On Mon, May 20, 2002 at 18:52, Steffen Evers wrote:
> I am trying to get a Lexmark Z32 printer working.
> Has anyone succeed on this printer and how?
> I have spent a day on this and it still does not work ...

Found this stuff:
but too late for me. However, I suggest YOU try it first.

I was able to get this stupid binary only driver from lexmark

It contains a Readme and an rpm.
The packager must have been smoking pot while working, as the package is
stupidly broken.

1. Missing executable permissons for several files
2. File /usr/local/lexmark/z32/z32.sh is in really bad shape:
   a) in DOS format so the shell cannot handle it -> convert to unix format
   b) gs commands should not be interactive -> batch mode: '-dBATCH'
   c) enscript used but no dependency set in rpm package
   d) 'lxaegsparm' command does not exist; maybe the comment above it is
      right and the command is spelled 'lxgps' instead!
3. The /etc/printcap file was not modified in the correct way.

I tried to install the rpm with alien, but a command could not be
executed because of missing executable permissions.

So easiest way to do the entire stuff is:

1. Get the tar ball from here:

2. Untar it with: 'tar xfz lexmarkz32-1.0-4.eng_uk.tgz'

3. Extract the contents with:
     mkdir lextmp
     cd lextmp
     rpm2cpio ../lexmarkz32-1.0-4.i386.rpm | cpio -iumd
     cd ..

3a. Become root if you are not already.
   su -

4. Put the files in the correct place:
     cp -a lextmp/usr/local/lexmark /usr/local/lexmark
     cp -a lextmp/usr/local/lib/ /usr/local/lib/lexmark
     cp -a lextmp/usr/local/bin/* /usr/local/bin/
     cp -a lextmp/var/spool/lexmark /var/spool/lexmark

4a. Make sure '/usr/local/lib' is in your '/etc/ld.so.conf'.
    If not, put it in and run 'ldconfig'
5. Add the following to your printcap
#### Lexmark Z32 entries START ####


#### Lexmark Z32 entries END ####$

6. If you do NOT want that printer as the default printer remove the
   lp| from the first line, so it is only:

6a. Create the spooler directories:
   mkdir /var/spool/lpd/z32-outfiles
   mkdir /var/spool/lpd/lexmarkz32
   chown lp.lp /var/spool/lpd/z32-outfiles /var/spool/lpd/lexmarkz32
   chmod ug+rwx /var/spool/lpd/z32-outfiles /var/spool/lpd/lexmarkz32

7. Replace /usr/local/lexmark/z32/z32.sh script with my corrected version

8. Set executable permissions for all files in /usr/local/lexmark/z32:
      chmod a+x /usr/local/lexmark/z32/*
   This might introduce  security risks! So, maybe someone is in the
   mood to figure out which permissions are really needed for the
   different users. I am not.

9. run 'lexmarkz32 -i' if you like and set different parameters by using
'lxsetconf'. However, this step should not be necessary.

10. Now at least my printer works!

I hope I have not forgotten anything. If someone finds a better way to
get this printer working under Linux: PLEASE, let me know.

Bye, Steffen


Attachment: z32.sh
Description: Bourne shell script

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