on Tue, Dec 25, 2001 at 11:53:42AM +0000, Phillip Deackes ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
> On 24 Dec 2001 17:44:44 -0500
> > Erik Steffl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > No, but when a business chooses degenerate mail and forces everyone to
> > use it, I'd be pretty suspicious of high-level idiocy within the
> > business.
> It is about *choice* not just your choice but that of others working in
> the company too. Imagine if each employee had a different opinion - there
> are a plethora of different OSs and MUAs out there - and if each employee
> was this dogmatic. 

Well...listen to yourself.

We're all shooting mail back and forth to each other, clients I've seen
include mutt, Evolution, MS Outlook, Mozilla, Eudoroa Pro, mh, and
others.  The client matters far less than the interchange format and
transmission standards.  Similarly, if you're dealing with text, HTML,
or SGML, your editor doesn't matter to the reader.

With a solid, implemented, calendaring standard, it really wouldn't
matter what clients users used.

Microsoft strives to take away this choice.  The classic text on the
topic is Varian & Shapiro, _Information Rules_
(http://www.inforules.com/).  The concept is called lock-in.  The issues
aren't dissimilar to those I've discussed regarding TexInfo.

> I am ICT Coordinator in a school, so I am in a position where I could
> move from Windows NT4/Windows 98 to a Linux solution, but I must
> consider the opinions, however misguided, of other users in the
> school. Democracy is like that. The majority opinion is in a great
> many cases not the best opinion.

The problem is the all-or-nothing nature of the change.

By moving MS Exchange out from under your communications system, you'd
liberate yourself of MSFT lock-in.  Users familiar with MS Outlook could
continue using it, or replace it with any of a wide range of legacy MS
Windows or GNU/Linux / Unix clients.


Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>        http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
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