsgroups.
If it helps here is my home-made .gnus file:

(setq nnspool-active-file "/var/lib/news/active")
(setq gnus-select-method '(nnspool "localhost"))
(setq nnspool-spool-directory  "/var/spool/news/")

Any pointers in the right direction would be greatly appreciated, the 
documentation on these programs is great on detail but the poorest I`ve seen 
yet for a clear overview.

Paul Walton                 * Powered by *             
Cambridge                * Debian GNU Linux *           
U.K.                   * http://www.debian.org *
  * PGP Public Key: http://pgp5.ai.mit.edu/ *

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