I have just installed a Mustek 1200ED scanner on my system. I am running
a stable slink production system. I have installed sane from Debian and
seem to have the scanimage and xscanimage saned etc working. I read all
the docs and have not been able to get it going. This scanner is
attached via a PCI dual parallel port card from SIIG. It uses to be a
standard parallel port connecter and works under Windows98. The docs are
extremely vague regarding this type of scanner and it is a new model not
listed on any of the sane websites. BTW; I contacted Mustek about Linux
support and was told absolutely not now or ever! I bought it because it
was cheap, my next one will be supported or I won't buy it. I can
provide the exact hardware specs if you need them for advice. I think
all the existing drivers for Mustek are scsi based. The real problem is
that I can,t find any docs on how this is supposed to all work. I read
all of the sane and scanner howtos, man pages, etc. I looked for a
/dev/scanner file and there is not one created when sane is installed. I
really NEED to get this to work or I will be forced to alternate back
and forth with Windows until the Debian gurus can help. Thanks!
John Foster
AdVance-Computing Systems
ICQ# 19460173

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