I am using a P3 desktop as the NFS server, which is labeled BDS, and a P2 laptop as the NFS client, which is labeled LAP. Both computers have Etch installed with the latest upgrades.

        On the server (BDS), the command "exportfs -v" returns the following:

/home/ken LAP(rw,async,wdelay,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check,anonuid=65534,anongid=65534)

        (all on one line, with a tab between the "ken" and the "LAP")

On the client (LAP), I mounted the file system returned by the "exportfs -v" command on the server as quoted above. After mounting, the command "mount -t nfs" on the client (LAP) returns the following:

BDS:/home/ken on /home/ken/BDS type nfs (rw,addr=

Then when I change the directory on the client to "/home/ken/BDS" and then run "ls -la" still as root nothing happens. I finally stopped the process by Ctrl-C, which then returned the following:

ls: reading directory.: Input/output error

        After this message the prompt returned.

        I then ran the following tests:

1. Can each computer ping the other using the labels BDS and LAP?  Yes.

2. Do the relevant user and default group have the same id and alias for both computers? Yes.

3. Are the directory permissions the same for both directories (BDS and LAP)? Yes.

A month ago I was able successfully to establish this NFS connection to transfer files I wanted on the laptop from the desktop for use while I was travelling. Now that I am home I cannot re-establish the connection to transfer files created while travelling back to the desktop.

Does anyone have any idea why I should get this input/output error message now but not before?

                                Ken Heard

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