
My email access is via a unix machine at my university.  I run Debian on a
machine at home and connect to uni via ppp over a modem.  If I want to
send email from home, I rlogin to the uni machine and then use a mailer
running on the uni machine.

It would be nice if I could email the outside world using a mailer on my
Debian machine, and for this to be done somewhat transparently so that it
was as if I had a single email address, namely my uni address.  What I
have in mind is that email sent to my uni address (stored I think in a
mailbox) could be downloaded to my debian machine, and email written on my
home computer could be uploaded to uni and then sent.  The software would
keep track of saved email on both machines to keep them syncronized.  If
something changes either end, then the changes are automatically uploaded
or downloaded.

I know this kind of software exists in the microsoft world, but does it
exist in the linux world, and if so, what is it called?

Any info would be appreciated.



____\__/_____\__/--\__/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/
____\__/HE___\__/------APTAIN/   ________________________________
____\__/_____\__/--\__/______/  /__"To be is to do."__I. Kant___/
____\__/______\______/_______/  /__"To do is to be."__A. Sartre_/
                                /__"I am."____________God_______/
                                /__Jesus did.___________________/

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