I'm having absolutely no luck building a working multicast routing  
capable kernel with the eepro100.c driver.  The driver works beautifully in  
a 'normal' kernel (in both cases, I'm actually dynamically loading the  
eepro100 module at boot).
        The machine boots fine;  no error messages when the eepro100 module  
loads, but-- once up-- the machine passes NO traffic across the network  
interface [with or without the 'standard' multicast route active within the  
routing table].
        Looking through the various system logs and through /proc, I have  
found nothing to indicate why the traffic is not passing through the  
interface.  The loopback address works fine.
        Looking at the back of the machine, none of the lights on the  
pro/100 card are lit-- normally, it appears that at least one should be lit  
to indicate a viable connection to the hub?
        I am working with version 2.0.23 of the linux kernel under a  
debian-based system.  It is a Dell Dimension XPS 200.  No SCSI controller.
        Eventually the machine produces the following error on console:
eth0: Transmit timed out: status 0050 command 0020.
eth0: Tx timout fill  index 22  scavenge index 0
        Tx queue  000c0000 000c0000 000c0000 000c0000 000c0000 400c0000 0000a000
        Rx ring  00000001 ... repeats ...

        This message shows up about once every minute after the first one;   
which often takes about 10-15 minutes to show.
        I would be happy to pursue debugging further, but don't know where  
to start.  Any pointers would be appreciated.

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